Friday 12 March 2021



£8, 000, 000, 000, 000

To Deny The War Criminals of Yemen £8 Trillion (Sterling) In Lost Revenue Sales of Goods and Services.]

Houthi Yemen has been under economic blockade and medical siege since 2016.
This has resulted in 16 million starving people
with millions internally displaced and tens of thousands maimed, murdered and forced to take up arms to defend their homeland.

(More civilians are being slowly starved to death by Britain and Israel than at all the Concentration Camps in Europe during World War II.)

War Crimes have been documented by The Houthis but War Criminals will never face prosecution in their home countries because Governments in Europe have enacted laws to protect these Criminals.

The United States has withdrawn from this supply of weapons for offensive use against Houthi civilians in Yemen
U.S. Secretary Of State Blinken called it "the worst humanitarian disaster in the world."
Yet Britain and Israel refuse to stop supplying weapons to The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia which are being used to kill civilians in Yemen.

Both Senators and Congressional Representatives are working to ensure that documented War Crimes between 2017-2021 are collated for future Inquiry and Recommendations.
Senator Chris Murphy is the leading Democratic Spokesperson in this matter.

Breaking the siege by force of arms is not a peaceful option
The one peaceful alternative is the most destructive weapon known to mankind:
an economic boycott.

1/8 This campaign has You at it's center. All it's "Warriors" are invisible. It has an Originator - but no Leaders nor Office nor Contact.

2/8 "BOYCOTT" is named after an infamous British Captain in Ireland. His tyranny against the Irish people was so outrageous Irish Catholics determined to teach him a lesson history would never forget. His love of money and earthly things was greater than that of anything else.

3/8 Whole communities refused to buy any goods or services he or his Agents/Servants were offering. The beauty is that it is a peaceful way to show opposition that does not require politicians. You are it's power. Simply spread the Good News there is a peaceful way to oppose.

4/8 Satan's love of money means He has already "bought" your businessmen politicians and any person who has been educated in his ways and beliefs or who has patronage from His lands. They, as Captain Boycott, are already lost to Mammon so do not waste your time persuading otherwise.

5/8 Your mission, as Messengers, is to spread the Word -like wildfire- across the planet -to Boycott everything coming from those whose hands are dripping in blood, that they find no solace from your denial of purchase of all their powerful illusions of earthly wealth and salvation.

6/8 Your Mission is to stay alive and not to sacrifice yourself nor anyone else in this Holy Cause - inspired not by anyone on this planet but from beyond. Only by fighting this Cause for your whole life here on earth, will you fulfil the Mission.
