Wednesday 15 January 2014

Egypt In Turmoil (Part II):

Kangaroo Media Announce Constitutional Election Results

Egyptian radio and TV have announced that 99.999999% of the population voted in favor of the Military Council-produced new Constitution. (A nationwide hunt... is currently underway... for the one terrorist and traitor,the Muslim Brotherhood traitor, who voted against it.) [If you want to see what happened in Part I of this glorious Arab Democratic Spring revolution in Egypt-where the Muslim Brotherhood,also, as they claimed, supported by 99.999999% of the patriotic Islamic population, brought freedom,peace and democracy to 99.999999% of the population - and they too,on that occasion, were engaged in a nationwide hunt... for the one terrorist and traitor, the Christian traitor, who voted against it-read my earlier Blog 'Egypt In Turmoil' to get the full, unbiased, picture!]                         Patrick Emek

Egypt In Turmoil (Part II)(Latest)
Kangaroo Judiciary to put Donkey (already in custody with Jackals and Hyenas on more serious charges-see Part I) on trial for 'insulting the Judiciary' because....he called it: 'a Kangaroo Judiciary.'