Saturday 15 April 2017

Propaganda In the Islamic Caliphate

For Easter Sunday:

Victims of The Islamic Caliphate of Iraq and al-Sham

In the final section about the Islamic Caliphate, tomorrow, Easter Sunday, you will see some of the most distressing scenes available anywhere on the Internet.

Out of hundreds of current available material I have carefully selected but a handful of victims of Caliphate State's justice.

The purpose is to give these dead victims a voice - on one of the holiest days of the Christian calendar

Before you react with anger and hatred at what you are about to view I want you to consider the following:
During World War II some of the most horrific atrocities against both civilians by the Japanese and (racial?) retribution against Japanese captured prisoners of war and civilians by American forces took place.

You will rarely see such in the history books but here are just some examples for you to research:

U.S. servicemen were 'allowed' to mutilate (decapitate) captured Japanese prisoners of war, cut off their genitals and dismember them.  Commanding officers 'turned a blind eye' to 'trophies' being retained by their troops so as not to destroy morale nor motivation.
Indeed some kept body parts as 'souvenirs' (both civilian and Japanese troops) as 'proof' of their 'accomplishments'.
Indeed the Australians and British troops and commanding officers paid 'a Bob a Nob' [A 'Shilling (2p)  a Head'] for every decapitated Japanese soldiers' head brought to them by Papua New Guinea cannibal headhunters.  I have seen some of these remnants shrunk and preserved heads - which the headhunters of Papua New Guinea - sometimes kept for themselves for ritual purposes.  
[At the time I was in West Papua, headhunting and cannibalism had not, I was informed, completely ended in some remote areas of  - not under the political administration of the Indonesian authorities I must add.]

Rape As An Instrument of War
During the Second World War in the Far East, many U.S. and Allied Forces male PoWs were systematically raped by Japanese guards - stories rarely (if ever) talked about in the Western media (Christendom and the United States) even today.

Atrocities Are An Integral Part Of Warfare - They Always Have Been Since Time Immemorial 
It was often alleged that the advancing Soviet Union troops raped and pillaged in their assault on Berlin from the East.   What is often little discussed is that Allied forces did likewise to German civilians while advancing from the West.   Recent research (in the last 5 years) suggest that this may have been more common by the advancing Allied forces than ever was the case for Soviet forces advancing from the East on Berlin.     If you think I am incorrect, check out the reference below.
These are historical facts - but do not expect any 'praise' for raising them - or expect answers such as 'few and far between' or 'I know nothing about this?; where did you hear of it from?' Do your own research so that you are 'armed with the facts' about what I have said here before being 'talked down' by those who claim they 'did not know' or 'know nothing about such matters'.
The Rape Of Nanking
Perhaps the greatest single atrocity of World War II was not the holocaust, nor the bombing of Dresden nor Coventry, but the rape and slaughter of an entire city - often called 'The Rape of Nanking' in China by invading Japanese forces.
As with crimes committed by the Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, apart from cursory mentions, the Rape of Nanking has been largely forgotten by historians.
Back To the Caliphate
Indeed, apart from a few 'show trials' - with the agreement with the Saudis of who should be put on trial - there will be little justice for the victims I will show you simply because trade with Sunni Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Gulf States is far too valuable to Christendom when compared with  at least 25, 0000 civilians having been murdered in the manner similar to that which you will see here tomorrow.
Remember that:trade is far too valuable for ethics and morality to get in the way of justice for murdered victims of war.
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
As with all children I was schooled in the belief that the 'evil' Germans were 'brought to justice' at Nuremberg.    Later on I learned that this was far from the truth. 
[There were a number of groups throughout Europe after WWII who were sworn to exacting 'true' justice [vengeance] for those innocents [and whole villages inhabitants] tortured, executed and brutally murdered as part of 'reprisals' for support of the Partisans, but that is another story.]
Nuremberg was all about vengeance and not justice for the victims.   Some victims did receive reparations for their suffering but most survivors did not.  I only wish I could now share with you the memories of those who survived and whom I knew as a child.   Even their opinion of the Nuremberg Trials was not exactly what I was being taught at school - but I was required to repeat what I was taught in order to get 'good marks' for learning and achievement - and not a contrary viewpoint which nobody (at that time) could accept against those of 'prominent' academics - such as AJP Taylor.
Besides, who (or what value) was a 'lowly' camp survivor's opinions against such 'eminent' historians as the one mentioned above?
The Nuremberg Trials of The German High Command after World War II are now universally regarded as vengeance by the victors (The Allied Powers and The Soviet Union) over Germany using 'war crimes' as the pretext for both the trials and sentences.   Remember that everyone in political high office in all the Allied Powers countries - including Britain, the United States and The Soviet Union - knew about the mass deportations, the concentration camps, the extermination of civilians and captured prisoners of war, the medical experiments on camp victims and other atrocities but chose to do nothing - since there was no tactical value in freeing civilians nor PoWs prior to a large-scale military assault into Europe (Germany) from the East and from the West - so their 'rescue' from the camps were part of the overall strategy for the liberation of occupied lands by the advancing Allied forces as the war in Europe neared it's end - many millions of camp prisoners having died or having been murdered long before their 'liberation'.

My point here is that  atrocities in war are part of war - and do not let anyone deceive you with high moral, ethical or spiritual statements to the contrary.
When any powerful country wants to achieve an economic or military or spiritual objective at a time of war,  atrocities against opponents - civilian and military - will not be allowed get in the way of achieving those objectives.

Let no politician ever lie to you and say that they were unaware of the atrocities against civilians in Iraq or Syria by The Islamic Caliphate at the time they were happening.
It was similar during WWII.   The Times Of London ran the occasional 'letter' or 'article' but for the most part, the politicians stayed silent - until they could use the matter for political 'capital' - at Nuremberg.

Torture and Premeditated Murder In Conflict Zones
If you incite or motivate people to join an armed forces, train and motivate them to kill, expect them to do so - and some (maybe more than just a handful) to take 'professional pleasure' and 'pride' in their work - including torture - and indeed to justify it.
What often sometimes happen is that another member of a 'massacre' team will be motivated to report the atrocity or incident as a 'war crime' - which has, by the rules of war, to be investigated by a military tribunal.
[Often such tribunals take no pleasure in investigating these claims of war crimes.]

While tomorrow is the final part of my review, it is by no means the end of the Islamic Caliphate.
How you decide to react when the Caliphate comes seeking your support is entirely your decision - but at least, unlike the politicians, you can never say that you were unaware of the facts and their history, before the events.

© Patrick Emek, April 2017

Nanking Massacre Photos. Found on Imgur, removed some photos as they were and had nudity. 1st and 8th pictures in comp are from movies... Look, I know it's a historical event and it's beneficial to see pictures like these to help us gain understanding and context of the event, but was the third an

The Rape of Nanking!4m2!3m1!1s0x6859e8afbf0e9eaf:0xdaf0e50d8e9c127a?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjb-M3Al6bTAhUMLMAKHc_sAxoQ8gEImAEwDw

The book below is a must read for any person seeking the truth about  what happened to the citizens of the city of Nanking: