Saturday 3 October 2020

Boko Haram

 “Boko Haram”

(“Western Education Is The Work Of Satan”)

In 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile in France. An earlier Western powers summit Meeting in Guadeloupe had sealed fate of the Shah, Reza Pahlavi.

Khomeini had earlier published a book in Farsi (not translated in the West) about a future Islamic Iranian State.  It is a fascinating glimpse into a dream he will not live to see fulfilled in it's entirety.

Before going to his  settled home (1922) in Qom and before assuming the responsibilities of Islamic Office, Ayatollah Khomeini pays his respects to those imprisoned and Martyred by the “Savak” (The Shah’s Secret Police) in the “Holy War” to create the Islamic Republic Of Iran.   (As The Taliban prepare to assume the responsibilities of Islamic Emirate governance in Afghanistan, their first “duties” will be “respects” to those Martyred in the “Holy War” to defeat “the Infidel” (“Crusaders”) and to provide for the families of “The Martyrs Of The Revolution.”  This is a “Holy” or “Sacred” ritual known worldwide in  both the Christian and Muslim worlds.)

"Boko Haram"("Western education is the work of Satan") have set a revolution in motion in Nigeria they are unlikely to see fulfilled.   But they have raised the spiritual aspirations of  tens of millions of Nigerian Muslims yearning to free themselves from the shackles of colonialism and post-colonialism and join with their spiritual Islamic destiny - the Ummah - so the new “spiritual”  journey can commence.

(“Neo-colonial”  interests are “covertly” organizing a “pushback” – creating Nigerian “puppets” (“servants”)  “business interests” are “encouraging” to stand for elective office. This will fail, because they have no support from the Imams nor Emirs in the country.

There can be no place for Christianity (nor Animism) in a Boko Haram Emirate.   It is for this reason they too will not succeed in creating their “perfect” Islamic State – but they will be revered, to future generations in the Emirate - as the "spark" which “lit” the "fuse."

Unlike in Iran, it will be other Islamic parties which will take up this “torch” to transform Nigeria to become Africa's first Islamic Emirate in modern times.

I am now speculating but I believe Mali (“The Islamic Emirate Of Timbuktu”) and Niger will follow the same way.

All these changes ard unlikely to affect foreign trade – but the internal changes are likely to be profound and highly beneficial for Nigeria as standardized Islamic systems (similar to “The Napoleonic  Code”) will “regulate” internal affairs of State. 

“Boko Haram”

But where did this “Islamic Revolution” all begin?  If you want to understand "Boko Haram" and those who will emulate it’s fùndamental (albeit revised) values, you need to look at what they believe and appreciate that a “quieter” revolutiòn than  that of Boko Haram’s is taking place, uniquely Nigerian, across the country.

© Patrick  Emek

October 3, 2020

[Before reading, you need to appreciate that Europe and Britain only see Africa – Nigeria in this instance - through post-colonial eyes – a continent with no destiny of it’s own – if not determined in London or Paris.

America Russian and Chinese interests are based on how they, as global military superpowers, perceive their interests – but free from colonial shackles – as none were colonial powers in this continent’s long history.

When officials in The Shah of Iran’s Imperial government read Ayatollah Khomeini’s “vision” for an Islamic Iran they lauģhed and dismissed the writings as the work of a demented fool - whose vision for an Islamic Republic was so outrageous it had no future.  How wrong they were.]