Wednesday 29 January 2020

Michael D'Andrea, Head Of  U.S. Intel Operations, Assassinated By The GRU In Afghanistan

In what appears to be a 'favor' or 'gift'  to the Iranian IRGC and government, the Russian GRU has used it's extensive contacts to assassinate a Senior U.S. Intelligence Officer and his team.

Sadly something of this kind was entirely predictable after Secretary Of State Pompeo's recent statement of a fundamental change in U.S. official policy, declaring that assassinations are now an integral part of the State Department's deterrence to both terrorism and those supporting terrorism. 

After the assassination of General Soleimani U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo gave a speech at The Hoover Institution where he stated this change in U.S. foreign policy.
(See previous blog at this website and references below.)

While this was not the catalyst for the recent alleged assassination of D'Andrea, such public statements do nothing to promote diplomacy at a time where the rule of international law is being flouted by the very countries which established such laws over decades and upon which the frameworks of global democracy and international diplomacy are today based.

Assassinations can never be a part of diplomacy - and the U.S. Secretary Of State is America's top diplomat.
The fact that he may, for the moment, have the support of  President Trump adds no validity to this policy of targeted killings.  The most worrying aspect, as I earlier mentioned, is that rival superpowers will likewise base a part of their foreign policy on targeted assassinations. It is widely believed and reported that the Secretary Of State was sending a signal to China and The Russian Federation not to support 'terrorism' nor oppose U.S. Foreign policy objectives worldwide.

What such public statements appear to be doing is creating even more support for rival superpowers as America appears more isolated and removed from the world of international diplomacy and reason becoming entirely reliant on intimidation, military force, it's use or it's sub-contracted hire to the highest bidder - or threat of use - further negating decades of carefully crafted U.S. diplomacy which made America second to none for the furtherance of democratic ideals and values.

The fact that serving Officers such as D'Andrea have become pawns in a vengeancezzzz war between politicians simply by carrying out their duties is a sad reflection of how lacking in policy substance the latter must be to resort to vocal threats, innuendos of threats and intimidation of countries which do not share their beliefs nor values and that such target countries will take up that challenge and enter the cycle of the terror arena to the extent that the GRU will 'offer it's services' to 'right wrongs' against 'aggrieved' countries and regimes such as Iran, in the furtherance of it's own agenda and objectives, is a sad reflection of how far into the jungle the world has strayed in recent years.

Patrick Emek
January 29, 2020

(Unconfirmed. PE) Iran report:Michael D’ Andrea,the head of US intelligence operations against #Iraq, #Iran and #Afghanistan,& responsible for the murder of General #Soleimani ,has been killed in the #Taliban's shoot-down of a US military plane in
