Thursday 5 December 2013

On The Death Of Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa

 ''The most potent weapon in the hands of the 
is the mind of the oppressed ''(Steve Biko)

It's always difficult to know how to talk about a legend, someone I never had the opportunity to personally meet and,like many others,have only experienced through the pages of time and history.
What I was struck by was the enormous coverage of this momentous event in the West and it's virtual non-existence on, say, Russia Today television network. Russia Today is a TV network part-funded by the Russian government- in much the same way as the BBC, PBS and Voice of America television networks are by their respective governments. The difference,to explain to any Eastern European reader, who might be slightly perplexed by such massive media coverage of the death of a man-and a Black man at that, is that our own pluralistic societies, with all of their problems of religion, race, ethnicity, political and social divisions from Germany through the Atlantic to the Caribbean to the West coast of the United States and on into the Pacific region ending back in Africa, are all striving to create the dream of equality and justice for all which was epitomized by this very great man-as by example in his life and his contribution to the world as one single community. The inventor of the World Wide Web,Tim Berners-Lee and Bill Gates, both of whom have facilitated this communication you are now reading, have likewise made profound contributions in the service of mankind. The fact that a knife can be used to cut bread or kill someone is not the real issue here. The intent to provide a platform, which,as the Electronic Frontier Foundation might say, should remain completely open and uncensored by any government or private corporation, is the only real way that a true renaissance in a future electronic age will really flourish through the internet.
The Long Walk To Freedom
It's difficult for many Russians to understand because, as with Hitler, Stalin and all opaque totalitarian regimes masking as libertarians, their governments, through the media and branches of administration,
in public and private business, paint a picture of a society not as it is but as they wish it to be perceived and conformed to. This issue of the coverage of the death of Nelson Mandela is very dangerous to a society built on deception, rigidity of hierarchical structure,stratified caste and class systems with little social mobility and which functions on separation of the races, as a core theme of 'separate but equal'
echoing the days of Apartheid in South Africa or racial segregation in the United States.
Russian Coverage of Political Events In the United States
One can see this in Russia Today coverage of the Obama administration-where subtle (if not blatant) attempts are always made to portray The President's administration as incompetent and financially inept rather than explaining the deep philosophical political divisions in policy direction between the Republican and Democratic parties-and the hatred this has fueled-because of ignorance and absence of commonsense amongst squabbling politicians-all vying for a slice of media coverage to espouse their corporate or commercial-philosophical-driven ideologies, which are all working against the interests of the ordinary average man and woman-who just want to get on with life, a job, a safe,decent community,justice and fairness for all, having a home they can call their own, no healthcare (personal) bankruptcy worries for themselves, their families and a working future for each within his or her community.
Corporate Hijacking of The Political System in The West
These principles are hijacked both by corporate interests-as we saw in the Federal Government shutdown in the United states this year or, in totalitarian and fascist regimes, by the new nomenklatura, the political and new economic elites who perceive stability in terms of rigid societal stratification.
Both types of societies produce ruling elite classes. The difference lies in the fluidity of social mobility
between the elites-as both types of (societal) models have had different historical transformations.
Change in South Africa was inspired not just by the African National Congress but by open democratic support from millions of people living and organizing against Apartheid in South Africa in the Free World (as opposed to those individuals living behind the Iron Curtain- in Russia and the Warsaw Pact countries)
and in Communist China-where personal liberty to organize in support of the ANC was always illegal-unless it was State controlled.
Communism, it's Successor and Islama-Fascism
As with 'aid' from Saudi Arabia today to countries in need, the only purpose of Soviet aid was to promulgate communism (Saudi Arabia's only mission is to export it's brand of religious racism and Islamic-Fascism) as an ideology to be espoused by any future independent 'free' South Africa. Quite rightly Nelson Mandela was very quick to recognize such 'aid'
from Communist Russia s yet another form of enslavement-this time to Moscow-and, to the displeasure of Moscow, distanced himself from communism.
His State visit to the Russian Federation in 1999 was downgraded to that of a minor event and received virtual no coverage within the Federation-as the majority of rural Russian people still did not really know who he was or what he was doing visiting Russia. I have no doubt he could contrast his reception within the Russian federation with the rapturous and genuine receptions he received from
Cuba, to Libya, to Western Europe to the United states-where he was seen, not just as a statesman but as someone we would all, politically, with all our divisions, like to transcend and aspire to being.
This is impossible (in that they do not understand how) for totalitarian  fascist and neo-nationalist regimes to explain to their  populace the reasons for such profound coverage in the democratic world (as Karl Popper might define open societies)-so better just leave it as a minor passing event-which, other than an obligatory mention to further business friendship, the significance of Nelson Mandela's life and death is best quickly dispensed with. 
Libertarianism Stratification and Threats to National Unity-A Historical Perspective
I recently attended an evening event at a very prestigious international institution where I had the privilege for over 3 hours of listening to several renowned experts in ancient cultures and fine arts explain the purpose and significance of the antiquities and fine works of art. For one particular society, art was encouraged- up to a point where it began to take liberties beyond the pale-depicting scenes of intimacy between 'commoners' and other 'classes' in what were highly stratified societies-based on class and rank. At such points, the equivalent of the pornography Police intervened to arrest the artists-with a severe crackdown on the libertines who had strayed just a little too far and whose liberalism and bohemianism now threatened the very stratified fabric and existence of the society itself. One can see a similar process at work today in the Ukraine-one part desperately trying to break free and reform from the darkness of State-sponsored pogroms, anti -Semitism, ultra-nationalism and Racism-all inherited from Russia-and never properly dealt with under Communism-because they provided an ideal buffer to Poland, potential Polish expansionism (and now NATO) in the Western Ukraine after World War II.
The Long Walk To Freedom1
The Jerusalem Post today reported that the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency says it is dropping the definition of Anti-Semitism as it does no longer know how to define it;“We are not aware of any official definition [of anti-Semitism],” spokeswoman Blanca Tapia was quoted as saying by JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) ''According to Robert Singer, the CEO of the World Jewish Congress, without clearly defined parameters on what constitutes anti-Semitism “it will be difficult to combat this growing phenomenon in Europe. The shocking results of the survey about anti-Semitism in Europe, released last month by FRA, show that the EU needs urgently to address this matter.”''The decision to remove the definition is “inexplicable in light of [the FRA’s] own report, which only one month earlier noted record high levels of anti-Semitism across Europe,” the Israeli Jewish Congress stated.''2

So racism is alive and well-not just in the Ukraine but also at the heart of Europe.
The dream of one good man and the long long road to freedom is a walk2 we are still traveling in the West-but at least the journey has started.
1Justin Chadwick’s Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
Directed by Justin Chadwick; written by William Nicholson; based on the autobiography “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela; director of photography, Lol Crawley; edited by Rick Russell; music by Alex Heffes; production design by Johnny Breedt; costumes by Diana Cilliers and Ruy Filipe; produced by Anant Singh and David M. Thompson; released by the Weinstein Company.
Running time: 2 hours 21 minutes.
WITH: Idris Elba (Nelson Mandela), Naomie Harris (Winnie Mandela), Tony Kgoroge (Walter Sisulu), Riaad Moosa (Ahmed Kathrada), Jamie Bartlett (James Gregory), Lindiwi Matshikiza (Zindzi Mandela), and Deon Lotz (Kobie Coetzee).
Opened last week in New York and Los Angeles