Saturday 15 April 2017


Victims of ISIS Remembered On Easter Sunday, 2017



5 Days Ago North Korea Deployed At Least One Nuclear Submarine Off The West Coast Of the United States

Signals Intelligence Suggests That The Launch Codes Were
Authenticated and Targets Have Been Locked

Folks, President Trump is thinking he is dealing with Cuba and it is the 1960s.

I did tell you that he had no idea what he was getting into when he 'threatened' North Korea with annihilation

The White House is struggling about how to 'manage' this news because when it gets out, be assured President Trump's ratings will not be so high.

Americans, like anybody else, are happy to see an Armada Fleet sail to the shores of North Korea for a 'Reality TV' war.
The prospect, however, that North Korea may already have preempted this move with a deployment of its own - and the inability of the vast majority of Americans to comprehend, by  default, that, like any other nuclear superpower, North Korea maintains a state of constant readiness for possible war with its own submarine fleet, every day of the year, has yet to be appreciated.

As I said earlier, it was a very bad decision by President Trump to threaten another nuclear power with a preemptive nuclear or conventional strike.
It is even more disastrous the fact that he actually 'Tweets' his feelings and intentions and rages in the belief that his words, as President of the most powerful nuclear country in the world, have no consequences to 'rogue' states - such as North Korea, as they listen carefully and assess his intentions and actions.

North Korea is the one country on this planet which will, as I explained earlier, trade blood for blood.

The saddest thing, in my opinion, is that through its actions, America and Europe have long ago lost the high moral ground and North Korea appreciates that only the laws of the jungle apply in its relationship with the United States.

Hillary Clinton would never have made so foolish a mistake.

The next blog will look at the 'Battle Plan' which North Korea has in place to attack the South and where it's armed forces, including its missile silos are located.
It will also look at its satellite and communications deployments.

All of these facilities will be required to be 'taken out' in one go for President Trump to succeed.
There is, no doubt, a well-rehearsed battle plan and the resources to effect it are already in place.

Both China and Russia are more nervous about what happens afterwards than they care about the fate of North Korea.

Within China itself the consequences of a preemptive strike by the United States could be very profound.
It has even been suggested that there could be a 'coup' removing President Xi and replacing him with a more 'hard line' leadership - with all the unforeseen consequences this could have.

I have no great sympathy for Donald Trump but cannot but be sorry for the fact that he is surrounded with such low quality advisors who would lead him down a path towards a possible nuclear war - and he is not yet 100 days in office.

Next Blog:
North Korea -What Your Mainstream Media Is Not Allowed To Tell You