Sunday 24 September 2017

The Cyber Caliphate
(U.S. CENCOM Hacked)

In April of this year, I mentioned a new division of ISIS called 'the Cyber Caliphate'.
It has been in existence since 2015 and is likely to be playing a bigger role in identifying civilian and non-civilian targets for assassination and murder in the future.

Since last year I have been working on an article to identify the extent to which this Cyber Caliphate has been active.
I was shocked to discover that it had hacked the U.S. Central Command in 2015.
(This, by the way, is the equivalent of al-Qaeda hacking civilian air control prior to another 9/11.)

I realized the extent of the problem and was nearing the completion of an article about the extensive nature of this hack.
Through a number of unforeseen circumstances the data I had 'fell into unauthorized hands'.  For a researcher or analyst 'unauthorized' means any person not a researcher – not permitted to hold 'privileged' material necessary for the conduct of our research work.
It's even more a problem when the data you were sent anonymously is the property of the government of another country.

Property Of The Government Of........................
Most Police forces in Europe (including the United Kingdom) are not equipped to handle material of this nature.
Many such Officers are Freemasons, members of political parties, some have links with far left and far right groups some even links with the criminal fraternity and others with foreign intelligence agencies and operatives – maybe through a boyfriend or girlfriend or close friends they meet up with in their social life.

Data such as that I am including here should always be immediately extracted and be returned to the Government of the country from where it originated.
There is another reason for this:
An attack could be imminent on one or more of the persons on such lists by terrorist groups.

How Many US Central Command Lists have Been Hacked By ISIS?
I don't know – but probably quite a few.
I have personal details of some 20,000 U.S. Senior Military and Intelligence Personnel sent to me anonymously with the message that this is part of what the Islamic Cyber Caliphate has hacked from U.S. CENCOM.)

Likely Scenario: (remind you of 9/11?)
The very fact that, lets say for example, the Police in a Western allied country, should they come into possession of such data, might either be slow or indeed not have even divulged this fact to their own intelligence services (that they are in possession of current active lists of U.S. military personnel) for reasons of administrative kudos, could easily result in inadvertently placing the lives of such military Officers in significant and immediate danger – simply because they did not know what they were handling nor it's significance and were too limited in the scope of their own responsibilities.
This is the classic 9/11 scenario.
All the information was there – but compartmentalised - because of bureaucracy (human error.)

What Exactly Did The Cyber Caliphate (ISIS) HACK from CENCOM?

So here it is folks, part of what the Islamic Cyber Caliphate has hacked from U.S. Central Command database.

I have left enough information in so that you can identify one of the lists from which the data was extracted. There are many other lists.

(I am assuming by now that all these personal email addresses have been changed.)

So What Could ISIS Do With Such Hacking Abilities?
Apart from the obvious targeting for assassination through honey traps and (possibly) blackmail, there are many other scenarios (far-fetched as some may seem) too numerous to mention.

The prospect of being able to 'crash' nuclear power stations, hospitals, military and civilian radar systems and, yes, the big one, autonomously launching or prematurely detonating nuclear missiles in their silos, may not be as far away as you and I think.

The point I am making in releasing this data at this particular time is that the hacking (and indeed leaking) of petabytes of data poses real and significant threats to national and international security in the immediate now and into the future and there appears to be very little to guarantee 100% security of any data stored digitally.

If a foreign power, in collusion (either knowingly or unwittingly) with others, can, with impunity, 'take down' a U.S. Presidential Candidate (Hillary Clinton) do not lightly dismiss the capabilities nor reach of a (false-flag) terrorist network and their supporters – however far-fetched the premise might seem – to take down entire infrastructures.   [It is believed that at least one Western coalition nation has sub-contracted  a Middle East country to work out how to do likewise to Iran's conventional military ballistic launch infrastructure.]

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

(I have edited the data below so as not to endanger individuals whose details (and more - data files - not included here) have been in the hands of (the now defunct) the Islamic State's 'Cyber Caliphate' since 2015.)

The 'Go' Army Roster was also hacked by ISIS Cyber Caliphate hackers in late 2014-early 2015.

you can see the Roster list at:

Because all the information is official and there are no personal details on this file (home addresses, next of kin etc etc) I am including it in full .

There are however other databases of U.S. military support organizations believed to have been hacked since their security is not as good as U.S. CENCOM.
Such databases are not shown at this website but are in the public domain.

security details I have omitted:
full home addresses and personal emails