Thursday 5 September 2019

The Merchants Of Death

Not too long ago I read that a number of websites are selling online copy extracts of the now defunct Islamic Caliphate's 'flagship' magazine 'DABIQ.'  This would not be an issue in itself but for the fact that these prestigious organisations now charging for limited access to the contents of 'Dabiq' were all complicit - in support of ISIS-ISIL-The Islamic Caliphate of Iraq and Sham - standing by in silence while their Western governments not just stood by and watched Christian Syrians, Iraqis, Kurds, Yazidis and fellow-Muslims being butchered and mutilated by acolytes of the Islamic Caliphate of Iraq and Sham but were covertly supporting ISIS and it's affiliates to destroy Syria, it's moderate secular government and, through the ensuing butchery of the entire Christian community to follow their instalment of an ISIS Caliphate, actively end the historic presence of  a Christian community for over one thousand years.
These 'prestigious' institutes now want to charge you to read extracts from DABIQ and other ISIS-produced magazines.  They want to effectively, metaphorically speaking, drink the blood of all of the victims of the Caliphate whilst eating their dead flesh.  This is my interpretation of their 'charging' for the 'privilege' of access to the Islamic State's flagship English-language publication.
We know as a historical fact that NATO members (including Israel) were supporting ISIS as it wreaked havoc in Syria.  ***[I heard a rumor some time ago that over 30 British-Israeli (NATO) trained (and some British passport carrying)  ISIS members had been captured at Kafr Nabudah (possibly tortured) and executed.  Veterans Today (VT) recently referred to this incident when a (prompted) question was put to the Syrian President by a British newspaper.  The Syrian President answered the question but the fate of these individuals is still unclear and we still do not know for certain if some are still alive or all are dead.]
This is also reminiscent of the hypocrisy of publicly banning Leni Riefenstahl's visual works after World War II - whilst at the same time making it required study for all information (propaganda) departments and analysts in Eastern and Western Europe and in the United States. These individuals assume for themselves the right to regulate your access to public interest information on their assumption that it might 'influence' you towards (possibly) joining the Islamic Caliphate by an appreciation of it's ideals and objectives. Likewise Riefenstahl's works were banned to the public after World War II for fear they might attract 'weak' individuals towards National Socialism (Nazism.)  Ironically, now she is deceased, everyone wants to make money out of her World War II propaganda works. [For the record, Riefenstahl herself often said (and I believed her) that the Nazi Party in Germany at that time offered her 'respect' as a female professional film maker and propagandist in an era when there were no women in this field of visual data transmission - and indeed very few opportunities available for intelligent career women in all the professions other than in medicine, nursing, the nunnery and a few others.]

It is for the above reasons that I am making available, free to download, a number of copy editions of the defunct Islamic Caliphate's flagship magazine ''DABIQ'' - so that you can be the arbiter of it's content and not anonymous institutions who want to assume for themselves the ability to censor what you read and how you think - and charge you for the privilege of accessing this data.
[Indeed, as I said 3 or 4 years ago at this blog site, I may have been an unintentional party to internet ''chat'' about Islamic media and it's future direction prior to the release of  the magazine ''Dabiq.'']

I will add downloadable copies of this magazine on this main blog page for about the next five days.  After that time you will find them by scrolling down the side bar of this blog - where 'Merchants Of Death' can continue to be read (and free copies of 'Dabiq' downloaded) so as to enable ''SHIP OF FOOLS'' to (yet again) 'run' as the main page.

[I am sure there are many given  and assumed reasons why this material is 'banned' from your reading - and only available to those 'approved' by your government.  I will not speculate about those reasons but leave that to others more experienced than I in this area of censorship and information management.]

(After reading copies of the magazines if you really want to make any donation please identify a European, Middle-East (or Far-East) based Christian or Muslim organisation which has had a historical track record of helping victims of ISIS war crimes and other Islamic State atrocities.)

Patrick Emek
September 5, 2019 

an analysis of  websites suggest that most (if not all) ISIS material has now been removed from the mainstream internet and replaced with ('comfort zone' 'established') 'expert' viewpoints of al Hayat publications - rather than allowing you to read and understand for yourself.                     The assumption here is that, like a child, you cannot be allowed to read 'propaganda' and it must be interpreted for you (by 'high priests' if you will) in a way which will 'shape' your viewing and analysis.     In other words, because of a total news 'blackout', when the next 9/11 happens, the world, in general, will likewise be totally unprepared for the 'fallout.'   I do not have any issue with journalist in the service of the State - as some websites 'offering' an analysis of 'Dabiq' (quite obviously) are.   The issue for me is that analysts whose sole objective is to satisfy the political directives of their masters, that this, sadly, will never give a coherent 'picture' of where Islam and Islamic 'thinking' is today.  As such, their analysis remains deeply flawed and is entirely subjective and, for the most part, alien from Islamic thinking today in the Sunni world of Salafism and Wahhabism.

