Thursday 22 November 2018

03.35 EST
22nd November 2018

CNN Finally Tell The American and World Public The Truth:
That After 17 Years Of War, The Taliban Now Control Over 40% Of Afghanistan

After years of lying to the world, a grim-faced CNN reporter announces that the Taliban now control over 40% of Afghanistan.
(The figure is higher than 45% in actual fact)

Thanks to the fact that both President Obama and his successor President Trump reduced the numbers of ground forces required - in opposition to what their Generals and professional advisors were telling them were required ''to get the job finished'' coupled with the fact that a number of Allied Coalition forces simply withdrew from the mission. The situation of local Afghan Commanders and supporting Police units became untenable in many Provinces.
(But you knew all this already if you have been reading. what CNN has describes for years as  'rubbish' Internet blogs.  It used to say the same about ''Infowars'' by having a policy of never mentioning it by name - that is until it became clear this is one of Donald Trump's main news sources. But again you also knew this if you were reading blogs at this website for the past half decade.)
''Infowars'' is not the Far Right but, as with 'Antifa' or the 'Alt Left', represents the Zionist Far Right in The United States - masquerading and attracting support from unwitting and less knowledgeable individuals, with fiery extremist-borrowed rhetoric from that of the Far Right.  (Very confusing if you do not understand history - especially the history of Europe - in the twentieth century.)

American and NATO Lives Lost For Absolutely Nothing
There is a certain irony that this admission should come during Thanksgiving Week.

Not too long ago I met with a former serving Officer from Afghanistan and we had a lengthy heart to heart chat about the current environment in that country.
This is an individual folks who put his life on the line every day for the cause of democracy and freedom of speech and of the Press in Afghanistan.
There is little I can add in intelligence data that you do not know already from reading the alternative columns on both sides of the mainframe of this blog - and they too are often ''straight from the horses mouth.''
I am so pleased that my friend was one of the 'lucky' ones - at least to return physically unharmed.
(His own life was, as he told me in confidence, shattered by the news that a colleague - who had saved his life in the field - had, after returning home, gone into a state of deep depression over a period of a year - and then committed suicide - having physically survived all the dangers and returned home to his loving family in one piece but mentally scarred for life.  I can relate to this because I too was in dangerous environments and journalists-researchers, unlike military personnel, have no access to veterans PTSD support and counseling.  War Zones and their calamities are accepted as part of the job description.  What does occasionally irritate me is that unlike, say, Donald McCullin and Alan Johnston, mainstream media networks ''gloss''the  fact that their reporters are ''embedded'' or ''protected'' whilst serving in the field.   You cannot function as a truly independent researcher or journalist when embedded with coalition forces.
(I do appreciate why this happens and I also recommend that journalists should, in today's media-hostile political climates, always go as ''embedded'' rather than as freelance reporters or journalists.)

I say the above because, for myself, it seems so tragic that the Afghan people, who have suffered terrible deprivations and horrors over the past 17 years, should be let down by Western politicians in this manner - by being abandoned to the Taliban and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with little to no promises secured for their future nor well-being after Western coalition forces completely withdraw.
I have known groups affiliated to al-Qaeda and also know that such will exercise Islamic responsibility and input over Taliban theocratic rule in Afghanistan, but, nonetheless, it still seems a tragedy that the West will have little to no input into the political-spiritual direction of this very beautiful country and it's citizens for a very long time to come. 

