Tuesday 26 June 2018

The edited version

'' I Will Not Follow Orders''

Mentally Unfit For Office
I do not usually comment on personal issues affecting the U.S. Armed forces but think that now is an appropriate time.
President Trump's decision to place ''detention camps'' on military bases is, in my opinion, part of a well-thought-out conspiracy to replace senior elements within the armed forces – effectively a military coup d'etat.

It should be apparent now that the actions of Trump are the actions of someone with mental illness.
Sadly nobody has the courage to follow this to it's ultimate conclusion.

The very fact that Trump was obsessed with controlling medical messages about his health (and that of his family) should have been early warning signs – if anybody was paying attention.

A Different Type Of Courage
While I commend Armed Forces personnel who have expressed disgust at Trump's actions (see the left hand side column: ''Detention Camps on Military Bases ..‘Smacks of Totalitarianism’ 'Troops Say') my opinion is not to give your CO the opportunity to relieve you of your rank and duties – which he or she inevitably must do if you fail to carry out your duties:

'Detention Camps on Military Bases ‘Smacks of Totalitarianism,’ Troops Say

Have faith. Allow due process to take it's course – and make sure that you vote in the Fall (!)

I really do know how frustrating it is to be witness to the creation of concentration camps in America.
(Perhaps if America survives Trump, some criteria which facilitate the ability to relieve a Commander-In-Chief of responsibilities will be seriously looked at in the event of that individual showing early signs of Alzheimer's disease or other mental illnesses which could impair some of their functions while in Office.)

So, far from applauding any 'revolt', I plea that you 'keep your cool'.
You are not a party to a war criminal's mentally unbalanced decisions simply by continuing to perform your duties. ''Don't believe the hype about getting into trouble for ''following orders'' [''I was only following orders.''] however, do ensure that all orders given are in writing – and retain copies for a time when such records may be invaluable in bringing those guilty of crimes against humanity to justice.
If you are asked to follow an unwritten order which you know to be wrong, use the system to register your concerns – and above all keep a record of the action(s) you were ordered to carry out and how you protested within the given criteria.

''The current unpleasantness'' is a difficult time for all if you believe in the values of the American Constitution as the best beacon for worldwide emulation as opposed to those of say, Russia or North Korea, for example.

To brothers and sisters, don't buy into Trump nor his agenda.
(Indeed this may be a golden opportunity to network with groups which share different ideals – to demonstrate magnaminity and ''goodwill'' and that Trump, his groups and followers, do not represent your values, your vision nor your ideals.)
This demented individual thinks he is capable of fooling everyone;surprise him by demonstrating he is not. He will of course react with fury and attempt to enforce servitude.
But our philosophy has always been about non-servitude for our respective communities – who are equal and diverse.

Harley Davidson Leads The Way
The Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company has spoken with calmness and is resolute that Trump will not destroy it's worldwide reputation. All should study it's calm and measured response to an impossible situation it was placed in. It (Harley Davidson) raised neither a ''White Flag'' (Trump) nor a flag of war. They have simply made a business decision based on rational analysis not on emotive language, misguided sentiment nor misplaced patriotism.

My opinion is that every member of the U.S. Armed forces should do likewise – and not be fooled by emotive sentiment on the far right and on the far left of the political spectrum.

Trump has nowhere near what he requires to launch a military coup d'etat. But these Nuremberg-style rallies are as much about how he sees himself as they are about defiling his political enemies.

Faith and Hope
Remember I told you how, as I understood it, the FBI seized material from his personal Attorney, Michael Cohen, which implicated Trump together with organized crime with the assistance of a foreign power, in creating a 'State within a State'?   Stay cool.   Allow events in this regard  to take their course.
And, if you are religious, pray that Robert Mueller, and his team, stay safe.

©Patrick Emek, June 2018