Thursday 20 March 2014

March 18th 2014, Herr Putin Incorporates The Süd(eten)land, A Region of The Ukraine formerly known as The Crimea, Back Into Russia

To the loud acclaims of ''Führer! Führer! Führer!'' in the Bier Halle, Herr Putin, Führer and Reichsführer, confirmed that the Will of the Volk of Crimea would be heard by signing off on the incorporation Treaty of Friendship.
Herr Putin said at the Bier Halle Rally that The Empire of Russia has no further territorial ambitions and that the process of 'Anschluss' [Anschluß ] has now been completed.
'Peace In Our Time' was also proclaimed by Herr Putin in the Bier Halle.
Herr Putin did however warn that if Anschluß is not accepted by the international community, The Empire of Russia  reserves the right to revise it's position.

For what was actually said, you can hear and watch all of Reichsführer Putin's Bier  Halle Rally Speech at Russia Today TV networks website:

Patrick Emek 

Russia: Reserve the Right to Intervene in Ukraine
MOSCOW March 13, 2014 (AP)