PE  Sept.6/19

[A renowned Islamic Scholar (peace be upon him عليه السلام) is making it his life's work to create a historical archive of the Islamic State's publications.  This is the only internet website I would recommend as reliable and 'untainted' by profiting (profiteering) from any unIslamic activities undertaken by the Caliphate.  I should also yet again add that even al Qaeda disavowed the atrocities against innocent civilians and prisoners of war which were carried out by ISIS fighters and 'distanced' itself from the administrative Caliphate of Iraq and Sham.    PE]

Dabiq:Cambridge University Press (Subscription site)

You might also be interested in this pilot study:

[ It is seriously flawed-focused on concepts of insulation from radical elements, numbers, influence and money rather than ideals and commitment.  To appreciate the chasm between those ideologically committed and the above (secular) study, read the article on page 12 of 'Rumiyah' (issue 8) the successor magazine to DABIQ.  I am only including this one issue of 'Rumiyah' to explain why the above pilot study is a world (a universe?) removed from the 'reality' of Islamic fundamentalist commitment to 'the cause': ]

*** 14/9/19: A question was asked of President Assad during a Press briefing from a journalist with a British newspaper.  This 'question' was (presumably) relayed to that newspaper from a 'desk' within the FCO (which itself was probably asked by an agency) to seek clarification about exactly what had happened to the operatives.

Issue No. 7:

Issue No. 8:

Issue No. 6:

Issue No. 4:

Issue No. 1:

Issue No. 5:

Issue No. 2:

Issue No. 10:

Issue No. 13:

Issue No. 14:

Issue No. 15:

Issue No. 9:

Issue No. 3:

Issue No. 11:

Issue No. 12:

The above visual images are all evolved from and based on concepts first experimented and originally developed by Leni Riefenstahl, the first undoubted genius in modern political cinematography and the art of the utilization of propaganda in the visual medium for maximum impact.
[Indeed Donald Trump utilises from some of the finest works developed by Riefenstahl for her boss at The Ministry Of  Propaganda.  Now compare this example (below) to one (or many) of the 'worst' (or 'best', depending on your viewpoint) Trump ''Rallies'' which you can easily find online.  ]

**and if you want to see the sort of  'fighters' or 'liberators' our governments in Western Europe (and the Israelis) have been training to overthrow the Syrian government of the secular moderate President Bashar al-Assad, 'liberators' who wholesale butcher Syrian Christians (as they did Iraqi , Yazidi and Kurdish civilians and prisoners of war) to establish a new ISIS Islamic Caliphate, please click here:

and also here below please (older footage - but the same Islamic State [ISIS/ISI] acolytes as perpetrators of War Crimes against prisoners of war and innocent civilians)

and here:΄un-enfant-de-13-ans-par-les-moderes-d΄-alep-video/

[The above is what your politicians in Western Europe do not want you to see:the type of 'liberators' (professed) Christian European secular governments are supporting in Syria to replace that of President Bashar al Assad.  If you have any influence with your Congressman or Congresswoman please again ask them to watch in case they are still unaware.  They may well be ultimately he last hope for Christians abandoned by Western Europe's politicians to the tender mercies of Takfiri (rejectionist) Salafist extremists.  The last 2 are older videos - and were available earlier for viewing.]

And what is all this Western frenzied support for butchery and mayhem in Syria, Iraq and Iran all about?; you may very well ask.  What is the destruction of  fledgling secular Muslim democracies and benevolent dictatorships and their replacement with extremist Islamic theocratic States all about?
What is the tearing up of  international treaties to guarantee (with monitoring in place) no nuclear weapons in Iran nor, for that matter, as a counterbalance, in the Arabian Peninsula?  Everything you learned about the sanctity of international law, law of the seas, is being demolished.
Even the Statue Of Liberty - as a symbol - and the preeminence of  American diplomatic and political influence worldwide has been betrayed.  [In my opinion this is no less than treason.]
What is 'worth'  the 'weight' of so much bloodied human flesh?; the weight of so many cupfuls - nay rivers -  of human blood from the bodies of  all those massacred senselessly?; what is 'worth' the weight of  so many destroyed lives?; so much bloodshed, anguish, unspeakable butchery and the apparent 'madness' of Western (secular Christian) politicians - training, covertly supplying with weapons and  giving 'carte blanche'  for mass murder to so many extremist, Takfiri and Wahhabi indoctrinated, frenzied, Islamic religious zealots?        Sadly, brothers and sisters, there is a logic to this madness.   As I told you over four years ago, it's all about 'fabulous' mineral and physical wealth from the new Silk Road - and oil and gas from the Caspian Sea regions and the 'Stans' - meandering their way through Central Asia, through (once-intended but now abandoned) 'safe' corridors, with NATO providing a security umbrella, all the way through  to Turkey, to Syria, and finally ending up in Europe.  That's what all this unimaginable butchery, misery, chaos, internally displaced hapless individuals and refugees fleeing into Christendom from the chaos and anarchy the West has created in the near Muslim world, and on a scale not seen since the Second World War.   That is what this is really all about.