Wednesday 8 March 2017


Kim Jong Nam's Assassination:
A Few Further Observations

The Malaysian authorities, as earlier discussed, have, as I feared, charged two totally innocent women with this assassination.

Malaysia does not want to appear to have 'lost face' with no arrests (nor even clues!) as to how this political murder was committed.
You need to understand that this is Malaysia folks.
It would be too embarrassing to admit that there is nobody to convict - so the very fact that these poor women were 'duped' into a crime will be ignored.

On another issue, the greatest challenge, as any person in 'the business' will tell you, is 'weaponizing' synthetic toxins for mass destruction.
The challenge is no less great if the 'target' is at such close quarters - without themselves being 'infected'.
[On these grounds alone the arrested women should be immediately released.   Most individuals would likely 'make a mistake' if ordered to apply such a 'weapon of mass destruction' at such close quarters - unless very specially trained.
What better way to 'train' two innocent individuals than to give them 'tasks' outside shopping malls and the like in preparation for the real event.
On this second ground, again, unless Malaysia can show they were either specially trained in biowarfare or visited together or separately somewhere to be given a 'crash course' in how to apply a synthetic toxin without themselves being grossly contaminated, then again the Malaysian authorities should immediately free the pair.]
On yet another issue, to port such toxins will leave a 'trail' (in much the same way as radioactive poisoning using tea/coffee as the 'vector' vehicle will leave a 'trace' over a very wide perimeter) so by simply examining these individuals possessions - independent of each other - and assessing their relevance to the womens' claims they were duped, should (I would imagine) easily confirm or deny their story.    The 'trail' should stretch back long before they arrived in Kuala Lumpur and can be easily 'carbon dated'.
Again, the Malaysian authorities simply require somebody to be 'guilty' of this 'crime'.

In my opinion, a travesty of justice is about to unfold - simply because the Malaysian authorities have no precedent for handling an assassination of this kind.

The ease of production of synthetic toxins (anywhere in the world) is not at all difficult but, as earlier mentioned, their 'safe' transportation (without self-contamination) and the ability to, for example, 'aerosol' them for mass carnage, are usually far beyond the means of the technologies of but a few handful of countries in the world today.  (Even the smallest inhalation or minuscule skin contact through touch, is fatal.)

As I said in an earlier blog, the authorities, if they really and genuinely want to get to the bottom of this complex assassination, need to involve outside countries who have a measure of expertise not currently available in Malaysia.
[For greater 'clarity' 'about' and 'around' what may have been be happening, please refer to my blog about viruses and synthetic toxins - where last year I 'sort of' outlined a similar 'hypothetical' scenario - and the timescales required to exit the scene of the carnage.]

[On another note, even if Kim Jong Nam got medical treatment in time, survived, after months (if not longer) of treatment for cell, tissue, nerve and organ damage, who would ever believe such a 'confabulated' 'story' of attempted murder - especially from a 'delusional' North Korean - who also happens to be the half brother of 'The Dear Leader' !]

©Patrick Emek, March 2017
