Tuesday 18 July 2017

Trump and His 2016 Election Team:
Conspiracy To Commit Treason

As the Special Counsel continues his investigations into the Russian government's influence of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, by request, I am making available probably the single most important document which explains to the novice just exactly how The Kremlin and it's agents worldwide were able to influence events around this election - to an oblivious U.S. electorate which assumed that all the information being provided about Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton was 'genuine' and 'true' and, on such basis, were prepared to vote Mr Trump into Office.

I made this and similar related documents which explain how Russia, it's agents in the U.S. and worldwide, successfully hacked and subverted the U.S. Presidential Election available for your reading in January 2017.
Because 'Spearphishing' forms such an important fulcrum in how the Kremlin 'managed' the U.S. election, I am making it separately available for your downloading from:

I have said (above) that there was a 'conspiracy' to commit treason.
This is solely a personal viewpoint based on my interpretation of available intelligence (data.)
I have to add that it does concur with every U.S. Intelligence Community assessment of the 2016 Presidential Election.
The only dissenting voice is that of the incumbent President of the United States, Donald Trump, who is attempting both to render ineffective - through mergers and proposed abolition - all such agencies in due course, and 'replace' remaining senior staff as quickly as he can find 'loyal' supporters to 'politicize' these agencies of government who have a unanimous opinion contrary to his own (and that of The Kremlin I might add.)

My last blog discussed, mainly by easy-to-read references, how a 'conspiracy' is defined.
Rather than re-invent the wheel, these articles clearly explain the term  'conspiracy' as interpreted in the U.S. Constitution. 
Because, however, of modern technology - and the ability to 'link' 'actors' [suspected conspirators] in ways not previously available - including synchronous timelines - this task will be addressed by the Special Counsel - who at some stage will give his final Report on the crises of confidence (again my view) in the system and the open process for free and fair elections in the world's greatest democracy.

Not just America but the entire world is awaiting the outcome of this investigation and the hope is that a future President of the United States and Congress will share the knowledge and experience of this tragedy and the valuable cybersecurity data and  protective support systems - with other democracies worldwide to protect and strengthen their institutions from future cyberwarfare and Cyber-Gerrymandering (my 'coinage', highly relevant, but yet to be defined I'm sorry to say) by hostile countries.

©Patrick Emek, July 2017