Saturday 14 October 2017

The Edited Version

After I had written this blog below, in a chat, some important additional information was relayed that I was unaware of.
It changes nothing below but it does underline the desperation of the Saudi regime, who, like the Roman Empire before it's collapse, engaged mercenaries (contractors) from wherever it could to prop up the ailing regime.
For several reasons, I cannot reveal the source but can attest that I have confidence in the data relayed.
Saudi Arabia, in conjunction with Pakistan's ISI, is 'recruiting' 'Islamic volunteers'.
These volunteers are being trained both in Pakistan and in Saudi Arabia.
They are Wahhabi, 'totally committed' to Saudi Arabia.
Both Britain and the United States have given Pakistan  'a free  pass' for this mission.
These forces will, of course, ultimately be fighting for the Kingdom in the Yemen.
[Can you see already where all this will end? ]

I thought about revising the earlier article (below) but as I looked at it, there is little to amend.
Christendom may have some temporary respite - and its precious young lives be spared military adventures in Muslim lands for the present - which is of course excellent news.  But that is exactly what it is.  Temporary respite - to get our Christian politicians out of the spotlight and let Pakistan 'take the heat'.
[Besides, the ISI  - Pakistan's Intelligence Service  - one of the most formidable in the world - and the ailing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - both have an interest in 'committed' Wahhabist 'volunteers' 'on the frontlines'.    I will say no more  beyond this at present.
I am indebted for this knowledge and other data recently imparted.
I now appreciate the fuller picture.

As I saw that fuller picture, I could not but admire the overall strategy.
Where I end  the blog [at'Götterdämmerung'] this remarkable Caliphate saga will again arise.

It is said that history is written by the victors - I say it myself below.
In this particular instance, future Islamic history and 'the grand design' is still being written from beyond the grave by one of the most remarkable strategists of the twentieth and twenty first century.

(I was already aware that Saudi Arabia requested U.S. forces to leave the Kingdom in 2003-2004 and that a tactical redeployment has taken place.  I am referring below to the forward deployment bases (fobs) existing and maintained in the Kingdom which are available and in regular use.)

 Now read on.

On The Road To Yet Another War
- Where Christians Die For Others In Muslim Lands -
[Making Sense Of What Exactly Is Going On In Iran – U.S. Relations and In Saudi Arabia As The U.S. (and by default Christendom) Heads Towards Yet Another Unnecessary War In Muslim Lands]

Are Pretexts For Waging Perpetual Christian Wars In Muslim Lands The Only Solution or Will The American and European Electorates Eventually Choose Alternative Parties Which Offer Prospects For A Different Future To End These Cycles Of Terror?

What your Mainstream Media Is Hiding from You

As the mainstream media throughout Christendom on behalf of President Trump prepares its readership for yet another war in Muslim lands, many are wondering exactly whose economic and political interests are being served with these perpetual wars?
This will eventually translate itself into political votes across Christendom for parties committed to different agendas rather than perpetual Christian wars in Muslim lands - wars without end.

Crisis In the Gulf
There is a major crisis in the Gulf – but it is not the one the media wants to get you onboard with.
Yet again, you are being lied to – this time about Iran – to justify a wholly unnecessary war where, like raging Pit bulls, Christians are yet again being pitted into the 'arena' against a 'Muslim' 'terrorist' state – pawns to play for political and economic reasons they will never fathom.

Why Trump Is Really Abandoning The Iran Nuclear Deal
In the United States as President Donald Trump prepares to disavow the Iran nuclear deal, you need to know the following to understand why the ground work for yet another unnecessary war is being prepared and why this will be the most dangerous and deadly ever.

It may ultimately result in the complete loss of Western influence in Saudi Arabia and in the Arabian Gulf.
So Donald Trump may well go down in history as the American President who handed over the Gulf to The Russian Federation, lock stock and barrel.

To Our Politicians Christian Lives Are Worthless – Or At The Very Least Expendable
Iraq was the first war where it was a total waste of Western Coalition forces lives with absolutely nothing gained. Libya was the second. Iran is now going to be the third.

Let's Start At the Beginning
Many year ago I was told: 'if you ever want to succeed in journalism you must 'play ball.' Innocently (as I was then) I asked what was meant by this statement.
The answer I got was that if I did not profligate to certain interest groups I should forget about being a successful journalist.
Sadly that person knew little about me nor my background and made false assumptions merely on surface appraisal.

I certainly never forgot what was said – but determined never to adhere by it.

My first interview with Reuters I deliberately blew.
I did not like what was sitting in front of me.
Much to their horror and disgust I told them (sometime in the 1980s) when asked to write a fictional report (as part of the test to see if I 'made the grade') from the Middle East that there would be no peace in the region nor worldwide until the just rights of the Palestinians were acknowledged.
(I stand by that statement then, as a young man, and I am so so proud of it today as an older individual.)
So Julius Reuter (or successors) never engaged my services and I made my own way – totally independent of 'mainstream' dominated media controlled sources.

Making Sense Of The Arab World Today
You need to appreciate that there would never have been an ISIS nor Islamic Caliphate nor perpetual wars involving Christians in Muslim lands if the rights of the Palestinians (to Statehood) had been resolved 50 or more years ago between the Arabs and the Jews.
There were lost opportunities in history to achieve this – but that is exactly what they were.
Countries in Christendom and the United States, in terms of lost trade and investment, are all paying the price of this failure – and have been so doing for the past 50 years.
Don't expect your mainstream media to tell you this – confuse you as they will with 'terrorism' topics far removed from the root causes of conflict and failures to resolve it.
Mainstream media works on the assumption that the general populace is too lazy, too busy or too stupid to remember or research for itself alternatives to what it is presenting on behalf of political elites.
This may well have been true of my mother's generation (God bless her, she did not have the education nor research resources (the Internet)to look beyond the mainstream media and their presentations) but I believe this is now changing as the younger generation turn their backs on 'fake mainstream news' which they know consistently lies to them about everything of relevance in the political world.
This is not a regional but a worldwide phenomenon amongst the educated who no longer believe nor trust mainstream media and are more partial and more open to alternative interpretations of events than ever before in history – with traditional politicians, worldwide, desperate to control access to information to prevent their own demise as alternative political movements seize the initiatives.

The Economic Effects Of These Perpetual Wars On Major European Economies of France, Spain and Germany and The Social Effects On Southern and Central Europe
The second thing you may not be aware of is this.
Since the late 1960s, the dominant European economy in the world has been that of Germany not that of the United Kingdom.
China Rising
Despite the UK's significant presence through the British Commonwealth, it took China less than two decades to replace Britain throughout the Caribbean and most of Africa as the most favoured partner because of its policy of non-interference in the internal political social and cultural affairs of its trading partners.
Both countries (Germany and China) have had a general policy of 'non-interference' in the internal affairs of non-EU countries politics and Germany, left to itself, has never singularly advocated military intervention outside the borders of the European Union.
Indeed by the late 1990s China and Germany, together with the United States were poised to be the economic superpowers throughout the world.

Because Germany subscribes to international treaties it has been ham fisted
and chained to trade sanctions and military interventions (to honor NATO commitments) against traditional trade partners in the Muslim world - pushed upon it for what are often perceived as other countries political and economic trade benefits in preference to Germany and the European Union as a whole.

For example suddenly, the core of Germany's trade with Russia, in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Africa is thrown into chaos during the 1990s through inexplicable wars requiring sanctions against what were reliable trading partners.
I say 'inexplicable' because of the following:
The United States is attacked by Saudi-al-Qaeda fanatics based in Afghanistan on 9/11 and.........the United States invades.......not Saudi Arabia....but Iraq...a country which had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11....but has a vital strategic mineral – oil.
As with Gadhafi in Libya, Saddam Hussein was either fighting or imprisoning al-Qaeda militants before the country was invaded. (You didn't know this? You need to be better informed than what you see on CNN.)

Germany, China and the rest of the world were told by the United Nations and world trade bodies (including the IMF) they could no longer do business with those countries labelled and deemed to be as 'terrorist' States or 'violators of human rights' - until new 'post war' economic structures were set up.
None of such (new post-war) structures were to the benefit of the European Union.

On The Verge Of A War Which Will Eventually Result In Russia Becoming The Dominant Power In The Gulf
King Salman of Saudi Arabia was told by President Trump during his State visit to the Kingdom that he 'need not worry about Iran'.

We are now seeing what this means – and Trump is on the verge of yet another monumental blunder which will result in the fall of the House Of Saud.
This is why King Salman is indeed very worried – because he has to live in the region and the end result of Trump's disavowing of the Iran nuclear treaty will result in protracted regional wars for which the Royal Saudi Armed forces are ill-prepared to engage in, without massive support from Christendom in both equipment and troops.

