Thursday 26 July 2018

the edited version
Death From ''Natural'' Causes

[''Wishful Thinking?'']

{''Summertime Blues''}

You may recall I mentioned Trump expiring of natural causes – yes folks I do mean 100% natural causes (stroke/brain haemorrhage) with no external interventions.
This statement was probably disregarded or discounted by readers as ''wishful thinking'' on my part. Not at all!
I needed to put some space between that meeting before giving you the backstory because it is as bizarre as the story itself.
What I could not say at that time is that this statement of presumed ''supposition'' was predicated on an earlier encounter I had with someone who had allured to this possibility.

I will not go into the full details (which I cannot recall with total accuracy since I took no notes) but just to say this:

''Appointment In Samarra''
I was fascinated to revisit facts and rumors about experiments I had not come across for some time.
At least not since the Cold War days.

A question to my unexpected guest was this:
Should Trump expire of natural causes, will he not just be replaced with someone similar in ideology :- ''meet the new boss same as the old boss?''  The answer I was given was intriguing and not indicative nor in anticipation of what I had imagined.

''The Big Sleep''
So Trump simply does not awake from his sleep. Death from natural causes. End of matter?
Not quite so. I have heard an even more bizarre story – which was so far 'out to lunch' I am only going to repeat a part of it.
Do you recall those CIA 'psychic killer' experiments from the 60's and 70's?
You know the ones. Where ' psychic assassins' were sent through (wait for it folks!) - another 'dimensional porthole' to 'kill' individuals in their sleep (!); phew! Yes folks, I do keep rather unusual company at times – but that was indeed what my 'colleague' was referring to as we ate lunch with ...... .... .......  ......  dining with friends at an adjacent table.
The conversation got even more, let's say, ''out of this world'' as the afternoon progressed.
''Did you know that Trump's personal bodyguards have nightmares they have never reported?'' my colleague says to me. I looked intently not knowing whether to run for the door or call for a medic.
Continuing ''Of dreaming that, whilst on duty, being confronted with an ''entity'' which so terrified them that they backed away in fear allowing it to pass unchallenged towards it's 'target'.''
''Apart from anything else, who reports nightmares to superiors?''

''For Whom The Bell Tolls?''
Imagine telling your 'boss' you had encountered on a garden path something so frightening your training and courage melted and you backed away just to let it pass by?
You would be instantly replaced or put 'on sick leave' on the grounds of mental instability – and quite rightly so.

Denying the Fantasy – Returning To  Reality
These situations simply do not exist (in the world we know) and are the product of fantasy(ies) of mentally unstable individuals who have no business guarding the President of The United States.

Can you imagine if the President died in office of natural causes and the Secret Service/Mossad calling in it's protection staff and asking them which ones of them saw what in their nightmares?
Such questions are so bizarre and out to lunch that only someone insane would ask the questions - and only the insane would believe the answers elucidated.

I have not seen this person since our one meeting - nor do I expect any meetings up in my sleep (!)

©Patrick Emek, July 2018

(subtitle added as an afterthought update, August 2018)In The Balcony Of The Court Of The Crimson King
There is a back story as to why I even gave time to somebody who quite clearly is talking deranged about matters such as those above.
Many decades ago I was living with friend and acquaintances. We had finished drinking for the night, I was tired and told my friend I was turning in. He and others stayed up early into the morning. Somebody started 'playing' with a Ouija board. There were about 8-10 individuals.
The rest of the story I was told later:strange things started to happen. I believe he said to me ''weird things started going on.'' They abandoned playing with the board. My friend said that they should check on me to make sure that I was OK. They found me sweating, all the white covering sheets dripping wet around the outline of my body. Somebody said they should call an ambulance for me.
A conclusion was reached that I was sound asleep so why bother. The next morning my friend asked me if I remembered anything from the previous night. I said I did not. (This was not quite true but I only remembered afterwards that I had felt a sensation of warmth and 'saw' red while sleeping. This I only recalled a little later.) He outlined the above to me as to what had happened when they started playing with the Ouija board. He did not say exactly what had occurred but it was something which had frightened them all. I believe that they believed that something additional was present with them in the room as a direct result of their 'game' with the board,that none were able to explain.
Nobody (not even my friend) told me exactly what has happened – but it was something to frighten 8-10 grown men not given easy to fear and apparently nobody wanted to talk about it any further.
I k now nothing beyond the above about that night. I later heard that 3 had killed themselves (at different times – years apart – suicides.) One other suffered a brain haemorrhage from which he later succumbed. The others I do not know about. I never asked my friend anything further about that night. So this is one reason I was prepared to give some time to listen to, what to others might seem totally 'out to lunch.'
Decades later I was having lunch with someone I knew from West Africa. He told me bizarre stories about how 'an evil spirit had been summoned by an 'enemy' and how he had to engage a
Shaman/Witch Doctor to 'summon up' other spirits to protect him. If I tell you that this was not some uneducated dumbo, and whose sincerity was without doubt. He described in detail the rituals used to 'summon up' the 'good' demons to save him. At no time did he employ conventional medicine. He recovered from whatever 'illness' he had been suffering – thanks, as he says, to the demons summoned from beyond to battle 'the evil eye' which had been set upon him.
This story would be totally irrelevant if I had not had it repeated in different guises of stories relayed by different individuals from different continents in the course of my life.
The above (and more*) are the reasons I gave this 'deranged' individual some time to describe 'psychic' adventures – or happenings out of mind out of time and out of space. 

*Decades later, for example, I discussed what had happened that night with a fellow-colleague, Phillip Paul, who appeared interested in such matters, and he suggested that I might not have been the 'innocent bystander' ('asleep') as I had always presumed I was that night - since there was no reason to think otherwise.  What he went on to explain, was, quite frankly, really 'out to lunch'(!) and beyond the realm of sanity - unless you believe in such states of existences.