Sunday 5 January 2020

Eretz (Greater) Israel:
[The Oded Yinon Project:
What The Mainstream Media Will Not Tell You About This Forthcoming War With Iran]

(What U.S. and British Troops Will Be Dying For In The Coming Middle East Storm)

The Forthcoming War Against Iran
Firstly, most Israelis will not even know what this coming war is really all about because, like you, they have been denied that knowledge.
Most Israelis will assume that it is about defending the State of Israel against annihilation by Iran. This is how the war will be 'sold' to that population.
To the U.S. population, who are even less informed, it will be sold as a war against evil terrorists and bringing democratic freedom and liberation to oppressed Muslims in the Middle East.

Trump:- The Great 'Mastermind' Of Eretz Israel
What might surprise you is that this is not Donald Trump's 'Project.'
It has been over a hundred years in the making and Trump just happens to be the United States President in Office who can be persuaded to deliver it on behalf of American Zionists to their counterparts in Israel.

To Criticize Zionism Is A Criminal Offense akin To Terrorism
The first phase of this forthcoming Middle East War took place when Donald Trump recently signed into law a Presidential Executive order making it a criminal offence, akin to terrorism, to oppose Zionism. It appears, at face value to be an Order against Anti-Semitism but in reality will only affect those individuals and institutions boycotting Zionism and the economic exploitation of Palestinians. You see, it 'lumps' all Israelis and Jews together as one homogeneous group who are all in favor of the economic exploitation of the Palestinians and says that if you boycott Jewish products from Occupied Palestinian territories, this is Anti-Semitic.
Many non-Zionist Israelis and Jews worldwide will neither buy nor stock any produce from Occupied Palestinian lands.

If you read my blogs I explain to you the history of the boycott and how impoverished Irish people effectively used this form of non-violent protest against oppression.
Trump's Executive order does something even more sinister.
It criminalizes the right to peaceful non-violent protest against oppression.

Because this forthcoming war against Iran war will be started by Eretz Israel Zionists, identifying and interning potential ''collaborators'' (i.e. those opposed to this Zionist war) will be a priority.

This is a war where you may have to take unusual political sides.
For example, in Oregon, some individuals who may have traditionally voted for nationalist or socialist agendas, actually voted for Barack Obama – on two occasions. They were prepared to give the man a chance – until he showed himself to be 'just another sell-out politician.'
So those who oppose this war, non-Zionist Jews and otherwise, might not be your first choice to side with but if you both oppose this war, you are both on the same path – which is different from that of the warmongers, the 'masters of war' or merchants of death – who are coming for your your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, your aunt and uncle and for yourself.

Political Prisoners In The United States
Internment of potential Nazi collaborators and Japanese citizens were unique features of America during World War II.
Likewise anyone who opposes economic Zionism will now, legally, by Trump's Executive Order in December 2019, face punishment, arrest, imprisonment and, should war start, internment. This Order is a Zionist ploy to curb free speech – and plays to Trump's emotive hatreds and anti-media agenda.
Political prisoners labelled as common criminals in violation of Trump's Anti-Semitic Law will be the order of the day.
(If you doubt this, please study what Trump recently signed into law just before Christmas.)

The blood of patriots will yet again be spilt to stain the flag so that cowards can benefit and prosper from their demise.

If your relative has been deployed or as you prepare to deploy from the United States, as a Christian, as a Jew, as a Muslim, Hindu, other faith or no faith at all, this is what you need to know about why you are being asked to give what may be the ultimate sacrifice.
Sadly it is for no high ideals nor morals nor sadly to bring democracy nor freedom.
It is for a Greater Israel – the completion of a blueprint devised in London (England) over a century ago by Theodore Herzl – and you are the instrument of it's delivery.

Be under no illusion, educated citizens in Iran, in Iraq, in Syria, Lebanon and throughout the Islamic world (Ummah) are very familiar with the Oded Yinon Plan. Make sure that you too are well-informed.

There is no protection in exploiting other vulnerable peoples as retribution for previous discrimination – which Zionism thinks there is.

Trump's creation of a homogeneous Jewish 'exceptionalism' increases the likelihood of future racial conflict within the United States and elsewhere.
The Oded Yinon Project
If it is any comfort, most Israelis who are not Zionists are not a part of this Project – would vigorously oppose it if fully aware of its provisions – because it is an insane Project (!)
If you look at where Eretz Israel extends you will see that it creates more problems for Israel than it solves.
(Indeed it is probably ultimately the destruction of Israel and not it's security nor salvation which this extended territory ultimately creates.)
This 'project' (Eretz Israel) is what this forthcoming war against Iran is also all about.

Will this (insanity) ever happen again?
Probably likely so.
As with Daesh, after so much blood has been shed and chaos and destruction abound, the culprits responsible will go into hiding (in plain sight) licking their wounds and plotting the same event at some future time in history – when you and I are long departed and the public at large is even less informed than it is today (if such is possible.)

Will your successors be prepared for the next episode of the Project (Eretz Israel) – beyond this one?
Probably not.

What then, is the point of this article?
It is to ensure that you appreciate why you are being asked to lay down your life for your country.

This is where I refer you to another reference for The Oded Yinon Project for a Greater Israel. This reference explains in greater detail the history of the Project.

If you want to know with some additional historical detail why you are being deployed in 2020 for the Middle East, please click here:

The maps below show the territorial area of Eretz Israel.
Study them well – because your mainstream media will not cite such as the reasons for a war with Iran.

©Patrick Emek, January 5, 2020