Wednesday 12 April 2017

Why President Xi Will Be Removed In A Military Coup
If He Fails to Stand Firmly With North Korea

Restaurant Scene From the Godfather: The Last Supper
President Xi has shown himself to be very vulnerable when dealing with an unpredictable individual like Donald Trump.
Trump is lauding and laughing at how he 'pulled a fast one' on Xi – inviting him to his weekend retreat while sending his 'message' to North Korea – ordering a strike force to set sail just as the Chinese President and delegation were arriving in the United States.

Failure Is Not An Option
Apart from failed executive orders, preemptive military strikes and failed missions into The Yemen and Syria, President Trump appears to spend all his working day on Twitter as opposed to the business of running the country.

It might really help if he delegated the business of 'Tweets' to
junior White House Staff to put some distance between fiction, intent and reality.

If President Xi does 'surrender' North Korea to Trump's 'blackmail' then his future as President will be in considerable doubt.
Already, as I understand it, there are misgivings within the Chinese leadership about the rationale and wisdom in banning imports of North Korean coal – in the light of these new developments both in Syria and the arriving task force with strike capability off the shores of North Korea.
[I also understand that this ban, imposed only a week ago, may soon be lifted in the light of the present crisis and America's posturing – but I only have a single source for this information.]

Running Scared – Or Running Wild – Or Just Mad As Hell
As I said in a previous article, to push North Korea into a rapid development of it's missile engine capability from local to intercontinental is the wrong message to send to North Korea.

As I have also said previously to show the U.S. fleet and simply return home – with nothing accomplished – is not an option either. This too will have political consequences adverse to President Trump's credibility and will re-enforce the belief that he was 'the wrong man' for the job from those very same Americans who wanted an end to military adventures abroad and a focus on 'America First'.

Neither is posturing for war a viable situation.

End Game
So Trump will have to decide to attack North Korea and risk the total nuclear annihilation of Seoul, the capital of the South,
or just back down. One thing I am most certain about: North Korea will not give in to 'imperialist blackmail', at whatever cost or price in human lives.

The Engine Of World Economies
[Too Big To Fail]
What we must be concerned about is what will happen, politically, in China should President Trump make the wrong decision.

As I have also reminded, North Korea has been preparing for a war with the likes of a President Trump in Office in the United States for over 50 years – so everything is in place for war – and hang the consequences.

South Korea will be the first target for nuclear annihilation.

Deja Vu?
America will be the only nation on the planet to have used nuclear weapons 3 times – and each time in South East Asia.
The fact that the President attacks nuclear and air defense systems with conventional missiles and the North Koreans respond with nuclear missiles is not the point.
Once the United States attacks North Korea the country is fighting for its life – and it will fight with everything it has.

Bad move Mr President. A bad move.
Stick to dabbling in Syria. It is not a winnable war - but at least you cannot endanger peace on the entire planet in this military, political and religious quagmire of a mess.

I have never visited North Korea but I have spoken with individuals who have some limited knowledge of this country and I hold absolutely no hope that North Korea will be compliant and servile in any way at any time to a belligerent President Trump.

The Ghosts of Vietnam, Cambodia, The Korean War, Hiroshima and Nagasaki
I believe he has misjudged this situation very badly and he will depart from the shores of Korea with nothing accomplished because what he wants to accomplish, is simply unimaginable
in both outcome and horror. - and he should have been advised about this a long time ago.

But if he wants a real fight with a nuclear power armed to the teeth, political opprobrium from China and most of the horrified sane world, he has picked the very country willing, able and mad enough to write his political epitaph - in blood for blood.

©Patrick Emek. April 2017