Thursday 16 August 2018


This page is blank today because if President Donald J. Trump gets his way you will first only be reading what he thinks, says, and sees, then, one by one, all articles opposing his thinking will gradually disappear until finally, you will only be left with the lies and deceit he peddles - as happens in all dictatorships throughout the world

You might think today that you are safe now, but, sooner or later, you too will cross him - and suffer the same fate as all media organisations and individuals he has victimized - while you stood by and said nothing

This is what happens when you impose censorship – censorship on what people can say, what they can view, what they can advocate - without fear nor favor

Gradually everything which allows you to make sense of the known and unknown world disappears from what you see and what you hear and even from what the remaining supplicant media says - until you too become fearful of voicing any opposing views, thinking opposing thoughts, and fearful of watching anything which will garner the displeasure of tyrants

Until you too are left with nothing which makes sense

even that will ultimately disappear

©Patrick Emek, August 16, 2018