Saturday 4 March 2017

The Darkest Castle On Earth

[The Man In The High Castle]

A Darker Shade of Dark

Like a castle in Transylvania on a dark and stormy day, the White House has been plunged into a darker than dark darkness, the likes of which has never been seen before in America nor across the globe.

Coffins now fill it's basements. Media vampires stalk it's corridors. The obsession with fake news has Trump's cabinet members drunk with the blood of it's delirium.

Urinating On the Flag

We don't know for sure if President Trump has yet again paid prostitutes to urinate on beds slept in by the former President and First Lady [see the 35-page secret intelligence report about what Donald Trump did when last in Moscow – much to the applause of the Kremlin and a majority of the Russian people – and which was released in late December 2016 – and which you can read in full in my early January blog] but the White House Presidential Suite stinks to high heaven.

Bed wetting, blood sucking vampires from Moscow, conspiracies between Putin and Trump to dismember the European Union , all abound in today's White House; ''I could kill someone on Main Street and because I'm 'The Donald' nobody would care'' being voiced – this time in the direction in of mainstream media – [yes folks, Trump actually said the equivalent of what I have just quoted – so if that ''someone'' happens to be your son or daughter, brother or sister, Mom or Dad, husband, wife or grandparents, you'd better sit up and pay very careful attention before you too become the next 'victim'. ]

The Russian Conspiracy To Destroy American and World Democracies


As more and more news filters out about the huge extent of Russia's involvement in the U.S. Presidential election of 2016 and how Trump campaign supporters actively conspired with Russian spies operating from it's embassy in Washington to kill American and world democracies, how long will it take for Senators and Congressmen and women to have the courage to face the ugly truth?

How long will it take for democracy to again triumph with an independent Committee to investigate the overwhelmingly massive urination and cow-dung pile of Russia's complicity – unceremoniously dumped on the front lawn of the White House – for all Americans and the world to see and if not publicly condemn and for world leaders and those of influence to privately sigh at the demise of U.S. democracy and the rise of tyranny and dictatorship across America, from the Department of Justice (to which the FBI reports) to every branch of Federal government.

[What else can you expect, I suppose, where *Eastern Europeans and their influences and perceptions of the world are now pre-eminent policies in a very very dark White House?]

*I never understood 'Uncle Joe' (Joseph Stalin) until I understood Georgia and Georgians.
Once you appreciate the environment, culture and background, the rest is all to easy to
empathize (if not agree!) with.

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Is this really what the American public thought they were voting into Office?: Moscow.
I think not. The whole world knows that if the American public knew about the conspiracy to steal not just their democracy but their free press, their way of life, freedom of speech and place Europe under the tutelage of Moscow, they would never have voted Donald Trump into any office – let alone that of President of The United States.

Treason Is Also a Very Sad Crime
(et Tu, Marcus Brutus?}

What this terrible crime against the American public has shown is that most Congressmen and women, most Senators, most of mainstream media, are cowards.

What it has also shown is that there is some hope of redemption for mainstream media -as an embattled minority valiantly fights back to preserve free speech and obtain justice for the whole of America's disenfranchised 2016 electorate because, let's now be honest, it was Moscow which 'voted' and installed Donald Trump into Office, not the American public.

©Patrick Emek, March 2017