Friday 24 August 2018

Saudi Arabia and The Gulf States
(All That Glitters...............................)
Why Your Government and It's Mainstream Media Does Not Want You, For Even A Fractional Millisecond, To Contemplate As To the Fate Of Jamal Khashoggi's Dismembered Body After It Was Removed From the Saudi Consulate-Embassy In Istanbul By Aides To His Executioners

[Because it might, for the first time since your birth, open your eyes as to the types of people governments and the international business community worldwide happily do business with – every day of the week – in your name]

It is highly likely that Mr Khashoggi's body, after clinical dismemberment, was placed in bits, in an industrial chemical fluid which corrodes/burns off/evaporates off /meat/ human flesh.
The bones might then need to be cut further, cleaned, crushed, then mixed with, say, for example, lime.
Because this could not be re-cycled (e.g. fed as livestock feed/meal) it could then be either mixed with another substance then dumped in a quarry or somewhere similar.

Every day men, women,children and babies are either dying in their mothers wombs – having been killed with the bombs or bullets our governments supply to Saudi Arabia for, say, it's wars in Yemen or in Syria.
What these politically correct Left Wing politicians fail to tell you is that as soon as we stop supplying these bombs and bullets, there are 50 other countries standing in line to step in and do the same thing – maybe even more.

Planet Of the Apes, Planet Of Duplicity
If you watch ''Russia Today'' [RT] you will be given a diatribe of revulsion about the war in Yemen – and how U.S. and Western armaments are causing carnage.
If the West unilaterally stopped supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia tomorrow, The Russian Federation, be assured, would be the first in to fill the gap.

Everyone knows that weapons supplied will be used to murder civilians yet everyone pretends that there are agreements in place to prevent this – and they 'dumb' you down (through the mainstream media) to placidly accept their assurances.

The point I am making here folks is that everyone knows what happened to Mr Khashoggi's body – because governments who deal with the Saudis know exactly the type of people they are dealing with and, indeed, that they (the Saudis) are no less 'capable' in disposal than their Western counterparts – though their methods might be somewhat cruder and, for such reason(s), dare I say it, more 'transparent' in outline than their Western counterparts. In other words, you do not have to be an atomic scientist to figure out how the Saudis disposed of Mr Khashoggi's dismembered body – but everyone [Trump and his government as one example] wants to ''be kind'' to the Saudis........and give then the space and the time to develop their narrative their very own way.

[The conspiracy to deceive you and keep you in eternal ignorance and compliance from cradle to grave is a part of all the incumbent representative structures worldwide.]

Not In My Name?
Of course there has to be a better way to live and to trade than that described above.
Of course I do not agree nor approve of any of the above.
What I am attempting to demonstrate to you is the hypocrisy of the lies you are being fed and the realities of the world your politicians are happily negotiating every day – on your behalf – in your name – for the benefit of your country.

If you have any answers or directions Brothers and Sisters, don't tell me, I never assumed any mantel nor did I give nor make any false promises on a planet of duplicity where governments, business, the media, the community, services', all demand their very own pound of warm living flesh – and if this is paid for with ''blood money'' then, so be it. In the interests of expediency, everything is fair game.

Look to those who have better answers for your salvation.

©Patrick Emek, October 2018