Saturday 18 February 2023

Sunshine At Midnight

 The Immediate Aftermath

Immediately after a nuclear explosion (assuming you do not suffer a "bullseye"/direct hit) radiation levels will go "off the charts" in all directions from ground zero.

The immediate issues are:

1.radiation levels/nuclear fallout;wind speed;wind direction from ground zero.

2.when is it safe to go outside again?

3.immediately after a low-intensity"packed" device explodes - and folks, we are not talking about the insanity of some parts of the world - or groups like ISIS - but an advanced military hierarchy which will carefully calculate each step in escalation before committing to a pre-planned strategic attack;radiation levels will immediately sky-rocket for hundreds of miles from the epicenter or from "ground zero."

4.These levels will, however, disperse or diffuse very quickly.

5.The rate of radioactive decay falls exponentially such that after one hour, the fallout is fatal in just over 40 minutes of personal unprotected exposure, after 8 hours, radiation sickness will result from unprotected environmental exposure. After 60 hours it is safe to venture outside using a protective covering.

In all of the above, however, both radiation sickness and permanent cell structure damage will likely result since you will be interacting with objects which have been exposed and contaminated.

Thus a rudimentary decontamination process should be prepared well in advance.

6.Decades ago, I "tasked" an individual with an infectious emergency (a potential pandemic) in a remote part of the world.

The "task" was to figure out, in an environment with minimal facilities, how and what to prepare and measure in order to survive - and potentially keep others alive - until they all either reached a safety zone or were extracted.

The point here is you need to prepare and say, now, not then: "well, what if...?"

7.Two weeks after an attack, unprotected, exposure for several hours each day - with some rudimentary decontamination process in place - will be tolerable on the human body.

8.Approximately 1 year after the low-intensity burst, radiation levels will have fallen to near natural background radiation levels.

You should, however, still observe all your prepared guidance procedures.

9.Under no circumstances attempt to plant crops nor burn vegetation since the latter will spread contaminated particles which have settled on plants and trees.

If you have prepared in advance, rely on your food stock until it is near depleted, then use only canned foods (using a rudimentary decontamination process for everything you touch or have obtained from the outside) for yet one more year, at least.

10.Do not, for one iota of a second, believe that the global elites who got you into this horrific mess will have any further use for you - except perhaps as slave labor or as food for them to eat and survive - if you yourself are uncontaminated.

©Patrick Emek