I have always been critical of Saudi Arabia. That is on record for decades.
My criticism has always however been based on the urgent need for internal reform and not on the overthrow of the Saudi regime.
Saudi Arabia has provided a fulcrum for peace and security of Western interests in the Gulf of Arabia, but has failed to reform what is a politically feudal society.
All concerns by previous U.S. administrations have been regarded as 'subversive' or 'unwelcome interference' and 'anti-Saudi' whereas all intelligence assessments were suggesting that a failure of the regime to reform would result in its overthrow and perhaps even replacement by elements hostile to U.S. interests.
Saudi Arabia is now turning to Moscow because it (wrongly) thinks that an avowed publicly stated Russian foreign policy of non-interference in internal affairs of countries may well keep it afloat for a few more years.
This belief is both misguided and bears no relation to Russia's ability (and proven capabilities) to globally influence regional politics to its favour and contrary to the United States.
In any case, events are spiralling out of control and Russia will never send forces to prop up an ailing Saudi regime – with U.S. forces already present in the Kingdom for, amongst other tasks, defending vital shipping lanes in the Gulf and the Horn of Africa.
It is more a sign of desperation and mistrust of the direction of U.S. foreign policy – in the hands of one individual (or two if you include Rex Tillerson) rather than The State Department - that Saudi Arabia is looking for other powerful 'friends' – as protectors.

It is this chaos in The White House that the Saudis (as with many other countries in the world) do not know who or what they can trust, from one day to the next, in the incumbent administration, in Washington, these days.

The United States (and by default Europe) now stands on the verge of a war with Iran – simply to save an antiquated Saudi regime from collapse.
Sadly, until alternative parties take political power in Christendom, Europe may have little choice but to continue supporting with military forces on the ground, this defunct House of Saud - or risk handing over the Gulf, lock stock and barrel, to Shia-Iran and, by default, to Russia.
To permit an Iranian victory in Yemen given Trump's disavowing of the U.S. - Iran nuclear agreement under President Obama – and the huge presence of Iranian-backed and supported military forces in Yemen, will ultimately result in a military pact and alliance between Iran and the Russian Federation for control of the Persian Gulf.
This will spell the end of the House of Saud – and all because of political incompetence in the White House.

Use Of Drone Technology
[The Second Global Cyberwar of the 21st Century]
CIA reports from several years ago (eight years ago, to be precise) suggested Saudi Arabia has already agreed Israeli fly over of Saudi territory to strike Iranian nuclear facilities. Since that time, drone technology has advanced to such a level that Israeli assistance may not now be required for this war – but the very fact the Saudis would agree Israeli fly overs to strike Iranian nuclear facilities shows the desperation of the regime - even eight years ago.
I said at that time in an article this will be the first almost exclusively drone war – where new technologies will be tested to the limits in Iran.
[I had not anticipated Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election nor similar tactics in European Union countries elections to sway electorates towards preferred candidates.]

The Caspian Sea and Region
I want to explain another reason why Iran is now a priority for destabilization.
You are already familiar with it's legitimate claim to part of the the vast resources in the Caspian Sea.
You need to study the Caspian Sea basin to see who are the winners and losers.

Despite it's significant presence, mineral rights agreements and cutting edge technologies for resource and strategic asset mining and extractions, to a small minority in the United States, this is not enough. You recall that most American companies profited handsomely from their dealings with Iraq and Libya. Yet to a very small minority, this was still not enough profit and destabilization of both countries was effected to create new economic realities across the Silk Road from China through the Caucasus to Syria and onto Europe.
[It really is true folks. For some, sadly, 'the world will never be enough'!]

Based on events in the region, this area would be the next global conflict zone – bringing misery, death and destruction on an unimaginable scale – and all for Mammon.
(Read the history of this region by searching this blog site under 'Caspian Sea Region' to appreciate why control of it is so important to Russia, Turkey, China, Britain and the United States. 'The Great Game' is still being 'played out' – and
young conscripts from across Christendom and the United States dying for 'higher causes' and economic objectives they will never appreciate – psyched up and motivated on a diet of hatred and patriotism to fulfill others dreams and ambitions.

Alice In Wonderland Politics -and Politicians:
America and Great Britain Replace A Sunni Ally (Saddam Hussein's Iraq) With Shia Iran – a Sworn Enemy of Sunni Islam (!)
Indeed at one stage Paul Bremer III (the 'Chief Executive' or 'Pro-Consul' of Iraq) with the support of Britain, proposed abolishing the Iraq currency and introducing the U.S. dollar as the only official currency. This one move united Sunni and Shias against the American administration and almost led to another Iraq war – with the U.S. on one side and all of Iraq on the other.
Bremer was advised against this ill-conceived proposal and warned that his policies would lead to the destruction of Sunni-controlled Iraq and a Shia (Iranian) takeover.   True to form, Mr Bremer ignored all reason and blindly forged ahead with, what today are regarded as disastrous policies which now mean that Iran effectively controls Iraq and Yemen - the gateways to Saudi Arabia – leaving today the Saudi regime itself on the verge of collapse – unless it receives substantial military assistance- including special forces - from Christendom.
While President Trump was not responsible for this existing state of affairs, he is now going along with policy proposals that the only solution is a war with Iran – to save Saudi Arabia and the Gulf from being taken over by Russia and Turkey.

