Monday 6 April 2020

The Philosophy Of COVID-19
[Why Coronavirus Is Nature's Second 'Perfect' Virus]

The Boring Bits
[You can skip this part if pressed for time]
I was always fascinated with the study of virology but never wanted to be cooped up in a laboratory wearing a White Coat working for some global multinational for euros 1800 a month.
My father was an obstetrician and gynaecologist and my mother a nurse.
I saw how undervalued, underpaid and overworked both were from a very early age.
My mother more so than my father – whom I only knew briefly and had a very strained relationship with.
To cut a long story short when I was sixteen, I took the Entrance Exam – The Matriculation Certificate - for Trinity College – and I was offered a place at University.
I never took up this offer and have no regrets – although it was something I wanted to do at that time.
To cut an even longer story shorter I found myself working and researching in the Civil Service.
My work introduced me to a number of exotic branches of science. Some of these were, at that time, groundbreaking areas – such as molecular electronics and nanoscience.
This was in the late 1970s to early 1980s. When I left the Civil Service I independently researched some of these areas I had briefly encountered and published several books – which sold very few copies – and such made me realise the futility of scientific research as a means to make a good living. I never gave up researching scientific issues but realised the financial limitations society imposed as it placed so little value on scientists – unless they were working in the military-industrial or biotechnology complexes.
So that's my background, in a nutshell.

Ionized Radiation and It's Effects On Human Behaviour
While at University I published a short paper about electrical headaches – how ionised radiation could affect personality and human behaviour. This got the attention of the BBC and I met Roger Ketskemety (Head Of Programming) at Bush House in the Strand for a chat and a coffee and to discuss my paper.
To cut a long story short this led to several scientific interviews for BBC radio at Bush House and Portland House (near Oxford Street Underground Station.)
(The money I got for those interviews was, for a penniless student, significant certainly useful for buying cigarettes and booze for the next week!)

It's All About Logic (Nothing Personal)
I started looking at viruses and diseases in the 1990s but only published online around 2013-2014.
I was always fascinated with the possibility of the perfect natural and not so natural (synthetically produced) virus. The former because it didn't exist, the latter because they were already being developed in secret government laboratories across the world.
But what about the former? A number of scientists had this weird belief that someday nature itself would 'strike back' for the 'wounds' being 'inflicted' on the planet – runaway pollution of the atmosphere, the environment, factory farming, destruction of rain forests etc. There was nothing spiritual nor indeed philosophical about these beliefs they were simply based on the fact that for every action there is a reaction (Isaac Newton's Third Law.) So there was nothing spiritual or 'out of this world' about this theory.    It was simple logic.

How could nature itself create 'the perfect virus' when nature is not a 'living' thing?
Ah, now we are into the realm of philosophy and the 'funny' (spiritual) world where 'logic' does not always 'add up' perfectly, where 1 + 1 (as simple number addition) do not always add up to 2.

How could nature itself 'manufacture' a perfect virus when it
(a)is not a living entity
(b)lacks intelligence
(c)cannot think logically
(d)cannot extrapolate
(e)cannot plan for the future
(f)is unable to wage war globally
(g)even if all the above conditions were met, would not appreciate the concepts of logistics and targeting priorities for maximum impact (or effect.)

You might say that all of the above are applicable to the universe itself – yet here we are.

To cut a longer story even shorter, what if we ourselves provided nature with all of the above – and all it had to do was to find a logic 'path' (that is to say, it's own 'logic' path) to all of our actions in order to create for itself an 'intelligent' virus uniting with all the aspects which gave rise to it's beginning?  There is no feeling, no emotion, no desire to cause harm nor injury nor 'kill' (since it is incapable of understanding such an 'alien' concept, all actions of such a perfect virus being based on pure logic.)

So there you have it brothers and sisters.    My analysis of COVID-19.
And if you think the above is a little 'off the deep end', you certainly may (or may not) wish to be further 'entertained' with that perfect synthetically produced virus which terrorists will someday exploit ('The Big Kahuna') – the real 'killer' virus - which will decimate between 4.85 and 6.85 billion people on this planet.   As I said earlier, what is now happening is but a grain of sand for what is to come when someone or some group rises to that 'challenge', for whatever their motives.

Patrick Emek
April 6, 2020