Wednesday 1 March 2017


On The Road To Resignation?
Part III


A vigorous attempt is being made by the Trump Administration to 'bury' this information - desperate as it is to ensure it never saw the light of day.

It is to the shame of many Republicans that they have been too cowardly to back Senator Lindsey Graham who has doggedly stuck to the view that the truth about Russian involvement in the U.S. Presidential election of 2016 - likely to go down in the annals of electoral infamy - is exposed, come what may, in order to both protect America, protect the democratic process and send a warning to Russia and anybody else who dares to contemplate they too can ever do something similar in the future.

Finally it is you, the reader, who must decide the validity of the information presented.
'Deep Throat'
I was the first on the Net mid last year to reveal the 'deal' between the DoJ and 'Guccifer'.    I could not have imagined at that time the critical role which he played in exposing Russia and U.S. citizens (of high office) who were intimately involved in corrupting the American Presidential Election of 2016.

[The most 'wanted' man in the U.S. today - since Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby - is 'Guccifer' - and when you read the details provided here you will appreciate why.
He remains at this time in Federal 'protective' custody - somewhere safe – but his life is in real danger because of what he is likely to say, with evidence, to a Federal Grand Jury.   (PE)]

Senior official Republican appointees by President Donald Trump may even attempt to use the Federal government system to 'stop' 'Guccifer', one way or another, from ever testifying before a Grand Jury.

[Indeed Trump himself, for all we know, may already have been briefed on what is to come out – which would explain his 'attitude' to the general mainstream media – to 'demonize' it before this information 'hits' the Main Street.]

My Motives

Yes it is no secret.     I do not like Donald Trump.    But it was not always like this.

If you follow my blogs I actually started out as a Trump supporter – and in my private life I actually defended him long before his nomination when others called him a 'racist' and a 'bigot'.
There was however, something 'un-American' about how Mr Trump 'debated' in the Presidential Election.    It was not just that he railed his opponents, but he set a new and very ugly trend for 'democratic' political debate – which if continued will lead to a very very bad place for democracy in America and worldwide.
It went against the very bones of my school childhood learning on the subject of 'Civics'.

There was something just 'not right' about how American democracy was 'stolen' by a foreign power – Russia, with the help of 'conspirators' from 'within'.

There was something unethical about how the U.S. and global mainstream media kept silent about all this during inauguration.

There was something which stank to high heaven about how Mr Trump could be handed the bible, swear allegiance to the constitution, and be allowed to take Office.

There was something just 'not right' about how Hillary Clinton was villified and denied Office because the U.S. Presidential election of 2016 was 'stolen' by a rival superpower – which wishes no good for the American people - despite the evocations of 'love' for 'mainstream' America by the most effective propaganda machine in the world – 'Russia Today'.

There were just things which were unspoken and left in the darkness, crying out for somebody to shed light into what was becoming a very very dark White House, following the departure of President Obama, whom I referred to earlier as 'the last democratically elected President Of The United States.'

So here you have it.

Judge for yourselves.

Again could I ask that you ignore the mainstream media which will always attempt to 'whitewash' what is unpalatable for their 'sponsors', political cadres and owners – and leave you in the dark when it comes to 'the truth'.

©Patrick Emek, March 2, 2017