The House of Saud: On the Brink Of Collapse
It has to do with the fact that Iran is now on the cusp of a major victory in Yemen and, by default, an ultimate takeover of Saudi Arabia – and there is very little the West can do to prevent this – other than either go to war against Iran in a military conflict or send even more American forces to Saudi Arabia as the war in Yemen turns into a long-term (protracted) guerilla-based insurgency campaign all along the Yemeni - Saudi border.
(Can you imagine the effect of yet more 'Infidel Crusaders' on 'Sacred' Muslim soil of Saudi Arabia and what it will do to motivate the next generation of 'Bin Ladens'?; and how such presence will motivate even more the creation of Islamic Caliphates to destroy 'the Infidel presence' throughout the region?)
So there are practical dilemmas:
Saudi military forces of the richest country on this planet 'do not have what it takes' to fight and win – against Iranian-backed and trained highly motivated forces - in one of the most impoverished countries on the planet – Yemen.

Russia has been desperately seeking 'warm waters' for over a century and the Persian Gulf will be 'open for Russian business' should Saudi Arabia's House of Saud collapse.

'Dying' For Islam
Your sons and daughters (or indeed your grand-children yet to be born) in Christendom, will, yet again be lied to by politicians and the media, to fight and die (for 'freedom' or 'humanitarian objectives' ) in Muslim lands.

Before this happens you need to quietly ask yourself this question: will you really benefit from these eternal wars being waged by Christian politicians and specific group interests in Muslim lands – or is there a better way forward?
That alternative path requires alternative politics across Europe.

Iran – On the Cusp Of Military Victory In Yemen
(You didn't know about Iran's 'quiet' takeover of Iraq nor what is happening in Yemen and it's impact on Saudi Arabia and how a Shia takeover of Saudi Arabia will impact Turkey and Christendom? You need to be better informed than that what you see and read in the 'mainstream'.)

Another Preventable War
The point I am making here is that all of this was preventable but for the disastrous U.S. and British foreign policies over nearly half a century – all motivated by financial greed of a few small identifiable politicians and corporations – absolutely nothing else.
Coalition forces are dying for absolutely nothing.
The war in Iraq has already cost half a trillion dollars* – and all that has happened is a political takeover by Shia Iran of Iraq, providing yet another corridor into Yemen and this has brought closer the downfall of the House of Saud – through sheer political incompetence of Western Christian politicians in Europe and the United States.
When did your mainstream media recently tell you these facts? Never.
The anger of the masses would be so great, if they knew what was really happening and why, that they would, en masse, vote into office alternative political parties across Europe and the United States to end this nonsense (these deadly games) for once and for all.

*This is a highly conservative estimate. Most analysts place the figure for Iraq alone nearer to 3 trillion dollars.

'The Great Game'
(What You Need To Understand To Ensure Future Alternative Leaderships in Christendom Do Not Repeat The Same Disastrous Foreign Policy Mistakes Of Today)
Now there will be individuals out there who will say in anger:
'what does he know, we turned the Arab deserts into thriving modern economies!' This is true. But what British and American influence also did was to 'conspire' to keep the Arabs 'in ignorance' of their Islamic identity – across the Levant, North, central, West and East Africa.
It is this spiritual 'Ummah' (or, in Germanic terms, 'Heimat') that young Muslims yearn for – and is why they view the United States and Britain as 'the chief conspirators' in it's denial.
[I need not remind you, brothers and sisters, how 'Anschluss' was universally welcomed as it was regarded as the rightful return of territories removed by the victors to 'punish' Germany for World War I.]
Likewise a future (more politically savvy and less bloodthirsty) Islamic Caliphate will be universally welcomed throughout the Levant and Africa. Any impartial analysis of the region will confirm these facts.

