Thursday 5 June 2014

What In The Name of Fukushima Is Going On?
Tepco's plan to build a 'Great Wall of Ice' should signal to the world that the situation is very far from 'under control'

It's been over 3 years since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster - caused incidentally by a massive magnitude 9.0 ((Mw) ) megathrust underwater earthquake (off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku) triggering a tsunami which overwhelmed the nuclear facility at Fukushima causing a major accident, the highest (level 7) on the nuclear incident scale, causing 3 nuclear reactor meltdowns and the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of local people; one of the world's worst nuclear disasters since Chernobyl, in the Ukraine, in 1986.
As I watched the radiation plume leap from the plant to kiss the horizon I instinctively felt like leaping behind my sofa to avoid contamination – fat good it would have done me (!)
Tokyo Electric Power Company, the plant managers, first tried to tackle the problem with it's own personnel. When their geiger counters ran off the scales they quickly re-grouped for Plan B: to call in the Yakuza (The Japanese Mafia!), who in turn called in their own 'markers' – offering civilian 'volunteers' to clean up the mess (and we don't to this day know what 'concessions' they were offered in exchange for this assistance by a desperate Japanese government – indirectly via Tepco of course; don't bother looking, you are unlikely to find such 'agreements' recorded anywhere or indeed reported in the Western media.) When plan B failed-and some of the world media started reporting on rather strange and shady goings on between the Japanese Mafia and the authorities, it was On to Plan C: to again try to contain what was now a monumental contamination potentially affecting not just the immediate area as proposed by Tepco, but on U.S. advice, to evacuate all residents within a 80 -100km epicenter.  The Tepco evacuation initially affecting thousands of local residents in high risk areas within the 10km radius surrounding the 3 crippled reactors and tens of thousands within a 80km area.  In addition to this, Plan C was focused on reassuring the Japanese public and a worried international community that the situation was, of course, 'under control'. When an increasingly sceptical international Western (and technologically nuclear astute) community, used to empirical thinking, started 'poking it's nose' into 'Japanese affairs' , Plan D was implemented: let the world assist (and take 'responsibility' should anything further go wrong.)   A savvy Western world wasn't prepared to 'dive in head first' but did offer technical assistance to help out a beleaguered Japanese government (but not to solve Tepco's home-grown managerial and structural problems which contributed to the disaster.) On to Plan E: blame Japanese culture as a whole, collectively, for the failings of Tepco, utilizing the concept that all Japanese must share 'collective' 'cultural' responsibility for 'failure' – so Tepco is also a 'victim' - as are the entire Japanese people – of their very own culture.  Even the Japanese people were not buying this one (!)  On to Plan F: again re-assure the world that it is safe to eat Japanese fish – forget the fact that they (the fish) don't require permission (nor passports) to 'travel' locally, nationally and (indeed internationally.) 'Japanese' fish with off-the scale radiation were turning up everywhere -and likely to be on everyone's dinner plates unless drastic (international) action was taken as the figures of the doses and levels of radiation being reported by Japanese authorities were, shall we just say, at some high degree of variance, with that which Western experts were able to discern – again from empirical analysis. On to Plan G: Prepare to loose face – by listening to international (U.S.) advice and evacuate all human life within a 50km radius this time affecting an estimated 160000 citizens – and rather humiliatingly announce to the world that a major disaster was unfolding. On to to Plan H: Well yes, tell the world that there are a few little problems with the reactors, but precautions are being take by prudently evacuating 160000 residents but the situation in still under control - and at least nobody has died. [It was only in 2014 that the official morbidity mortality figures were released and hotly contested for their accuracy by the Japanese authorities: ''More than 18,000 people died as a result of the disaster. The National Police Agency of Japan records 15,881 documented deaths and 2,668 individuals still classified as missing.'' (   On to Plan I: Blame those interfering Western busybodies for the continuing Japanese recession and the fact that nobody wants to eat Japanese fish nor farm produce in the Western world because of a few 'inaccurate' and 'wildly speculative' non-typical examples of contaminated fish (incidentally showing some 800-1500 times more radiation than would be normally expected and popping up everywhere along a 200-mile coastline – with even estimates for the contamination reaching Alaska and the Western American seaboard by 2014.) On to Plan J:Blame it on those arrogant Europeans and Americans and their international friends - Oh!;wait a minute!; we can't do that!; they're helping us at Fukushima!; onto Plan K:Launch a Trade and Travel initiative for Japan - we want those pesky foreigners to come to Japan, see that everything is 'normal' and go home telling their sceptical friends we are still in love with Manga and Hentai and everything is OK, nothing has changed - but don't make it look like a national government initiative. [Pity we didn't think of Plan K sooner! We would have made billions of dollars! look at how much the U.S. and Great Britain have pulled in from those pesky foreigners [tourists] – even the Chinese prefer London, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Atlanta and San Francisco than seeing the beauty of Mount Fuji and our rich history.] (This initiative does not appear to have 'bought over' the discerning intrepid traveler.) On to Plan L: Lets invite in the world media so that they can see how transparently we are handling the disaster at Fukushima [yes, sadly the world now knows it's a major disaster even worse than Chernobyl so we'd better admit it quickly – and move on quickly.] But wait a minute! Many of those Western investigative journalists are professional, independent, highly aggressive, educated, and some are 'loose cannons', not like the docile Malaysians and Singaporeans. Once we let them loose, only Buddha knows what they will unearth – and we can't so easily 'buy off' their employers so as not to loose face, so we could find ourselves in even hotter water (not to pun a critical meltdown!); On to Plan M: Let's have Tepco admit their guilt, apologize to the nation and get everything back to normal again. But wait, they have already done that, haven't they?; well sort of; but that didn't work; are we back to normal yet? Perhaps nobody heard them apologize after our Official Report was published?  Shall we try that again?   No that won't work either? On to Plan N: Let's focus on lateral thinking: if we get back the Kuril Islands from Russia we shall have new fishing grounds to compensate for the 90 million gallons of radioactive water gushing out of the stricken reactors (and, by now, 2014, probably circling and polluting this entire planet.)
On to Plan O: If one of our venerated Minister's asks the elderly to kill themselves hence we will save billions of Yen on 'non-productive' 'maintenance'. They will be doing this as a service to mother Japan and saving their nation billions of Yen – which we desperately need to compensate for Fukushima. Drat! We still won't save enough to compensate for our irradiated losses!; and everything will still not be back to normal!  Why can't we just start again? On to Plan P: Why don''t we take a fresh look at the problem before we run out of plans (or characters in the alphabet for plans, whichever is the greater); On to Plan Q: Let's just give up on nuclear power, close down the countries remaining reactors and switch to alternative energy sources. But wait a minute! we don't have an alternative national energy plan for the country! There are potentially 20 geothermal sites we could look at, but nobody ever thought anything would go wrong with our nuclear energy reactors so no other source was ever developed; Onto Plan R: Reduce the amount of media airtime Fukushima gets in Japan to near zero and everyone will forget. That will surely return things to normal?  Won't it?  On to Plan S: Let's expand our diplomatic presence worldwide. That will allow us to explain to the world and our big neighbors (China and Russia) that everything is getting back to normal. Why shouldn't we? China is everywhere in the world but we are mainly in the West and South East Asia. How can we ever explain to the world that all is OK at Fukushima when they get their news from CNN, Fox, The BBC, China News and Russia Today?  Nobody has ever heard of TV Japan (let alone can understand it.) Oh, yes, I forgot, we don't want non-Japanese speakers to watch it - and do not give permission for it to be broadcast outside Japan.   We'd better change this - and get in a few Western translators!; quick! But wait a minute! Foreigners are so stupid they will never understand Japanese television – so we still cannot explain to them our version of Fukushima, and the fact that everything is OK at the plant! [give or take a few cows with three wagging tails, fish with double heads and chickens whose eggs are 4500 times the normal radiation limit. On to PlanT: Ah, Yes, Plan T! Let's call it 'Plan 'ET', 'E' for 'Extra' and 'T' for 'Terrestrial'. Bring back Godzilla! Japan's not finished – not just yet. We have our own world-wide 'Super Hero' to rival 'Superman'. Surely after this blockbuster everyone will most certainly forget about Fukushima, be visiting Japan in their millions and we can all start again? Plan U: Universal worldwide distribution of the Godzilla distribution rights: Facebook; U-Tube; A Godzilla Twitter Account; toys, confectionery, chocolates, Godzilla Sushi, e-books, T-Shirts, history of Godzilla (perhaps even an interview with the Hero itself?); If that doesn't work...On to to Plan V:''V' for Victory! Let's recall our glorious past – surely that will take everyone’s' minds off Fukushima – and we can get back to normal (!) No? How regrettable! On to Plan W: Now 'W' stands for Water. This problem all started in the sea. Godzilla came across the sea but could not take world attention away from Fukushima. Perhaps we should, in the interests of fostering good bilateral relationships,think about using Feng Shui. Yes! We will harmonize water with water! Let's freeze the soil around the irradiated stricken reactors at Fukushima! No? That won't work – unless we can freeze everything! If only Godzilla had done the job, we would not be in this crisis! No! We can't blame Godzilla! It's one of the world 'teens' favorite movie of 2014! On to Plan X: X stand for 'X-ray'. We must do something to stop the millions of gallons of Fukushima radioactive water polluting this entire planet – before some pesky journalists in the world work out exactly where these hundreds of millions of gallons of radioactive-contaminated water are actually ending up (!) [
Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all, radiation continues to leak,” says Dr. Michio Kaku, Professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York and top graduate of Harvard. “We are looking at a ticking time bomb. It appears stable but the slightest disturbance, a secondary earthquake, a pipe break, evacuation of the crew at Fukushima could set off a full scale melt down at three nuclear power stations – far beyond what we saw at Chernobyl ' ' .] No? That won't work either? Why can't we just get everything back to normal? On to Plan Y: Or should we can it Plan 'Why?' : Why can't we just build a massive ice wall around the stricken reactors, keep it permanently frozen for, say, a few thousand years, to give us a little time to work out how to solve this problem? Surely this must work!; and everything will go back to normal. But what if it doesn't? Plan Z: We will build the Great Ice Wall of Fukushima!; sell tickets to the Ice Wall Gala Opening; and pray that the world experts have got it wrong – they just don't understand Japanese society nor Japanese culture! We will have the Grand Gala Opening – inviting as many Pop Idols as the country can afford, stream broadcast the nuclear 'freeze' live on the internet, mobile phones,Ipods, with a fanfare of the top international music artists in attendance, all happily singing and dancing. Perhaps Billy Idol will agree to open the festivities with the song 'White Wedding'?  Will this work? What happens if the ringed coils which generate ice and fence the stricken nuclear plants cause subsidence or even worse, if there is another earthquake within the next one thousand years?
Beyond Plan Z:
(Mein Führer, I Can Walk!!! )

GAME OVER…................................................................

© Patrick Emek


Mein Führer I Can Walk!!!