Saturday 29 August 2020

Why Trump Is The Smartest Kid On The Block

Trump is an idiot.  He is a buffoon and a crass sexist jerk.  He is the vilest form of opportunistic human garbage imaginable.
But, do you know something, so too are many of us. The difference is that he can happily live with what he is not whereas the rest of us, like those Muslim and Christian Sects which flagellate themselves until their flesh is bloodied beyond human recognition, with cries to Allah or Jesus to forgive them of their sins in a sinful and tempting world of evil and vice.
He, however, wallows in it all - whilst promising his angry his lost and disenfranchised masses, "paradise lost" regained - and for so long as he demonstrates Obama-style "hope" for change, yes he, tbe Zionist, will deliver all on a silver platter, to his ravenous angry flocks.

Americans are the biggest consumers of illegal drugs on the planet because they have lost all spirituality and are seeking a different reality, some temporal understanding in their meaningless useless and rudderless lives where the only God to strive for in their universe of existence, from cradle to grave, from dusk till dawn, is Mammon.
He is the first real "high" they have had since Ronald Reagan.  Their first ray of hope that he will f**k everyone who traditionally *uc* America:the cheating Chinese whose imbalanced trade deals wìth America have humiliated and impoverished all;the perfidious British who play all ends against tbe middle;those treacherous European Union, Canadian, Mexican, countries whose unfair economic advantages have disadvantaged Americans;the Irish and Italian political Catholic "Mafias" who sucker us all;the Sand N****rs of North Africa and the Middle East; and especially the ones in Arabia who live in splendour while most back home in the U.S.A live as White and Black "trailer trash" - with no hope for the future - except debt - infrastructures crumbling all around - while all these foreigners live in tbe lap of luxury - and all at our expense.
Those N****rs and Wet****s and MS13 trash who live in "shitholes" and illegally cross our borders stealing our jobs, raping our women and driving wages into the gutter.  Well enough is enough!    "Make America Great Again!"
Yep folks.  Above is the ridiculously distorted and hugely misleading world vision Trump acolytes have from decades of what Voodoo Zionist Christianity, conspiracy theorists on mainstream TV and internet mobile have, on a daily basis, shovelled sh**loads of this garbage into the mind of a country where the National Enquirer's stories about sex-starved hybrid Aliens and David Icke's shape-shifting 5G lizards are more believed - and journalistically believable - than anything the Washington Post or the New York Times could throw at an intellectually illiterate, suspicious, dumbed-down Reality TV-believing-nation's populace.

Both successive Democratic and Republican administrations are equally to blame for this intellectual void and desert wasteland in the absence of critical thought and independent analysis since both despise and fear the free radical of true dissent.

If Trump is re-elected, it will certainly not be because he is the most intelligent kid on tbe block - but because, for sure, he is the smartest.

Patrick Emek
August 30, 2020

Why Trump Is The Smartest Kid On The Block 

Trump is an idiot.  He is a buffoon and a crass sexist jerk.  He is the vilest form of opportunistic human garbage imaginable.
But, do you know something, so too are many of us. The difference is that he can happily live with what he is not whereas the rest of us, like those Muslim and Christian Sects which flagellate themselves until their flesh is bloodied beyond human recognition, with cries to Allah or Jesus to forgive them of their sins in a sinful and tempting world of evil and vice.
He, however, wallows in it all - whilst promising his angry his lost and disenfranchised masses, "paradise lost" regained - and for so long as he demonstrates Obama-style "hope" for change, yes he, tbe Zionist, will deliver all on a silver platter, to his ravenous angry flocks.

Americans are the biggest consumers of illegal drugs on the planet because they have lost all spirituality and are seeking a different reality, some temporal understanding in their meaningless useless and rudderless lives where the only God to strive for in their universe of existence, from cradle to grave, from dusk till dawn, is Mammon.
He is the first real "high" they have had since Ronald Reagan.  Their first ray of hope that he will f**k everyone who traditionally *uc* America:the cheating Chinese whose imbalanced trade deals wìth America have humiliated and impoverished all;the perfidious British who play all ends against tbe middle;those treacherous European Union, Canadian, Mexican, countries whose unfair economic advantages have disadvantaged Americans;the Irish and Italian political Catholic "Mafias" who sucker us all;the Sand N****rs of North Africa and the Middle East; and especially the ones in Arabia who live in splendour while most back home in the U.S.A live as White and Black "trailer trash" - with no hope for the future - except debt - infrastructures crumbling all around - while all these foreigners live in tbe lap of luxury - and all at our expense.
Those N****rs and Wet****s and MS13 trash who live in "shitholes" and illegally cross our borders stealing our jobs, raping our women and driving wages into the gutter. 
Well enough is enough!    
"Make America Great Again!"
Yep folks.  Above is the ridiculously distorted and hugely misleading world vision Trump acolytes see, from decades of what Voodoo Zionist Christianity, conspiracy theorists on mainstream TV and internet mobile have, on a daily basis, shovelled sh**loads of this garbage into the mind of a country where the National Enquirer's stories about sex-starved hybrid Aliens and David Icke's shape-shifting 5G lizards are more believed - and journalistically believable - than anything the Washington Post or the New York Times could throw at an intellectually illiterate, suspicious, dumbed-down Reality TV-believing-nation's populace.

Both successive Democratic and Republican administrations are equally to blame for this intellectual void and desert wasteland in the absence of critical thought and independent analysis since both despise and fear the free radical of true dissent.

If Trump is re-elected, it will certainly not be because he is the most intelligent kid on tbe block - but because, for sure, he is the smartest.

Patrick Emek
August 30, 2020