Whence The Threat To Peace?
Why Do We Need To Create More Muslim Martyrs, Sworn On Revenge Against Christendom? Who Benefits?
While a bitter opponent of Donald Trump, he was at least not responsible for this quagmire of a mess created by his political predecessors – both Democratic and Republican Presidents and their supporters in Congress and in The House.
But now he is embarking on a policy which will bring more death and destruction – with no end to Christian interventions in Muslim lands in sight.
Yet more Muslim refugees fleeing as displaced persons into Christendom, yet more chaos, yet more economic turmoil in Southern Europe.
Ask yourself brothers and sisters, who is benefiting from all this chaos and disruption to European economies?
It certainly is not the ordinary people of Christendom.
For these reasons there has to be a better way forward – and be assured if incumbent politicians could provide it I would be the first to say this.

Sadly, most (if not all) are part of the problem rather than the solution.
Even worse, they have collectively conspired to create the very problems leading toward more wars.

A desperate last-minute effort is being made by the United Kingdom and the United States to save the Saudi regime from collapse by promoting 'humanitarian' relief efforts into Yemen under several pretexts.
The 'humanitarian' effort will of course require Western combat forces in support – thus creating the pretext for taking on Iranian-backed (Iraqi) Mahdi Army 'Volunteers' and Hezbollah forces already in control of large parts of the country.
The Saudis, in desperation, are turning to Moscow to save their regime from collapse.
Nothing could be nicer music to the ears of Moscow – eager as it has been for more than half a century to have a presence in the Kingdom – thereby controlling the Gulf.

As Britain and the United States Move Closer To War With Iran – A Side Note
A move which is associated with this is the (likely) banning in the United States (with the UK to follow) of Hezbollah's political wing in preparation for all out war against Iran and Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon (and Iraq) in the (vain) hope that this will in some way de-motivate support for this political and military movement.
This is similar to the banning of Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA, during the 'troubles' in Ireland.
It had absolutely no effect on the insurgency campaign in Ireland - indeed it had the opposite – of motivating and galvanizing even further support for the IRA, the INLA and the IRSP.

With the Exception Of Russia and China,
No Political Support For Hezbollah Outside the Islamic World
The difference here is that there is little to no support for Hezbollah outside the Muslim world – and no political support for it whatsoever in the United States nor was there in The State Department under President Obama.

Within the Shia Muslim world however, Hezbollah, The Party of God, reigns supreme.
Not even Israeli forces can match the commitment nor motivation of Hezbollah- and they have found this out on the battlefield. Hezbollah's blind and fanatical commitment to victory or death has only in recent years been matched by the fanatical foreign volunteers of ISIS, fighting for their Islamic Caliphate.

Russia and China are, in contrast, keen to continue to forge long-term cordial relations not just with Hezbollah but many other groups deemed by the West as 'terrorist' or 'extremist'.

A Concluding Historical Perspective
The Caliph, The Mahdi or 'Chosen One'
As in pre-National Socialist Germany, educated pan-Arab Islamists, the next generation, throughout the Gulf, The Middle East, North, Central, East and West Africa, are yearning for a 'saviour', a ' Spiritual Fuhrer' who will 'deny' all those elements who profligate themselves before false Gods – (what they refer to as 'agents of Satan') in preference to Allah.

From An Islamic Caliphate Supporters Perspective:
'Apostates Who Defile Islam and The Holy Soil of Saudi Arabia'
Most of the next generation of Islamic intellectuals and the intelligentsia regard their Gulf State Rulers as 'apostates', as 'agents of Satan' (the Christian Crusader) who is controlling and defiling Islam and conspiring to destroy Islam and Islamic unity through the introduction of Western cultural values – disguised as (Crusader created) United Nations economic, humanitarian and 'human rights' bodies and initiatives, all designed to undermine the values and foundations of Islam and give Christendom total control of the Holy Qu'ran.
Particular hatred is reserved for the Americans and the British by the young Islamic Intelligentsia throughout the Levant and Muslim Africa.
(It is so ironic but both of these countries – Britain and The United States - 'built' the Gulf – helping in the development of these statelets, principalities or 'Kingdoms', 'Emirates' and 'Sultanates' from desert dunes to what they are today – thriving and prosperous Gulf economies.
You need however to see the world through their own citizens' eyes to appreciate how (one day) more socially democratic governments across Christendom and the United States can work co-operatively with the Muslim world to ensure mutual prosperity based on non-interference and mutual respect as cornerstones of new foreign policy agendas.

How the next generation of highly motivated Islamists see the world is not dissimilar from how motivated nationalist Germans in despair of the Treaty of Versailles swore revenge – some day – on the victorious Allied powers.

This is a 'spiritual' yearning amongst the Intelligentsia throughout the Gulf against (what they perceive as) the corrupt Muslim world – which has 'sold it's very soul' (like Faust) to 'Satan'.

The Caliphate: Phoenix Arising
The defeat and destruction of the Caliphate has, if anything, intensified their motivation to continue the struggle until those 'agents of Satan' (Kuffar or K'fir sic. of 'The Crusader') are defeated and driven from the Holy soil of Saudi Arabia.
This is more an emotive-spiritual concept rather than one based on sound economic and political realities.
The problem for the West – in particular the United States – is that it cannot grasp how motivating this spiritual dream is – and it is stronger than any physical economic or military reality the West can provide.
Folks, you cannot wage war (and expect to succeed) against individuals who genuinely believe that Allah, God or Yahweh has chosen them personally and, like the Valkyrie, will deliver them, at the instant of their martyrdom, to Allah's 'glorious' abode.
This is why I have tried to impress that the West is so 'lost in materialism' it cannot for one instant fathom what it is dealing with in the Islamic world today, confident as it is in it's technologies and their support systems.

The Haavara Transfer:
Lessons From The Past
From everything as I understood it, and from the limited contact I had with al-Qaeda prior to the creation of the Islamic State, an al-Qaeda Islamic Caliphate throughout the Gulf and North Africa would have had no issues with the 'return' of 'devout' Muslims from Christendom to Muslim lands and would respect the domain of Christendom so long as it reciprocated with respect for Islamic sovereignty.
This is where you need to understand the Haavara Agreement between Nazi Germany and German Zionist Jews and how similar it was to Brexit proposals for the transfer of populations out of the United Kingdom when the country exits Europe.

Brexit and The Haavara Agreement between Zionist Jews and Nazi Germany
When Great Britain announced it was withdrawing from the European Union it was initially proposed that all EU citizens (with the exception of Irish and Northern Irish) would have their legal rights severely restricted.
This would have meant that many would have left the UK since they would, in effect, be second class citizens.
It was only when the European Union refused to accept this 'diktat' and said that it would retaliate against British expatriates domiciled in European countries and effectively, restrict their rights and repatriate them all to England, that Britain changed it's stance on this proposal, appreciating only now the full implications of what it had done in haste and on the cusp of political emotive nationalism and political promises to it's Brexit supporters.
[Just to qualify, the Prime Minister of Great Britain is now saying that EU nationals can remain in the UK after Brexit.
At the present time, this matter has to yet be negotiated between the European Union and Britain – with Britain threatening to act unilaterally - accusing the EU of 'intransigence' over this and other matters relating to the terms of Brexit.]

So the equivalent of Haavara Agreements are not unknown in order to facilitate the movement of 'unwanted peoples' from one domain to another.

[You didn't know this? You need to be better informed than what you see and hear in mainstream media.]

Grounds For Dialog and Mutual Co-Operation Between Alternative European Christian Governments and A Future Islamic Caliphate (Encompassing the Levant, North, Central and West Africa)

How a future (more rational and pragmatic) Islamic Caliphate would 'interact' with 'progressive' alternative governments in Europe would be strikingly similar to what the Jews in Palestine wanted from Nazi Germany:
A program so that only 'the faithful' (Zionist Jews) would be facilitated to migrate to Palestine.
This was what the Haavara Agreement between Zionist Jews and the Nazi Government of the Third Reich was all about:
A transfer of 'pure' Jews and most of their wealth to Palestine, their biblical homeland.
They (the World Zionist Federation) only wanted Zionist Jews - since they regarded 'mixed' Jews as more an 'integration' problem in Palestine where the challenges would be very great and the 'chains of command' needed to be very clear and unambiguous.

[If you do not believe me check the historical records for the Haavara Agreement given in the reference section.]

And this was exactly what the Nazis [with the Fuhrer's blessing] were quite happy to facilitate as 'transfer' to Palestine.

This was why Bibi Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, said 'Hitler did not want to murder 6 million Jews'.

The one obstacle to this transfer (as I explained to you here several years ago) was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – a friend of the Fuhrer – who eventually said 'no' to this arrangement and threatened support throughout the Muslim world for the Allies if the Fuhrer went ahead with his plan to repatriate en masse German Zionist Jews to Palestine from Nazi Germany or the Third Reich.

Foreign Policy Agenda For Future Islamic Caliphates, Emirates and Sultanates
The Islamic Caliphate destroyed itself through its brutality and twisted interpretation of Qu'ranic teachings creating fear, tyranny and loss of morale amongst its own people.
But the ideals of a unified Islamic Caliphate of the Levant and Africa are far from dead – quite the opposite.

