Saturday 6 March 2021

Stumbling Blocks To Peace In Yemen


President Biden and Secretary Of State Blinken have declared that peace in Yemen is a top priority.

Within a short time of inauguration the President appointed a Special Representative - reporting direct to his Office.

The problems have been several.  The UK and Israel (Australia also) refuse to stop supplying the arms which are fueling carnage and war crimes against the Houthis.  Neither have Saudi coalition offensives ceased.  Indeed a huge combined offensive by the coalition forces is analyzed to be necessary to save Marib from collapse to advancing Houthi forces.

There is therefore no incentive for Ansar Allah to halt it's ongoing military offensives.

When Marib collapses, the military initiative for operations inside Saudi Arabia shifts to Ansar Allah.  (An interesting issue not discussed in the media is the fragility of support Prince Salman has - ruling through fear rather than gentle persuasion.  When an opportunity presents itself, Prince Salman will not be popular as future King - and pent-up anger and retribution - will "shock" the "war-mongering Zionists" - whose hands are "dripping" in the blood of Houthi men, women, children and babies.)

[Another interesting fact is that Marib was the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Saba (or Sheba) - an even greater incentive to recapturing it from the servants of the foreigners ("Infidels") and returning it to Houthi Tribal rule.]

The only European country trusted as an honest mediator is Germany.  There are however internal political issues which might not suit Berlin as a Peace Conference destination. Doha has been discussed. The British would like Bahrain or Oman to be destinations but for reasons mentioned earlier, the British are not trusted by anyone of significance (except, perhaps, President Biden.)   Apart from anything else, both (Oman and Bahrain) are perceived as having "betrayed" their own people (and the "suffering" Palestinian people of Gaza and The West Bank of The Jordan.) to the Zionists.

Another stumbling block is the future role of the regional superpower, Iran, in an independent Houthi territory.   Ansar Allah has made it clear that Iran, as it's ally and protector, will play an integral role in guaranteeing regional peace and security against a return to conflict.

Patrick Emek

March 6, 2021

Yemen:Military Situation on 6th March, 2021:

MediĆ :Ansar Allah
