Saturday 3 January 2015

'No Sex Please! - We're Anglo-Saxon!'
You can't help but notice in the Anglo-Saxon media world the number of 'sex claims' against prominent individuals.
I am not talking about under-age sex but claims by adults who were adults at the time that the alleged offences took place and should, by all accounts, have known better.
(The normal response in my time was a severe slap across the face or even worse, kick in the groin, by the offended adult which usually removed any (unwanted!) hand from any female private area – and at the speed of light!)
I am now talking about ditched girlfriends, former wives, embittered semi-geriatric ex-lovers, 'privately maintained women' or acquaintances or ex-employees now accusing prominent individuals of 'molesting' them when they were 18+ years old – or bottom pinching them as adults (when they were above the age of consent) thirty or forty or even fifty years ago.

I have to invoke my own (lapsed) profession now and say that, from a psychiatric and psychological viewpoint, it would appear that the availability of mass media instant personal communications have produced a new type of sociopath which my (latent ) profession has not yet been prepared (or simply is not courageous enough) to acknowledge.

The Embittered Sociopath with Obsessive-Compulsive Neurotic Dysfunctionalities

Without revealing my own background and training, I have, by accident, met and listened in public forums to some of the stories of these individuals and am of the opinion (I cannot say 'professional' because I am not a practicing psychologist nor practicing psychiatrist) drawing on my studies and training, that such individuals have indeed suffered.  Their 'suffering' however clearly appears to be the results of failed relationships, unfulfilled ambitions, and broken or embittered dreams rather than any culpability on the part of the individual being accused of 'molesting' or 'assaulting' them whilst they were clearly in a consensual (and sometimes clearly and evidentially, financially beneficial) relationship 30 or 40 years ago.
It also appears to be the result of resentments - 'Die Hard' and 'Death Wish' - revenge checklists bubbling underground, like dormant volcanoes, for decades.
So if you want to call this psychological trauma, then clearly they have suffered.
Perhaps they have been quietly 'stalking' their former partner for decades, watched him (it's usually him) raise a happy loving family and have waited in time, in the darkness, for their revenge, before expiry.

False Claim Syndromes The Role of The Internet and Social Media
The internet, social media and perceived changes in societal values have now provided the mediums for such grievances to be exploited.
The fascinating thing about Witch Hunts is that every opportunistic character can 'get in on the act' - from charities seeking a new funding frontier, to politicians seeking a new 'fear' with which to swing votes in their favor, to those with more sinister objectives – such as the dismantlement of credibility in the institutions of the State (part of insurgency strategy which political and religious extremists use to undermine society) all jump on board for the ride. The rest of the horrified general public just cower back in terror.   And it can be a very lucrative ride – the charity gets enormous publicity 'taking down' prominent individuals (and, as an intended consequence, it's coffers swell), the politicians are overwhelmingly re-elected with the promise to keep civil society 'safe and secure', extremists are very happy because credibility in institutions of the State have been grievously undermined.
Under Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence. the embittered individuals have had their former lovers or acquaintances or 'sugar daddy' publicly humiliated -and have even been rewarded financially 'for psychological damage'.  So it's a win-win situation for everyone – no proof required just enough individuals to jump on the band waggon to ensure the public can 'see' that, there can't be smoke without fire.   Right?   Right?   Right?
It does not matter that no proof of alleged offences taking place 30 or 40 or 50 years ago has been produced.  When you have Witch hunts no proof is required - only public confessions, and recantations of sorrow (such recantations used to be elicited by the Inquisition Friars with last-minute pleas to the condemned that, at the very least, they should attempt to save their immortal souls from eternal damnation with a public acknowledgement of heresy, witchcraft and wrongdoing.)   Today such are elicited by lawyers acting for the 'victims'.    That this all take place in a public arena before the public 'burning at the stake' – which today is the feeding of the accused as 'dinner' to the 'starving' mass media wolves, bereft as they are of anything worthwhile to gossip about since the departure of Rupert Murdoch.
[Some even (privately) suggest a relationship between the ignominious departure of Mr Murdoch from the United Kingdom, the conviction and jailing of his close associates, and the mass and velocity of the availability of material about sex scandal revelations implicating prominent individuals, to long-enquiring bodies.   Remember folks, you read it here first!]

 Prince Andrew - Britain's (One time) Most Eligible Bachelor
The embittered already, triumphantly, have Prince Andrew's 'head' 'in a bag', so to speak.

(Again allegations - but of a different nature than those being addressed above - and again strenuously denied by the Prince - with the usual 'no evidence required' by his accuser to fulfill today's criteria for 'guilt by association'.)
 I expect the next ones on their 'hit list' to be The Queen or The Duke of Edinburgh.
Already the demented and retarded claim that She is a lizard, has webbed feet and a tail and that both of Them are aliens - and I don't mean the ones coming in via Lampedusa (!)   You think that I'm joking?   Not in the least!    As Will Smith said in the film 'Independence Day' when the alien spacecraft hatch opened:   ''Welcome to [Planet] Earth!''

© Patrick Emek, 2015

'The Queen Is An Alien' – the 'evidence' so far:

He once claimed he's the Son of God and the world is run by alien lizards, but the story of David Icke's marriage breakdown is almost as weird By Natalie Clarke for MailOnline
Updated: 08:11, 9 January 2012

and now back to the sane world(!):