Tuesday 13 June 2017

High Crimes Of Treason and Espionage  IV


Director Comey Legally Taped Calls, Meetings With Trump

This reference (above) completes and answers some of the questions I have had about the sequence of events.
It is not by any means complete but it adds context to Director Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week.

Please could you refer to this investigative research website (given above) directly for any updates.   Thank you.

Esprit de Corps
The existence of Director Comey's tapes are the final episode of the sealed indictment revealed earlier (and exclusively) - again at the research website below.

This whole sad and sorry episode in U.S. Presidential history emphasises the importance of political research and investigative journalism being prepared to go where few others in the national and international media, out of fear and trepidation, dare to venture.

It also underscores the importance of the legal protection of a free media and freedom of the press in open societies from interference by organs of the State or State-sponsored 'contractors' or 'surrogates'.

Sealed Indictment
A sealed indictment of a sitting President is not something lightly undertaken.   
There is a world of a difference between being unhappy with Russian interference in an electoral process and accusations of treason and espionage - especially where tapes exist to confirm such treason.

When 'the whole package' is finally presented, Republicans will have no choice, as patriots, but to take 'the message' to the President.

The future is not set in stone and the road to impeachment is not the only road available  by any means.

President Trump's Trip To Saudi Arabia, The Vatican, and NATO
One of the saddest things which I will remember is the President's speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and in particular, his call for peace and unity.
I say 'sad' because it took place in Saudi Arabia whereas a similar conciliatory speech should have been delivered to the American people on Inauguration Day in the United States.

The next saddest event was his insulting gestures to the Pontiff
and the Pope's general 'unhappiness' with the meeting as can visibly be seen below.
The only time President Trump appears 'happy' is when he is insulting and humiliating and degrading other individuals - such as in this case the Pontiff.

Praising The Wealthy Saudis While Insulting The Pope and NATO
Finally President Trump departs from the Vatican to insult every NATO Representative whose member countries all ensured that the skies above America -  the American people and their families regardless of  politics - were being protected in the immediate aftermath after 9/11.  The task was entitled 'Operation Eagle Assist' and it was the first time ever Article 5 of the NATO Treaty was invoked - not by a European country under imminent attack - but by the United States itself.
(You did not know this?; you need to be better informed.)

These are my enduring memories of the incumbent U.S. President's trip to the Middle East and Europe.  
I doubt that I am alone being left with such impressions.

© Patrick Emek, June 2017