Future Islamic Caliphates are unlikely to negotiate with 'the big and little Satans' – who they deem responsible for all of the Islamic world's woes but, from my understanding and chats prior to the creation of the Islamic Caliphate, they (or at least the 'moderate' elements at that time more affiliated to al-Qaeda than to ISIS) will 'do business' with 'genuine' (perhaps future alternative governments?) in Europe and in the United States.

Bilateral trade between an Islamic Caliphate and Christendom would continue to ensure prosperity for both on the basis of mutual respect peace, prosperity.

End Of The Christian Crusades In Muslim Lands?
Withdrawal of all Christian forces from the Muslim world of the Levant, Afghanistan, and Africa and (mutual-reciprocal) non-interference in internal affairs would be a necessary part of a foreign policy agenda for any alternative political parties elected into office across the European Union.

Indeed, under such conditions, I can foresee a thousand years of peace, economic prosperity and cultural renaissance, based on mutual respect – which is not being undermined from within - between Christendom and the Muslim world, globally.

The time, however, is not yet right – on both sides – to assume the responsibilities of political and spiritual office.

Christian National Socialism
However, as I observed before the recent German election, Europe is closer to Christian National Socialist governments taking power across Europe than our politicians (and the mainstream media) would want you to believe.

Foreign Policy Agenda Of Alternative Christendom Political Parties
Foreign policy with the non-Christian world will be a key fulcrum to ensure a clean break with the past as common interests for world peace and security, devoid of the mistakes and the 'terrorism' of the past are developed.

As with Weimar Germany, incumbent Western governments will become increasingly more repressive as alternative political parties becomes real electoral threats to the political status quo across Europe.

In many respects the draconian legislation will echo the reaction in Germany against the National Socialist Party and it's key supporters prior to the Fuhrer's election as Chancellor.

The Islamic Caliphate and it's Leader presented itself as that 'Mahdi' – the One chosen by Allah to create the 'perfect' Islamic World

This is why I have always said that the Islamic State (Caliphate) and National Socialism have more things in common than divide them. They are both motivated by higher ideals than money alone. Both are prepared to fight to the death for their beliefs and no personal sacrifice is too great to achieve the ultimate objective:
total victory or death are the only noble alternatives.

Achilles Heel
I always refer back to the fall of the Roman Empire because it typifies the weaknesses of all superpowers: – disastrous foreign adventures depleting the coffers back home, being 'held hostage' to foreign interests, engaging mercenaries (or contractors) to fight for the Empire, the corruption of the Senate and openness to their bribery by foreign entities – all of which have as their ultimate objective the destruction of the Empire through infiltration and subversion.
Even for it's mastery of the most advanced technologies of political and social controls of subject tribes and peoples for it's time, such were not enough to ultimately save the Roman Empire from total collapse, pillage, plunder and total destruction with Rome itself being set alight by barbarian tribes it once paid in gold and silver to guard the borders of the Empire as they carried away all the spoils of war from the burning 'eternal city' or metropolis.

[Before the Romans, might I add, the Minoans, probably the most technologically advanced peoples for more than two thousand years in Europe, simply disappeared without a trace from the annals of Greek history as they were supplanted by a more powerful tribe.]

The Story Of The Islamic Caliphate Has Just Begun

Attached you will find copies of Dabiq, the magazine of the now defunct Islamic Caliphate.
Within it's pages you will find the centuries old grievances of the Islamic world, their anger, their hate, their loves, their dreams (their shattered political and spiritual hopes) and their aspirations for a better tomorrow.
These grievances are widely expressed privately amongst the next younger generation across the Arab and Islamic world this very day – as you read this blog.
Why are these angers expressed privately? Because Britain and the United States have provided all these Arab regimes with the tools of repression and technologies of political and social control so that such grievances can never be expressed openly.
Hence the allure of ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Mahdi Army in Iraq, who offer a new dawn.

Breaking With Traditional Politics
As a further break with the past, alternative governments across Christendom must demonstrate an end to this policy of interventions as a goodwill gesture to any emerging Islamic Caliphate, linked Emirates and Sultanates spanning the Levant and Africa, which are eager and willing to enter into dialogue with Christendom on the basis of respect, peace, mutual economic security and prosperity.

By reading their propaganda (literature) you will appreciate what motivated their hatreds, their horrors, their fears, their passions and their loves – and why they are so fanatically committed to the ultimate creation of Islamic unity – for so long denied – across the traditional Muslim world.

Why do you think politicians in Christendom are so desperate in their efforts being made to ensure that you never 'see the world' through their 'terrorist' eyes?
What are incumbent politicians in Christendom frightened of that you will learn – if that you did not know already?
Will reading 'terrorist' 'propaganda' which gave rise to the first (pan-Arab -Levant and Africa) Islamic Caliphate 'corrupt' you, a committed Republican, Democrat, Christian nationalist, national socialist, or social democrat, to supporting their religion, political beliefs or agenda?
I think not.

