Wednesday 7 June 2017

Personal Loyalty To Trump:

What It Really Means If You Are The President Of Only Half Of The Country

Today the former FBI Director James Comey gives evidence before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Yesterday a 7-page introduction to his testimony was published at

If you have difficulty accessing, I am providing it for you below this article

You need to read it - and well-understand it - in the light of everything else you know – especially from his 'tweets' - about this individual.

I will not dwell on that testimony but focus on what it does not say explicitly.

In essence Donald Trump is looking for a 'cabal' of loyal surrogates.
You, as an intelligent person, need to ask yourself this one question:

Why [for what purpose or mission(s)] is the most powerful man in the world seeking to create secretive groups independent of [and autonomous from] the American Constitution to head all the most sensitive posts in the U.S. government who answer only to him and are personally loyal only to himself?

With such power you can do anything – 'creatively'.

This spells very bad news for everything and everyone I have ever known and whose politics I identify with in every way.

But it goes far beyond a secret coup d'etat. It is about the establishment of a new order – and there is no place in it for those who oppose. [read my previous blog again – between the lines.]

James Comey knows where 'all the bodies are buried' (or most at any rate) – and he never liked being such a custodian – but it goes with the territory.

You see I did my own homework on James Comey. He is that type of person everyone would want their child(ren) to be.
[Indeed, perhaps one day, after this darkness lifts, they will place a statue of him outside the FBI headquarters as a shining example of what we should all strive, despite our weaknesses and failings, to become.]

Away from the praise, Donald Trump, as with the Godfather, is creating a new order.
There will only be one King, one Capo di Tutti Capi and one Royal Court.
All rivals, all institutions (yes all of them) to be quietly infiltrated and their 'membership' compromised, terminated, 'moved on' or just abolished.

[Indeed the use of '3-socks Johnnie' and '5-fingers Freddie' to 'gather the dirt' on all who have preceded in this revered House is a process which, I am guessing, has already begun.
Because 'organs' of the State are not yet firmly under his control, private outsourced (contractor) firms are being utilized for these 'confidential' tasks.]
[In my opinion, likewise, a clear 'message' should be sent back – in no uncertain terms – that this will not be allowed to happen.]
James Comey's testimony may be amongst the last opportunities patriots will have to contemplate their own positions.
They will have few opportunities.

They say that there are times in history where patriotism and courage are tested to the limits.
The phrase sometimes used is:

Qui Dubitat Vincitur

It is really difficult to know where to go with this one:
Where does Europe go? Into the embracing arms of Russia?; pushed there to solve one demagogue's 'management' problem.
Where does NATO go?; pushed into the embracing arms of Moscow – to solve yet another problem.
Where does the Pacific economic partnership go?; pushed into the embracing arms of China, Russia and India – to solve yet another problem.
And finally where do Mexico, Central and South America go?
All discarded as trash unless they come, like the Foreign Secretary of one European country, as jesters and playful fools, jumping and grovelling as background entertainment, at The Court Of The Crimson King.