Friday 7 April 2017

The Road 
North Korea

(A Personal Opinion)

First Syria

We await results of the investigation into how chemical weapons killed and injured Syrian civilians in Idlib.
I have already expressed my suspicions contrary to the mainstream viewpoint.
But there is another much more deadly and immediate issue:
What message does this send to North Korea?
I have covered North Korea in detail in past blogs.
Just to summarize: North Korea is a highly unpredictable country.
There is now no country like North Korea on this planet.
President Donald Trump has just sent a signal to the North Korean leadership that he is a President who will take military preemptive action.
If President Trump will, as he has signaled, take preemptive action, he better be 100% sure that he takes out the entire North Korean nuclear capability in one go. If even one silo is left intact that could be the end of one city in the United States – and pray it is not your city.
Furthermore, North Korea, far from being cowed, may likely speed up it's intercontinental ballistic rocket program with the foreknowledge that President Trump is likely to launch a preemptive nuclear or conventional strike against its entire nuclear missile and defense systems.

Is There Any Intelligent Life On Planet Earth?
How can anyone be so stupid not to 'see' this.
And then there is China.
It will not standby in the aftermath of a blanket strike and (presumed) 100% success in taking out the entire North Korean missile and defense systems, see the South take political and military control of the North, and have NATO and coalition forces right up on it's Southern borders.
Believe me, China will not stand by and let this happen.
China will invade (by invitation) North Korea to defend it's ally against 'imperialist aggression' and what America will be left with will be U.S.- South Korean forces facing Chinese forces along the DMZ (otherwise known as the 38th parallel) while China positions it's very own nuclear and air defense systems inside North Korea to defend the integrity of that (presumably) shattered military and defense systems which President Trump will have just (successfully, 100%, it is hoped) neutralized.

You Don't Have To Be An 'Expert' (!)
Any fool (myself included) could tell the President of The United States that this will happen. He has sent a very wrong signal to North Korea – the one country in the world where you do not want to play Russian (nuclear) Roulette with.

I would like for one minute to return to Syria.
What saddens me is that (and I have said this so many times in the past) not a single politician in Christendom has had the courage to speak out on behalf of the Christian communities who have been butchered and slaughtered – not by Assad, nor Saddam Hussein, nor even Gadhafi nor Mubarak in Egypt, but by those bestial and evil groups affiliated to extremist Islamic movements linked to the Islamic Caliphate State our governments throughout Christendom have been supporting for more than a decade.
Christian communities have ceased to exist in Libya, in Afghanistan, in The Yemen, and are under siege in Egypt, in Iraq, and now in Syria.
The silence from our Christian politicians across Christendom on this matter is deafening.   It has been like this for a very long time.

I really don't know how these people (politicians) can live with themselves knowing (if they really are believers) that they will, one day, have to explain to their Maker why they supported murderers and torturers of Christian communities, men, women, children, across the Arab world as opposed to real moderate secular Arab leaders who once protected the very same communities from murder, torture and genocide.

Executive Decisions
I remember Golda Meir, in her memoirs, and a biography, recalling how she agonized about giving the green light for missions to assassinate identified Arab (PFLP and PLO) murderers of Israeli civilians.  It deeply troubled her and she sought spiritual guidance because she knew how precious and sacred each human life is.
She took the decisions she did very reluctantly and with a very heavy heart, because there were no other options, but more bloodshed to follow, if a very clear message was not sent to militant Palestinian groups and to specific members of the United Arab Republic leadership, at that time, who were logistically complicit in the murder of civilians wholesale, worldwide, and with impunity.
This was not a knee-jerk reaction, 24-48 hours after  massacres, but taken after all the available information was compiled, analyzed and options considered – including the effects on world public opinion.

President Trump is treating the world like a 7-Eleven or Safeway Supermarket.
All the answers must be on the trolley before checkout in half an hour - or the train leaves the station.
Poor of intellect is any world politician who will blindly follow such folly.

As is often remarked, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

This is the road to Hell.

©Patrick Emek, April 2017