Paramount Chief Ajmal Khan
The best that can be hoped for is that a new spirit of cooperation for the modernization of Afghanistan will be born between the emerging Islamic State of Afghanistan, The Tribal Council and Independent Tribal Leaders.
Not too long ago, I was present when Pashtun Paramount Chief Ajmal Khan, one of the most influential Tribal leaders in Afghanistan laid out on the floor (a table was not big enough to show all of the Tribal Elders signatures) for all present to see,  a peace treaty between all Tribal Elders committing themselves towards a new future for their country.
From fighting the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan until it was defeated then as Paramount Chief, Ajmal Khan has more experience than most about the country he has devoted his life to liberating and developing.
I should also add, with honesty, that there was an eruption of anger from one Tribal Representative present (and whose organization is Pakistan-supported and one of whose offices is based in Peshawar - and who represents but one of  a handful of Tribal groups not signing nor committed to this declaration of intent of the Loya Jirga) when Ajmal Khan spoke.   The Tribal Representative basically accused Ajmal Khan of betraying the Afghan people, used XXXXexpletives deletedXXXXXX and challenged him (Paramount Chief Ajmal) to say what he was saying in another environment ending with a statement to the effect that his group rejected this 'Peace' treaty of Intent which 98% of Afghan Tribal Elders have signed on to - and whose signatures were laid out before us all in this (what may in future years be regarded as a historic presentation) - whose significance was lost to some present at the event.
[As I was present as a guest, it was not my place to say anything whilst this heated discourse was taking place.  I later asked Chief Ajmal about infrastructural development and job creation in a post-war Afghanistan and he confirmed that such will be funding priorities for future post-war governments of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in cooperation with development partners.]

''Blood Is Thicker Than Water'' [and oil is thicker than blood- I might add.]
Blood-ties, intimate friendships and loyalty are of absolute importance in this part of the world (and can mean the difference between life and death.)
Sadly the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (ISIL-ISIS) have not signed the above Treaty of future intent but I am optimistic, if Allah wishes it to happen, that the Islamic Emirate may yet be persuaded to sign on - after the last of the Coalition Forces have left the country.  They have already indicated that they will not discuss Afghanistan's future until all ''invaders'' have withdrawn their forces from the country.   
[Indeed, as I understand it, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, is using his personal influence to attempt to persuade the Islamic Emirate to come on board in the interests of all the people of Afghanistan.]

So What Was It All About?
History is written by the victors so don't expect future generations of students to ever appreciate the complexity of Afghanistan nor the sacrifices of its civilians nor those of Islamic fighters and their families in the ''liberation'' struggles.
That is the one thing Coalition force personnel (United States, Europe,Canadian, Australian) who have died or were physically or psychologically wounded whilst on active duty in the service of their country have in common:
The reasons why they all, collectively, died, were murdered or massacred, become harder and harder to fathom beyond the glib, heartless, political slogans such as 'fog of war', slogans like 'democracy' 'freedom'  'liberty' 'humanitarian values' 'human values' 'Western values.'
What do all these slogans mean to an aging mother who has lost all of her sons, now has crippled daughters she cannot now arrange to marry as nobody wants them - except as 'temporary' wives?; or in Afghanistan the mother whose young sons who are now disfigured, blind and crippled and who are now likewise now solely dependent on Tribal support for all of their needs and help to find a bride to take care of them for the rest of their lives?  [No Social welfare nor support services as we know them exist here and you are entirely dependent on either tribal blood ties or someone linked or affiliated or 'adopted' by the tribe.]
What use are such glib politicians slogans to the father who has lost all his sons and daughters in the war?

They All Died - For What exactly?
Who gave anyone the right to send any of these people (civilians conscripts and volunteer enlistees as Armed Forces Service Personnel) to their deaths -  knowing, as we all know, that mainstream media, politicians and religious (or 'spiritual') leaders never reveal their true motives for going to war?

And now, on the eve of another conflict, this time with Iran, who gave politicians the right to take away the lives of Israelis, Arabs, Christians and Iranians?   And all for what?

It could well be that it will be your son or daughter who will be going to the frontline of the new frontier conflict - so be damned sure that they (and you) know the real reasons why they are being 'psyched' into hatred and sent into battle.  

Nobody doubts that the ordinary Iranian people are living under a despotic regime - but so too are many other peoples that you and I can think of.

And nobody in the mainstream dares, out of patriotism, to ever question the lofty political ideals as to  why even more lives are being offered, as sacrifice on the alter to Mammon, in this endless cycle of, what will be, for all the victims of this new war, yet more Hell on Earth.

Happy Thanksgiving.

©Patrick Emek, November 2018