Saturday 15 July 2017

Trump and His 2016 Election Team:
Conspiracy To Commit Treason

Since I mentioned this as a likely area of interest to the Special Counsel not long ago, it has now become a focal point for looking at by investigative journalists, researchers and analysts.

I have refrained from saying that it will be the main focus of the Special Counsel examining Russia's covert role in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election because Robert Mueller will only draw his conclusions after his investigations finish and, as yet, nobody has any idea what those conclusions will be since his work has only begun.

The Emperor's New Clothes
I am not attempting to be speculative just for the sake of it but every sane individual who is a patriot and committed to the transatlantic partnership and alliance can visibly see that there is something insidious and treasonous inside a Republican Party which will sell it's very soul to the Russian Federation simply to suppress the truth about the 2016 Presidential Election which brought into Office the most disloyal, unpatriotic, treasonous individual in the history of the Presidency of the United States.
Somebody has to say it as it is.
I said this before Trump assumed Office and have consistently said so ever since his inauguration.

What will be required is not just a Panel to investigate Trump but, sad to say, a wider Panel to investigate the extent of treason by U.S. politicians and those holding Federal government and local administrative offices, who have, by their actions, aided and abetted the enemy, during a period of deliberate and coordinated cyberwarfare against the United States and it's Allies.

That all found complicit (in aiding and abetting or conspiring to aid and abet) should be barred from holding public and State Offices in any capacity is without any question nor doubt, in my opinion.

When A Conspiracy To Commit Treason Is An Impeachable Offence

To understand why I choose the term 'conspiracy to commit treason' you need to appreciate:

*who partook in that conspiracy and how they all linked in the timeline of events to conspire with a hostile foreign power against one candidate (Hillary Clinton) during an election for the Office of the President of the United States.

*what is a conspiracy against the United States and it's Allies in this digital age where the U.S. and it's allies ARE in a global cyberwar against a hostile foreign power - the Russian Federation, its Allies and it's agents worldwide.

*why there was a conspiracy by President Trump and his Election team starting in mid-June, 2016 [but more likely the path having secretly been prepared long in advance by parties yet to be unmasked.]

*why this conspiracy is treason and is not, as President Trump says, a 'normal' state of affairs 'anybody would have done the same (as his 'kid' son) in similar circumstances' (paraphrased).

Protecting Both The U.S. Constitution and the Free World From Infiltration, Appointee 'Agents' and 'Sleepers' Of Hostile Superpowers Powers
The next question which somebody has to have the courage to ask (since nobody in the media will address it) is this:
What are the conditions where the leader of the free world, through treachery and dereliction of duty, exposes on a daily basis that same democratic order worldwide to further threats from enemy 'combatants' (any individual acting on behalf of or through his or her actions offering support to the Russian Federation) where those entrusted with the protection of the Constitution are required themselves to protect that same Constitution from further infiltration and exposure whilst the wheels of democratic accountability [the work of the Special Counsel] proceed unhindered?
I have phrased this as diplomatically as I can because most Republican politicians have closed their eyes to the reality of what is happening and how their inaction will destroy America's credibility as leader of the free (democratic) world and leave it isolated from it's traditional allies whilst it's President (naively) seeks a global financial (and military?) 'alliance' with China and Russia to rule the planet.

This is (sadly) what you get when someone with no political experience is propelled into the highest office in the world, the Presidency of the United States.

Dark Territory
Because it is unknown terrain, those with authority and responsibilities must quickly figure out a solution because if they do not, their (ultimate) 'replacements' will all be Kremlin allies, Kremlin go-betweens or 'stooges' who will endanger all serving patriots and their families both at home and abroad.

To explain some of the above in greater detail please refer to the article below where the events are compiled and compressed for those with little understanding of treason and conspiracy and how U.S. law defines and interprets both.

As the story of the ultimate betrayal unfolds or drips, trickle by trickle, you will note the relevance of the article (and its references) cited below.

©Patrick Emek. 2017

The Emperor's New Clothes:

Treason and Conspiracy Explained for the Novices: