Monday 21 September 2015

The Grand Design

Leading By Example
Over the last weekend The Holy Father made a pronouncement that each Parish within Christendom should take in at least one refugee family fleeing into Europe mainly from wars which our politicians have created in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, the Horn of Africa.
This is in keeping with the Christian spirit of both hospitality and protection of those vulnerable and fleeing persecution.
I should add that over the course of the centuries the The Franciscan, Jesuit and the Marist Orders (with which I am familiar) have all suffered martyrdom throughout the world  (especially in the Americas and in Africa) in the process of protecting refugees.
It therefore came as not entirely a surprise to me that, where all the politicians have failed (and the presence of these particular refugees in Europe, in their hundreds of thousands, are, in my opinion, the results of this failure) The Pontiff should take the lead role in Christendom in giving moral guidance in how we should deal with this matter.
The fact that The Holy Father is welcoming two refugee families into his own home is a lesson in leading by example. (I believe that a former Hungarian Premier has offered similar sanctuary in his own home to a family fleeing to Christendom from persecution.)
Other prominent (and brave) politicians in Europe (from Finland, Denmark and Luxemburg if I am correct) are also leading by example.

Having A Blueprint
The practical issues as I see it, are complicated by the presence of so many extremist Imams in Christendom. We cannot successfully integrate such new arrivals, given the current historical situation, with so many Imams ready to 'program' the new Muslim 'flock' into their extremist ideologies from day one of resettlement.
(Some of these ISIL-supporting Imams – and all of whom are Salafist and Wahhabist-supporting individuals – have been allowed to quietly pack their bags and head on home to Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Jordan, to avoid diplomatic embarrassment.)
The rest of their acolytes remain to receive instructions via the internet or cable TV from the fanatics who preach hatred against Christendom from the safety of Saudi Arabia 24/7 on the airwaves. If only the general public had a translation of the vile hatred which these evil individuals preach 24/7 from Saudi Arabia on the internet and television they would have a different view of the Kingdom as not just feudal and tyrannical but an affront to Christians worldwide.
This is issue number one.

Then there are the practical issues of housing, jobs, education and healthcare.
Because of the world recession (caused by a multiple factors - all of which you will find discussed better and more frankly in my blogs than in or on 'The Daily Mirage' – all designed to 'feed' your ignorance to the point of overweight) there are major cutbacks in central government and local administration spending to offset the effects of falling exports and central government revenues. For this reason properly vetted bona fide Muslim families already domiciled in Christendom should be invited by the authorities to play their part in assisting with resettlement. In view of The Holy Father's pronouncement this would be entirely in keeping with his thoughts and sentiments. Of course where there is no Muslim family living in a Parish, this responsibility would initially be with a well-to-do (financially capable) member of the local Parish. Should no such person exist locally, then each Parish, (as I interpret it) must come up with it's own solution to fulfill the pronouncement.
(I am assuming that The Holy Father has thought long and prayed on this matter - as such is the only temporal power he has today - and it is for this reason that I am saying what I have above.) It would be far less costly if some financial incentive was given to a Muslim or, where none exist, to a Christian family, in each Parish by local administrations to assist with a Government-led and monitored program for resettlement or temporary residence through civic training and instruction.
This would be more cost-effective than for such matters to be unstructured.

Accepting that refugees are not willing migrants, efforts should also be made to encourage and support self-reliance. The government, banks and tax incentives are methods to assist this process.

It has been mentioned in some reports that ISIS/ISIL/The Islamic Caliphate are no doubt using this crisis to infiltrate members into Europe as 'sleeper' cells.
I have avoided commenting on this for two reasons:
The first is because most refugees are undoubtedly genuine and to label them all as potential terrorists does nothing to alleviate their suffering - it only increases it.  The second reason is because this is an ongoing intelligence matter best left to those in the field and whose job it is to manage the issue.

'Welcome' Is Not An Invitation To Restructure Christendom As A Christian Entity
I also believe that Christendom needs to be proactive in the application of practical measures which can be taken to ensure the new arrivals are both welcomed and are aware that they are now living in Christendom and must either abide by its more basic requirements of secularity or seek sanctuary elsewhere.

Déjà vu

So getting the politicians to 'back off' may not be as easy as it sounds, especially if the mainstream media are either ignorant of 'The Great Game' (which in many cases they are - being more concerned with celebrity issues and news trivia - at the desired wish of their coprorate owners) than genuine news research and analysis.

But the most important issue of all is enabling such refugees to return to their beloved homelands and such is impossible with politicians we currently have who are hell-bent on more wars in Syria and, some years down the line, The Caspian Sea region (read my previous blogs about Iran and The Nuclear Deal-Is There More To It Than Meets The Eye) – the new oil , gold, strategic mineral 'El Dorado' of the latter part of this century.

Yes folks, as you sit there oblivious, new wars and strategies for strategic asset 'protection' have been mapped out involving another part of the world. Well they would not be called planned wars but strategies to defend the Caspian Sea assets from, say, a terrorist attack. Such plans can easily be 'flipped' to incorporate different scenarios. Dual function strategies are not unheard of.

If you think that this is inaccurate or far-fetched, do your own research and see what conclusions you arrive at.

Therefore, enabling the refugees to return back home may be a more difficult task that it at first appears.
There may be more money to be made leaving these political refugees in (forlorn) exile in Christendom for a long time and letting extremists dictate a more favorable local policy agenda which is 'managed' by Turkey and Saudi Arabia on our behalf in their ancestoral lands, than one or two million hapless 'opponents' to these murderous extremist regimes being allowed to return home - as opposed to living 'overseas' (in Christendom.) At least their fellow-brother Muslims will be spared the 'trauma' of murdering such opponents, men, women and children, in the millions, (by wholesale butchery and slaughter) and can therefore more quickly set up their Caliphates and the like, with little to no 'home-grown' opposition.

And the general public, oblivious to the 'greater plan', continue to blame the hapless refugees for 'the problem' of their presence.

Under such circumstances getting the refugees home may be a longer-term project than most people would imagine or are aware – and one which our own politicians are simply not interested in as they (or a core cabal of them) have other more pressing corporate agendas to implement.

 Déjà vu section amended 13th September, 2015:
paragraph deleted
 Having A Blueprint 

addendum:paragraph on 17th September

©Patrick Emek, September 2015