Friday 7 February 2014

Tailoring The Next Ukrainian Government

A lot is being made of a hacked telephone conversation between The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Ms Victoria Nuland, and the U.S. Ambassador to The Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.

The conversation was between Ms Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Pyatt.

The call can be listened to at:

Having listened to the extract as far as I could hear there is nothing amiss.
It's a perfectly mature assessment about making arrangements for the smooth transition of The Ukraine from a totalitarian Russian-style model towards a democratic open society.
What is being discussed is the basis or framework for a process of transition.
Ms Nuland's comments about the EU are rather direct, but very honest.
She pulls no punches with expressing her frustration at the EU - as it has it's own local agenda for the direction of The Ukraine within the firm framework of the European monetary and political structure.

What is interesting is the impact of media scrutiny (and thus public opinion) on the private lives  (and inter-personal working relationships) of potential senior public figures in today's political world in open societies in contrast to the situation existing in Russia where the public are oblivious to internal dissent in senior political hierarchical levels - as their own media does not inform them.

Even the hint of a potential scandal (or personality conflicts leading to 'separations' ) in the West and in the United States is bad news and the basis for colleagues persuading  potential political candidates to excuse themselves until matters in question are fully settled and resolved.

Thankfully there are still individuals like Nuland and Pyatt with the maturity of vision and perception to assist and advise The Ukraine and it's fledgling democracy during these turbulent days as it too breaks free of the Iron Curtain.

Patrick Emek