A New Political Order
What I do know is that when Christendom is eventually governed by alternative representatives of the people, that they might be better informed to put in place mutually  beneficial policies for Christendom and the Muslim world without recourse to Christian military invasions and occupations of Muslim lands – thereby guaranteeing peace and security based on respect for domain and sovereignty.

Other than those who would divide for their own benefits, there are no logical reasons we cannot co-exist in peace and prosperity with a unified Islamic world next door to a unified Christendom.
Furthermore, their aspirations, for themselves and their families, so similar to our own, should provide the basis for a lasting more internally peaceful Islamic Caliphate.

[It would be interesting if this coincided with the establishment of an alternative political consensus across Christendom, but nothing is ever guaranteed.]

Twilight Of the Gods
Total Victory or Nothing
[Never Existing As Slaves]
What became apparent to me in my early chats was that those individuals who went on to fight to create an Islamic Caliphate will never surrender the primacy of their faith – placing Allah and belief in ultimate victory before all else.
Indeed there is a lot to be admired about faith and belief in total victory over all adversaries, for any committed individual, Muslim or otherwise.

Despite the horrors which they committed, their zeal courage and faith in eternal infinite victory was not lost by ISIS volunteers at the hour of their own martyrdom and subsequent destination - that spiritual location for the 'final battle', 'Dabiq' or, in another context, 'Götterdämmerung' where their departed souls now await redemption and eternal re-birth.

Their heroism in death will, one day, when their Caliphate is re-born in a new guise, become the stuff of legends, of poetry, of Nasheeds, which, sadly, will never do justice to their innocent victims.
But that is what 'Götterdämmerung' is all about.
The twilight of the Gods, glorified in battle:

''The title is a translation into German of the Old Norse phrase Ragnarök, which in Norse mythology refers to a prophesied war among various beings and gods that ultimately results in the burning, immersion in water, and renewal of the world. ''

In conclusion, history is not about praising the vanquished - unless in the form of re-birth renewal and resurrection - or those chosen by the Valkyrie to a place in the hall of Valhalla – at the right hand of Odin.
And indeed why not?

©Patrick Emek, October 2017

'Bibi' Netanyahu, Prime Minister Of Israel:
Hitler Did Not Want To Exterminate The Jews:

The popular 'hymn' sung for over a hundred years in English Churches and at prominent settings was 'Rule Britannia' – others of similar determination and committment now emulate these same values – worldwide – as expressions of their own faith, nationalism, social justice, and commitment to total victory

The attached copies should be read carefully and archived by the novice so that in the likely event of a more just and peaceful Islamic Caliphate emerging from the ashes of wars in Muslim lands in the future, where new alternative political parties are in Office across Christendom and in the United States, prepared, open and ready to do business wherever and whenever there is a similar willing bona fide partner at the other end of the negotiating table in the Islamic world, you will have an appreciation of the issues which led to the creating of the first Islamic Caliphate of the 21st century in Iraq and Syria.
This first Islamic Caliphate was a failure – but there will be many more to come.
It is likely that social, democratic, national and more representative alternative parties will have been elected in Christendom as people in the United States and
Europe eventually tire of wars in Muslim lands and look to other alternative parties to provide a different direction and leadership in our relations with the Muslim world as a whole.

Understanding what grievances motivated the creation of the first Islamic Caliphate of the 21st Century will enable you, as individuals across Christendom espousing the values of progressive national and social democratic republican ideals, to avoid the disastrous mistakes of political predecessors and commence diplomatic relations on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

It is not advisable for anyone who is under the age of 18 to access this material below because part of the content is very violent and very graphic and may be distressing to view.
It is also desirable (but not necessary) that you have already some knowledge of historical events from a European perspective. This will enable you to contrast what you already know with the alternative version of history presented in these Islamic Caliphate publications.
There are always many different versions of history, depending on your perspective. Usually a country will choose only one, to avoid total confusion.

Now read below in one of the Caliphate's less extreme and violent publications, some of the more extreme core values of which motivated the first Caliphate of ISIS and will motivate others in future Caliphates to a greater or lesser extent.

this material below may be blocked in certain regions because of the extreme nature of it's graphic content – all necessary so you know exactly what to expect given the wrong political conditions and in the absence of diplomacy and universally accepted international standards for the treatment of civilians and prisoners of war by those refused recognition and legitimacy according to the rules of international relations and engagement