Thursday 7 May 2020

''The video and clips you will see here have been banned by Twitter, by Google Drive and by You Tube.  I never removed them from viewings.'' 

''Triumph Of The Will'' was produced and directed by Leni Riefenstahl, the first great visual media political propagandist of the 20th Century.  It is a masterpiece of political propaganda.
As Riefenstahl remarked in later years, and I paraphrase,''Yes I worked for Dr. Joseph Goebbels - and he was highly respectful of my professional talents as a producer, director and creative artist.  In this regard, I have no regrets.''
Her work has been a seminal influence on media, on advertising and on propaganda (information) units since the second world war.
At one time her film works was required study by the U.S. DoD media units during the 1950s to enable early recruits to appreciate the techniques required for the 'cult of personality' production.
Officially she has been a pariah worldwide because of her working for the above person during the second world war. 
She was never a Nazi but she did, as was common ritual at that time, marry a serving German Army Officer, Peter Jacob, in 1944.

Patrick Emek

Stock photocopy photo (acquired in 2018) origin unknown  PE

Africa, by Leni Riefenstahl
(photos courtesy of Taschen and from the book)

In 2000,in front of a portrait of herself, painted in 1924

Leni Riefenstahl died on September 8, 2003 at Pöcking, Lake Starnberg, Bavaria
Photos above courtesy of Taschen and from the book 'Africa'  by Leni Riefenstahl, (2002)


Partisans defending their tribal lands and the honour of their Family and community from military alien invaders.
If you want to know why so many Allied troops suffer from PTSD after returning home from Afghanistan and Yemen, this (2 pictures below) is what they face on the battlefield - and what your government hides from you.  PE]

(The translation of the Hadith is (roughly) this: 
''Allah does not look at the face of the believer,but at what is in their hearts''

''Kill Me, Why? Tell Me Why?''

Triumph Of The Will: