Sunday 9 February 2014

What On Earth Is Happening On The Sun? (Part II)

There is something really unusual happening on the sun.
(In case you missed it, it's that great ball of light you see during daytime in the sky.)
You may recall an earlier article where I said that a new rhythm or cycle may be phasing in-one which perhaps we have never seen before? Well it may just be happening.  Is there any cause for alarm?  Hell no!  The reason why is because we,as a species, can do absolutely nothing to alter our solar system's sun cycle or cycles.
When I was a child I loved reading Isaac Asimov science fiction books at the Public Library.  In one of them he postulated names for possible different types of advanced civilizations in the universe ranging from type 1 to (I think) type 6. (Many subsequent science fiction writers have mimicked his ideas for nomenclature-without crediting him as the originator.)
Type 1 was where an advanced civilization could master engineer weather and other conditions on it's own planet. Those conditions could include genetic engineering and all other types of engineering which enabled a species to be in control of it's own planet.  Then he went on to discuss civilizations which could master engineer their own solar system to even more advanced civilizations capable of master engineering galaxies perhaps on to those capable of engineering universes. On this scale we do not even register 1–as yet.
A solar flare could destroy the earth in  eight minutes and we would be literally oblivious. Yes, yes, yes I know this is just a lot of hogwash-it's only in the imagination of those capable of understanding such events and providing us with the information which enables us to consider the possibilities. Of course the assumption is that this will never happen and our predictable solar system will continue as it has yesterday.   But our solar system (and outer space) is anything but predictable nor a tranquil environment.  Yes there are radiations, flares, meteors, comets which we can predict–but there are also events totally unpredictable-such as a directed solar burst of energy impacting a planet in our solar system, changing it's ellipse and impacting on planets, their weather conditions,gravitational fields and stability, in this solar system.
But there are too many imponderable possibilities that to consider all as a priority would be a hopeless and futile exercise in predictive futurology analysis.
So the unusual weather conditions we are experiencing may have absolutely nothing or little to do with global warming nor global freezing and much or everything to do with unusual events happening on an entity which is 4.6bn years old and a distance of 149,600,000km from this little planet.  Even the best minds in town are at a loss to say what will happen next.  But you know something, I don't think that is what the politicians want to hear-so it's unlikely you will be getting such 'upbeat' news in the mainstream media!

This is a complex subject and I have researched references which explain in layman's terms the basis of the argument I present above-that it is alteration in solar cycle activity as the greater contributor to global warming-not just on this planet but on other planets in our solar system-as far distant as Pluto.  The former reference debunks the idea-and provides some easy to understand analytics-whereas the latter provides data to support the solar-critical influence concept. 
I have chosen one reference site because it is easy for the layperson to grasp in an instant both the math and the arguments involved (scientists are not famed for their abilities to communicate complex detail in an easy to understand format-which is why this site is,in my opinion,a good starting point.)
Those references can be found at: 
temperature trends in our solar system: 

Updated references (as at 14th February, 2014):
Why Is The Sun Going Quiet?


Patrick Emek