Saturday 11 November 2017

Please  note that a previous unrelated duplicate blog published at this address on 11/11/2017 15:17  has been removed  to ensure that the current feature article about 'Robert Mercer:- Money Launderer For Vladimir Putin' remains the focal point whilst allowing readers to understand the important key issues in the FBI Flynn felony trial.
This amendment to a different unrelated duplicate blog at this address was made on 2nd December, 2017.
 You Can Still Read The Original Published Article At This Address About Saad Hariri [''Lebanon's Sunni Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, Flees To Saudi Arabia: What The Hell Is Going On?''] by doing a Search at This Site.

December 1st, 2017
Retired General Michael Flynn Charged With Minor Felony:
However Grave The Situation
You Don't Need Expensive Lawyers To Talk To The FBI
The charging of retired General Michael Flynn with
the felony of lying to the FBI is the most minor of all
possible charges which could have been found
given the gravity of the numerous charges he was
potentially facing.
A lot has been made of how 'inadvisable' it was to talk
with Robert Mueller without legal representation and
what a terrible mistake Flynn made in that regard.
This misinterprets and misunderstands the role
of the FBI in not only solving complex cases but bringing
them to a conclusion in a common-sense, cost-effective and
timely manner.
Flynn took the wisest of choices and was rewarded with
the least of charges which could be formulated to
protect him from both further intimidation (removing
any possibility of a Presidential Pardon) while ensuring he continues
to have the confidence in the FBI to prosecute cases based on his
evidence long into the future.
General Flynn, a very able and gifted individual, was passed over for
promotion on many occasions - because he never cultivated political
patronage in Washington D.C.
Yes there were also personal issues which those who serve under extreme conditions
are acutely aware of and some (fatally) succumb to.
Even more important than this because he was 'unknown' in Washington,
he was considered something of an 'outsider'.
This worked to his advantage when attempting to move
into politics at a time when other 'outsiders' were 'taking on' a very discredited
insider political elite which many felt were 'living in a bubble' and 'out of touch' with their
local 'grass roots' needs.
If General Flynn is guilty of anything serious it is his placing of undivided personal loyalty and trust
in an individual who has spent his whole life being disloyal and untruthful, often verging on
the psychotic.
It is very sad that his 'lock her up!' 'lock her up!' rewinds, to a chorus of frenzied acclaims,
will remain forever a stain on his political epitaph, having served his country with distinction and honor and
one of the very few in politics actually prepared to lay down his life for his fellow countrymen
and countrywomen.