Friday 16 June 2017

The 'Golden Shower' Tapes

Do you remember that Company Report (first released here from an anonymous source - see the reference below*) where it was alleged that Donald Trump paid a bunch of young Hookers to urinate and defecate on the bed the Obamas slept in - because he has always hated the Obamas and has resisted sleeping with his wife in the same White House bed which they (the Obamas) 'occupied' - only reluctantly agreeing because of the international controversy it would cause if he threw out that same bed (!)

Well...........interestingly....there might very well be tapes of that 'Golden Shower' session.......released from a certain U.S. ally.................soon........

This would indeed vindicate yet another part of the 35-page Company Report - which President Trump has always emphatically denied - which Report you can read at


The most up-to-date information about this is contained within Donald Trump's favorite medium: