Wednesday 31 December 2014

End of The Year 2014....and just in case you missed it.....

Libyan Politician Says He Will Open Peace Talks With Israel
Subheading: [One Can Short Of A Six Pack]

I recently read about a wannabe Libyan politician saying that if he gets into power he will open peace talks with Israel.
From my experience of dealing with Libyans (at least the ones I encountered) many were one can short of a six pack (Hell!, even their Arab 'brotherly' neighbors would agree with this statement!);so to dismiss such declarations as wishful thinking would be, sort of like me being kind to idiots or, as we might otherwise say, to motley fools.
I don't know whether it's the climate or the country or it's somewhere near a Mediterranean Bermuda Triangle but a few screws just are not wired properly within the psyche of some major proportion of  individuals in the population of this particular region.
Perhaps it's a fatal epidemic of sunstroke which just takes hold across the entire region? That would explain all the problems of the Middle East in a nutshell (!)
Any Israelis thinking of re-settling or investing or even promoting investment in Libya should first learn about the enforced exodus and reign of terror against all Jews after the State of Israel was created across North Africa, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.
You don't know about this? You'd better put your thinking hat on before you too fall victim to the viral regional sunstroke affecting your North Africa Arab neighbors (!)

The CIA and Torture
My only comment is that I would have preferred that they had used the 'Old School' methods of wine, women and song (or something similar!)  They (such methods that is to say) appear to have yielded remarkably effective results for the greatest Spymaster of the 20th Century (and some say one of the greatest in human history) – Markus Wolf – during the days of the Cold War.   Oh yes, I forgot, the politically correct cretins and many of their entourage overseeing today's intelligence communities in the Western democratic world have never heard of Wolf (!)

Rendition and The CIA
I have never approved of torture but, from what I could gather, those in the intelligence communities and armed forces were rabidly drooling and foaming saliva at the mouth and all wanted to get those f*****g a****les of b******s responsible for 9/11, by hook or by crook.  And, by the way, when you get these *****ng *r**s, roast them like Thanksgiving turkeys, no pardons, were the instructions.  At that time, from what I now read, 'use all means necessary' was the buzz word coming down from the politicians.  Of course politics is politics and business is business and what they (the politicians) are now playing is, well, a slightly different tune from 'the word on the street' in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

The ISIL 'Caliphate' and It's Propaganda Machine
No doubt ISIL's beheading of U.S. citizens will have influenced the nature of the war against this so-called-Caliphate. I have always seen ISIL as a fanatical sect rather than a genuine political or spiritual movement. I am 100% confident that the ISIL, as a Caliphate, will be totally dismantled within the next five years. It's defeat was a foregone conclusion when both Shia and Sunni politicians equally saw the dangers this fanatical sect posed to the security of the region and to the Gulf kingdoms.
Those citizens, Christian and Muslim Arab, who who have been butchered, tortured, maimed or committed suicide rather than face rape or enslavement by their ISIL captors, are out of sight – but not forgotten.  The reach of the hand of justice is long.   It might take some time to bring the main perpetrators to justice but some have already been identified and, assuming, when apprehended, Dianne Feinstein and the rest of the politicians do not give them day  or weekend and holiday release passes from jail, the rest will follow.


This is always a sensitive political issue for discussion.

