Thursday 20 March 2014

Erdoğan Vows To 'Crush The Internet'

An increasingly embattled and politically isolated Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan threatened to 'wipe out' the Internet – or at least the part of it which 'Tweets' to the rest of the world.
Salafist supporter Erdoğan is himself on the brink of being ousted as his mounting numbers of political and military enemies all weigh up their chances of replacing this increasingly out-of-touch fanatic with a secular government.
The velvet glove of moderation has now been replaced to display the iron fist of brutality, mediaevalized perception of the world, repression and intolerance – bywords for Salafism and Wahhabism.

Prime Minister Erdoğan derives his core support from the uneducated and ultra-religious fanatical Muslim masses in Turkey – Central and Eastern Anatolia being two very important regions. The situation is very similar to that of The Shah of Iran before he was toppled. You have the educated populace which have gravitated to the big cities and larger towns in Turkey then you have the uneducated mass which still predominantly live in the countryside far removed from the 'modern thinking' world and who derive their education and information from (increasingly Salafist-sympathetic) Imams, Turkish and Saudi television and radio stations which broadcast vile and inciteful propaganda against Christians, Jews, Shiite and other 'non-believers' 24/7.

 One positive thing to note is that the continuing draconian and repressive measures of Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan are rapidly increasing the likelihood of his early his replacement and the restoration of Turkey to Atatürk secular values and principles in the very near future.

It will probably be similar to Egypt where the Salafists created (as to be expected) such chaos and discord that someone had to step in before the whole country fell apart.

Patrick Emek