Tuesday 11 April 2017

All Information below is Courtesy of 'Anonymous
 Red Cult' and Does Not Represent This Blogsite's Views.  
Anonymous RedCult is unknown and anonymous to 
this Blogsite and it takes no responsibility for their actions.

2017  (April)

Today:  Operation Syria:

Download link: goo.gl/3V21m9


As ISIS Releases a 'KILL LIST' of the Top 8000 individuals
 and organizations it would like to see 'terminated' worldwide,
 an unknown U.S. Website ('Anonymous Red Cult')
 has released the names and twitter accounts of nearly
 15000 ISIS supporters world wide (see the anonymous
 paste bin references below.) 

ISIS Releases Kill List of US Military Personnel, Complete With Names 
and Addresses

''We Will Find You......We Will Kill You and Your Families''
.....No Matter how Long It Takes''.'.......''No Place Is Now 
Safe For You Nor Your Children nor your Loved Ones
 from This Time Onwards.''
''From now on, look behind you...everywhere 
you and your children go.....and when they are out 
alone.......We WILL be waiting.........''

“[W]e have decided to leak 100 addresses so that our brothers residing in
 America can deal with you,” the group stated. They continued, “Kill them in their own
 lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets
 thinking that they are safe.”
Truth And Action

The FBI warned military personnel at the end of last year to get rid of their
 social media accounts to avoid being tracked by the Islamic State.
I hate to say this, but I do not trust our government to actually
notify all one hundred people and their families that are on this list.

If you recognize any of these names, addresses, or faces it is your duty to

alert them that they are on the ISIS “kill list”. If you know anyone in the military,

please share this with them and have them share it. These 100 men and women

deserve to know that they are in danger. Also, Anonymous released a list of 14,150

 ISIS twitter accounts online, at: http://pastebin.com/rADcSLyq 

and another 455 twitter accounts online, at: http://pastebin.com/WRv1pcGq 

  Share these lists with everyone you know and report them to Twitter/Jack Dorsey CEO as

being offensive. If enough people complain, they will have to remove them. In fact,

I found the ISIS “kill list” on Twitter.

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