The number of political and economic refugees from Africa, the Middle East and Far East continues to be a major headache for countries in Christendom on the front line - Greece, Italy and Malta.
It's always difficult for me when dealing with this issue as I have sympathies with anyone, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or sexuality being forced through military, religious, ethnic and tribal conflict or other persecutions  to be fleeing for their lives with what little possessions they can carry. Whom amongst us cannot be genuinely moved with the image of a child clutching the one personal possession – a precious toy – it is able in weight to carry not knowing what is happening or why everything around it is so unfamiliar - or in ruins or indeed where it's friends or even parents are (all having been perhaps murdered.)  What's even worse is that our military campaigns in Muslim lands have, in some instances, created these very instabilities for which we now refuse to take responsibilities – turn our backs on and turn back these terrified victims to an almost certain death at the hands of their 'brother' (co-religionist) Muslim butchers.
The issue for Christendom appears to be that many Muslims have not integrated into any aspect of life in their adopted home countries – other than their own Mosques and social settings.   [I am not talking about the business communities but the average Joe Smith - or Jo Mohammed as the case may be.]
I am very familiar with the history of refugees almost since mediaeval times and the roles which the Netherlands, Britain and the United States have all historically played in welcoming those fleeing persecution and seeking a new beginning in, what at first, must seem, very strange and alien lands.
I don't have an issue with Little Havana (West Village, N.Y.), or Little Jerusalem (Brooklyn) or Little Italy (Manhattan) nor Little Dominican Republic (North of 155th Street.)
Indeed it's only natural for immigrant communities to want to live together in a new and very strange land where the 'culture shock' can be quite awesome or overwhelming.   It often takes decades (even generations) to adjust.
But none of these new immigrants nor their families have entered the U.S. intending to change it from a Christian nation to one reflecting the tyrannies of pogroms, no economic opportunities, widespread religious, ethnic and racial discrimination and no economic future, back into the  a mirror-image of the lands  from whence they once fled.
Some Muslim immigrants have taken a different attitude – more in Europe than in the United States.  Few have attempted to build any bridges (other than for public relations purposes) with Christian communities.  Social integration with Christians (or 'kafirs' with souls of darkness, as their Salafist and Wahhabist Imams declare) is haram (sinful or forbidden) or declared evil by their Imams.   Beyond this childish and mediaeval name-calling by ignorant Muslim religious leaders however are more serious issues.  Many want (or are being encouraged by Salafist and Wahhabist Imams, imported from Saudi Arabia) to change the fundamental nature of Christendom as a liberal, open, racially, religiously and sexually tolerant (gay, lesbian, transgender) society into the very repressive intolerant regimes from whence they once fled.   Some also are virulently anti-Semitic – bringing this as 'baggage' into their adopted Christian societies.  To go further, into our society such refugees wish to introduce dress codes (abolish short skirts and dresses in favor of pants for women and girls, total covering of the female body) as is existing practice in Muslim lands, a ban on the consumption of alcohol and alcohol-free 'coffee shop' zones throughout Europe and even calling for a ban on the display of Christian symbols – such as the wearing of Christian crosses and the Cross of St. George.) 
Muslim extremists and their Imams have even called openly and publicly for the murder of gay, lesbian and transgender members of our communities in Christendom.
In Christian lands as diverse as Africa, the Caribbean and South East Asia I have seen communities proudly witnessing their majority Christian faith with such icons and relics without fear – and most are equally accepting of their minority Muslim community brethren likewise dressing according as to how they wish. You do not, however, find Muslim gangs roaming the streets of such societies and calling for the adoption of Shariah Law, the closure of pubs and ban on alcohol, entertainment and other social venues in order to subjugate their Christian host societies and communities in these countries.  
You would equally be hard pressed to find a Muslim country in the Middle East, Turkey and North Africa where a female tourist can wear a skirt or short pants without being spat upon or heckled because of her perceived 'immodest' dress.  The point I am making here is that dress codes are strictly enforced in  Muslim Arab lands as opposed to Christendom where women enjoy the freedom, without fear, protected by the law, to dress as it pleases them.
It's an unacceptable situation and part of the response can be seen in a hardening of attitudes towards refugees in exodus from Muslim lands. Indeed sadly (in my opinion) a hardening of attitudes towards all refugees and immigrants is taking place across Christendom.   I believe that this is misguided.  [From a purely economic viewpoint, it makes no sense to be excluding refugees between the ages of 16-30.  Those countries in Europe and Asia - such as Bulgaria and Japan – which have the lowest immigration populations also have the lowest growth rates.  Japan has an ageing population but because it was always an ethnocentric country, finds it impossible to welcome immigrants nor migrants in numbers preferring instead to rely on advanced technology to maintain it's 'purity' of culture. You can also see unintended consequences of such policies: Other than under subjugation, who in their right mind (except for reasons of doing business) would want to adopt the Japanese language, culture, music, art, customs, traditions, or any of their ways of life except perhaps an occasional Sushi?;likewise which countries in their right minds would ever wish to join the Russian Federation - other than under enforced military subservience or imperial subjugation?]
Whether this is the right solution or whether we give the wrong invitation or confusing messages – that our societies are 'Godless' and yearning for spiritual awakening (sic. by Allah) or we have just not put up a bold enough sign for our prospective Muslim citizens fleeing to Christendom which reads 'Welcome To Christendom – And We Insist You Keep It Christian (!)'
There are no easy solutions but in this particular instance I believe that more needs to be done by the Muslim communities to accept fundamental core values within their adopted Christian lands rather than attempt to change them to become mirror-images of the intolerant brutal and racist-ethnic cleansing-tyrannies from whence they once fled in terror into Christendom – some with little more than the clothes they and their children were wearing on their backs or indeed (more so) as economic migrants.

The Vatican:Speaking Out
The Pontiff, Pope Francis, unlike his predecessor, has finally spoken out against persecution of Christians worldwide and asked that (those who are religious of course) we pray especially for persecuted and suffering Christians in Muslim lands.  He has also urged his Muslim Leadership counterparts and Muslims in general worldwide to speak up to defend their Christian neighbors, where Christians are minorities in Muslim lands. Sadly his words of peace and reconciliation and encouragement to speak up all appear to have fallen on deaf ears in the Muslim world of North Africa and The Middle East.   The exception here being the country of Syria where President Assad, from the inception of the civil war in his country, ordered his forces to protect Christians and Christian property as best they were able given the terrible conditions and chaos.  My contacts suggest that Syrian government forces went out of their way, sometimes at great personal risk, to protect Christian lives and property from the Syrian Opposition/ISIL and Al Qaeda forces, a fact not reported (or to be more precise, ignored) in the Western media.

Project SETI

I want to end on an out-of-this world note:
In about 50 years time Project SETI, the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence in this galaxy and in the universe, may be wound up if the search of the skies continues to prove negative.
By another 50 years it's listening telescopes and antennas in California (and Associates worldwide) will have scanned every inch of the visible night skies for sounds or echoes of intelligent life. To date there is no sign that anything other than ourselves exist in this galaxy – The Milky Way.  If we are the only (and highest) example of intelligent life in this galaxy, then it will all be very saddening.   Even worse, if this is all a whole universe can produce, as the highest fountain of creation and wisdom, other universes must equally be truly and verily f****d up.
What an epitaph for the concept of intelligent creationism (!)

[addendum:yes I have heard of the 'Wow' signal but believe it to be a 'false flag' in the night sky]

© Patrick Emek, 2014

even RT agrees with me on this issue (!)