Monday 2 October 2017

Las Vegas Massacre

(A Personal Opinion)

What I am going to say below will be highly unpopular - but someone has to say it.
It is meant to provoke discussion when all you get from Mainstream Media is 'more of the same'
(and all 'the fake media'  singing in unison - nobody dares to 'think outside the box' - 
for fear is the key.)

I rarely comment on each terrible massacre because if I did I would spend all my blogging time just on this topic alone, worldwide.
I am commenting because I have read and seen on television so much hysteria and 'politically correct'  that I am motivated to add a few observations.

The first is of course to add condolences to the families of the victims at their time of grieving.

Gun Control
The gun control  lobby is in hysteria mode as it looks to lynch every multiple gun holder in the United States and, in some bizarre way, elements of the mainstream media appear to link this massacre to Donald Trump and his policies.
Yes Trump is, in my opinion, an illegitimate President, but none of his policies (as horrific, divisive and disastrous as most of them are - again in my opinion) are in any way responsible for this terrible event.

Voodoo Media Analysts
There continues to be a misunderstanding about possession of firearms.
That misunderstanding revolves around the issue of responsibility and mental health.

The NRA cannot take personal responsibility for every and each person who might, again in my opinion, temporarily go insane.

The politically correct media is trying to 'fathom' the mind and actions of someone whose behavior may well not be as difficult to understand - if they would for a minute get off their politically correct, righteous preaching-gun-control, mob-lynching horses and see what happened as a tragic human dysfunctional issue devoid of the gun-control debate.

My Theory (from What Has Been Release in the Mainstream Media)
Here you have a law-abiding citizen, living in a law-abiding community who goes to Vegas for a few days (maybe a week) to 'have some fun'.
He is devoted to his aged mother and to his brother.
He lives in a very quiet and law-abiding community because he wants a quiet life (well, some of the time.)

'I Don't Like Country Music nor Harvest Festivals Outside My Front Hotel Window!'
'I Paid For A 'Quiet Week'(or few days) In Vegas!'
'I Hate Noise!'

He (the Shooter) books into a hotel, probably a superior room (just guessing based on his financial circumstances) opens his curtains and what does he see, not the bright lights of Vegas, but tens of thousands of people below gathered for, of all things, a Country Harvest Music Concert.
(Perhaps he not only came for a quiet week but hates Country and Western - not everyone likes C&W music!)

'Sorry Sir All Rooms Are Booked Up For The Concert - We Can't Transfer You'
So he tries to get another room, is told that the hotel is booked out and that the hotel cannot assist.
Now this is someone who (perhaps) regularly comes to Vegas (maybe even patrons this hotel) - and all he wants is a quiet room for himself and anyone he might bring for the night - sans the thousands of people in his 'front yard'.
So he simply 'flips it' (temporarily goes insane) - and decides to 'teach them all a lesson in good manners.'  From this point he brings his arsenal into the hotel - and the rest is history.

'Go Figure!'
He (the Shooter) might even have deduced that his 'statement of protest' will be lost or never fully understood - as eminent psychiatrists, psychologists, professionals, and the 'fake news' 'voodoo press' analysts spend the next decades just trying to figure out what might be so obvious to (perhaps) even a 10-year old.

Getting Their Pounds Of Warm Flesh
(Before The Victims Are Cold In Their Graves)
As I watch the jackal press, the politicians, those so-called leaders of the community and others all vying and jostling for positions to be 'holier-than-thou' in their condemnation and condolences for the victims, I cannot but sigh at the fact that all the answers must be available for official comment less than 24-hours after this terrible event - and in time for the midday news - or they too fall victim to the blood-curdling lynching mobs - on the grounds of acting too slow (!)
Such are the times we live in.

You can never develop an effective law of gun control to prevent 'temporary insanity' or, as are (or were in my time) known in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, as 'crimes of passion'.
But of course we live in societies where vengeance is disguised as justice, and justice is never blind.

Now you might think that I am pretty cold and callous but consider the perpetrator just for one minute.
All the data currently provided suggest to me that something 'just snapped' - given the wrong conditions - which it can with anyone regardless of race, religion, creed or sexuality.
Because we live in an age of  'media hysteria' and ignorance all the wrong conclusions are available to 'psyche up' and 'rally' the masses in bursts of uncontrollable emotions - which of course the mainstream media will channel for it's own political objectives. 

I again speak to the mainstream media:
'go figure'.

It is not guns which kill - but the people who pull the triggers.

©Patrick Emek, 2017

One mentally unbalanced individual (regardless of race or religion or ethnicity) does not constitute a 'conspiracy'.
Even individuals with technical 'know-how' (through reading or experience) cannot be familiar with all the effects of shooting from a height - speed, velocity, trajectory - but with 22,000 souls below, the law of probability  would give it a more than average chance of  'hit' in more than 50% of shots taken.  You don't have to be an 'expert'  to shoot into a dense crowd of 22000+ souls - all tightly packed and out enjoying each others company and the evening.

The possession of home-made explosive is unusual - unless it was for a specific purpose (such as testing or training) and if so, why and for what reason?  So while I do not rule out the possibility of terrorism, I am more inclined towards a sudden (or rapid developing) mental illness - for which there can be no safeguards in gun control law - unless such is noticed or picked up in time by a friend or relative then appropriate help offered or administered.