Wednesday 14 June 2017

High Crimes Of Treason and Espionage V

EXCLUSIVE: Russian Ambassador Kislyak’s Phone Hacked by Five Eyes

Thank you for visiting the website 'patribotics' from which the past 3 Treason & Espionage blogs at this site have been extracted.  
From now on I will feature new information as inserted 'basic' details on the far right hand side of this website and not as a main web page.
The reason for this is so that you go direct to their website for regular updates.

Please could you also remember that while not always agreeing with the content, we support our brothers and sisters at 

whose invaluable contribution to research ensures that your rights to free speech are also protected.

The investigative work they undertake is not for the faint-hearted but without their research we would all be in ignorance about what politicians who hold high office are doing - supposedly in the names of the American electorate.

Their investigative work is also an inspiration for journalists and researchers who live and work in restricted environments where such tasks are dangerous and undertaken in peril.

Remember brothers and sisters, what restrictions President Trump would like to introduce against a free media which exposes treason and espionage by politicians today, will be used against yourselves on the alternative political spectrum tomorrow - or as soon as you no longer agree with him and his small clique. 
[Just study how the Fuhrer disposed of Rohm and others after they had served their purpose.]
So defending our right to free speech is the same as defending your own.

This evening I learned of the shooting of House Majority Whip Leader Steve Scalise, two  Police Officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey, a former Congressional Staff Member - Matt Mika - and Zack Barth.

I wish them all a speedy recovery and send best regards to their families at this time of tragedy.