Monday 13 January 2014

A Cold Day In 'Political' Hell (!)

Brit Hume - On The Chris Christie Debacle

Ariel Sharon - On His Demise and Debacle

Brit Hume's Candid Comments On The Feminization Of Modern  Society
With regard to the current 'Witch Hunt' against aspiring Republican Presidential Candidate Governor Christie,recently Brit Hume said it as he see's it on Fox News: "I would have to say that in this sort of feminized atmosphere in which we exist today, guys who are masculine and muscular like that in their private conduct, kind of old fashion tough guys, run some risk.... This guy is very much an old fashioned masculine, muscular guy, and there are political risks associated with that. Maybe it shouldn’t be,but that’s how it is." NJ's charismatic Governor Christie, a staunch supporter of Israel, is also firmly in the sights of the Muslim extremists-whom, by stealth, are targeting all known supporters of the Jewish State in a hate campaign directed toward the next U.S. Presidential election.  Prime Minister Netanyahu remarked during Christie's first overseas official trip in 2012 that "There is much in common between Israel and New Jersey. Your territory and ours are similar, as are the number of residents, though it's possible that the residents of New Jersey have better neighbors." (He might well have also been talking about the internal politics in both States!)
Ariel Sharon-On The Road To Damascus
As Israel is in the news I cannot but remark on the death of Ariel Sharon that he was a true patriot and friend of the United States.  The great blemish on this War Hero's historic reputation will always be Sabra and Shatila-where Christian Arab Phalange butchers went on a frenzy of house to house slaughter of Muslims- regardless of age-men,women,babies children and the elderly . In a period of two days between 16-18 September, 1982, during the Civil War in the Lebanon, Christian Arabs went on a frenzied slaughter of Muslims-mainly women,the elderly,babies and children in these two Palestinian refugee camps.  The massacre was in reprisal for the assassination of yet another extremist,the Christian leader of the Phalange, Bashir Gemayel, and indeed they wrongly blamed the Palestinians for this killing.  As Israel was in occupation of Lebanon and had given the green light to the Phalange to 'flush out' any remaining Palestinian fighters who had not evacuated the camps, Israel was responsible for the actions of it's ally at that that time-the Phalange Christian fighters.  Sharon has been falsely accused of organizing this massacre.  This is historically and factually incorrect. What is not inaccurate is the fact that he should have know better than to give Christian Militias a free hand in their nemesis-Palestinian refugee camps-which was an invitation to slaughter. I noted the absence of many European dignitaries at the funeral of this War Hero and freedom fighter. Joe Biden, fittingly, represented The President of The United States at this State funeral. The Wall Street journal quotes a settler leader,Zeev Hever,as saying that the settlers were 'pained' by Sharon's later doubts about the wisdom of the settlements in the occupied territories,but that the settlers,nonetheless,would continue never to give up (their hold on this territory), as Sharon had originally, (and much earlier in his life) believed and had said.   In fact the truth was that Ariel Sharon was himself pained with doubt about the wisdom of incorporating so much Arab territories and populations within Israeli administrative rule-this no doubt was shaped in part by his knowledge (and sad experience) of what extremism ultimately leads to (i.e. the hatred of man and women for their fellow men and women which led to the Holocaust,the massacres in Sabra and Shatila and,on another continent in another place and time, events which initiated Operation Solomon-the Israeli Air Force rescue in a little more than 24 hours,one single night, of the entire Ethiopian Jewish population from starvation,intended hostage-massacre,and discrimination at the hands of their Ethiopian Christian fellow-citizens, ; the Holocaust of Tutsi people in the African country of Rwanda- that the hatreds causing these tragedies were no different, Sharon finally realized, and could see this monster for what it really was, very late in his life.)  Before his untimely stroke,Sharon was on the verge of a monumental policy shift with regard to Israel and Palestine,one which might have taken the world, maybe,on a very different course it is on today.    It's so difficult to say, as in the film 'The Time Machine'...'but what if....'... because none of us can go back and change the past...but we can shape the future.  I believe it was similar to the George Wallace  'conversion' to desegregation in the United States.  Indeed such conversions, which are not at all unknown - those of Gerry Adams and The Reverend Ian Paisley (Northern Ireland), the transformations in what was once Apartheid South Africa ('Pik' Botha and Nelson Mandela) and all involving monumental paradigm shifts-appear to be 'the norm'  when a 'higher level of thinking' intervenes.
An Eye For an Eye-Everyone Goes Blind
One thing that I am certain about is that Zeev Hever is wrong and the future is not shaped in hatred,no compromise and no surrender-an attitude also bedeviling the mentality of the Arab world today.  I recently attended a function with a prominent politician where he pledged support for the besieged Christian Arab population in Syria but was quite adamant that it would be a mistake to support their exodus to Christian lands.  So what myself and Zeev Hever both do have in common,despite our diametrically opposing views and perceptions,is that in a world of compromise, not a single Jewish settlement requires uprooting from the so-called 'Occupied Territories'-but for very different and, to many readers, incomprehensibly opposite reasons:  One day both Israeli and Palestinian Arab Authorities themselves may well have to learn, the unthinkable, from scratch. That is, how to administer Jews and Arabs societies based on plurality rather than sectarianism. Sadly, our reality will probably be that this will only happen, 'When Hell Freezes Over'.

Patrick Emek    
(Son says former Gov. George Wallace repented for past) 
Operation Solomon: The Daring Rescue of the Ethiopian Jews
by Stephen Spector, published by Oxford University Press Inc,Madison Ave,NY 10016,
[2005] ISBN-10: 0-19-517782-7
Fiction films (but based on real events-the first more so than the second) you might wish to watch- typifying many African countries even as at today: Hotel Rwanda 
Tears of The Sun (the only film starring Bruce Willis I would ever recommend you to watch!)
The Wild Geese