Friday 30 October 2015

CNN Reports:
U.S. To Deploy Special Forces Into Syria

On Whose Authority?
Ignoring the legitimate government of Syria, ignoring the United Nations,
and under the cover of 'peace negotiations' in Vienna, America has embarked on a strategy of supporting 'terrorists' which could have profound implications for its perception and for the rule of international law for many decades to come.
In actual fact, we might as well tear up all international agreements with regard to the United Nations as it now has no legitimacy in international peacekeeping nor as a forum for the consent of nations as established in the post-Second World War era.

Apart from anything else, because such a force lacks all legitimacy – other than an agenda to overthrow the government of Syria - America is going down a very dangerous road it probably, out of hubris (see my earlier blogs) has not thought through the full extent of the ramifications.
Should such 'mercenaries' (Special Operations Personnel) be captured and, operating without the consent of the government in Damascus, despite the false presentation and (justification) by CNN as a 'legitimate' operation.  God forbid such mercenaries are 'captured' then 'sold on' to another 'terrorist' group (a very common practice during warfare through the centuries in this part of the world) their status and fate will only be determined by the extent of ransom the U.S. government will be prepared to pay to 'release' each captured individual, alive.

[Qualification: The assumption here is that Special Forces Personnel would not be captured by ISIL/Daesh and 'bartered' between terrorist groups so that one would attempt to secure ransom rather than the U.S. government see one of its Personnel handed over to ISIL.  
In summary placing 30 even 50 even 200 Special Forces into such a chaotic environment, having been advance publicly declared, without appropriate support, is akin to a suicide mission, in my opinion.]
(Qualification added on 1st November, 2015)

America is digging itself into a deeper and deeper hole in a region where already too much chaos, death, bloodshed and misery has touched the lives of both civilians and combatants.

Let me tell you exactly what these Special Operations Teams have (probably) already been told by their commanding officers: I paraphrase the (likely) scenario:
''In the event of your capture, beyond attempted rescue and extraction, the U.S. government will not negotiate for your release.''
So these highly trained specialists are, in effect, being used kamikaze-like as (expendable) assets, more akin to an unpatriotic act on behalf of the government they swore to serve than to the expected role of honor for a just and righteous cause.

'Only Following Orders'
Before You Blame The U.S. Military, Look To See Who Really Benefits From Their Deployment Into Syria
Being shamelessly used as 'political fodder' to satisfy (mainly Republican Party) extremists who regard, with contempt, anything and everything in the employ of the Federal government of the United States and it's armed forces, is a dishonor not just to the armed forces of the United States but also to its international allies, who may well also be ordered into mission-supportive roles.

We are reaching the point where someone has to call out these U.S. politicians and their supporters, from the ranks of the Republican Party and those from corporate America, who would put American military lives at risk without legitimate authority - and I would not call Republican Party overt nor covert support for such insurgents – clones of the very individuals who caused 9/11 - 'legitimate' authority - for what they really are, which, at the very least, would be called 'misguided'.

CNN and FOX Networks Both Now Openly Support The Perpetrators of 9/11 Under The Guise of Syrian 'Moderates'
CNN is a national disgrace – and anyone who has any common sense can see this.
It is now propping up support through its networks in the U.S. and worldwide for Islamic fanatics, under the guise of 'Syrian moderates' which, I told you two years ago here, did not exist.
Far worse, these 'moderate' Syrian opposition forces the U.S. now openly backs are the most evil groups to emerge from the hell which American decoherent foreign policy, having been hijacked by religious fanatics and extremists in the United States, has created over the past two decades.

The United States government is now openly in support of Islamic fanatics linked to Al Qaeda and ISIL. Even if they are not directly, almost without exception, they are individuals whose Salafist and Wahhabist agendas praise and glorify the perpetrators of 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden.

How Could American Foreign Policy Sink To Such Low Depths?; Future Historians May Well Ask

With regard to the non-existent 'moderate' rebels in Syria, the murder and rape of children, of babies, of women and men is now totally permissible by these Republicans in the American Congress and their supporters in civil and corporate American society - as long as it ultimately leads to the overthrowing of President Assad. Anyone, even the devil itself, is regarded as an ally, provided it is prepared to work with the United States for the overthrowing of the Syrian President.

I never was a fan of Assad and in my wildest dreams I could never have seen myself saying a good word in his defense. But if you ask me to choose between Gadhafi, Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad – none of whom ever committed any act of terrorism on the mainland of the United States and all of whom opposed Al Qaeda and their heinous affiliates, had nothing to do with 9/11, I will evocate support of the legitimate Syrian government any day of the year rather than with an evil entity which was directly responsible for 9/11 but has been given a 'free pass' to wreak havoc and reshape the Middle East into its own tyrannical image and liking – all in the interests of Mammon.

Emerging New World Orders (BRICS)

I do not believe that the United States administration as yet realises the full international extent of the ramifications of its decision to deploy special forces with no legitimacy (other than that, perhaps, of the American Congress or  Presidential executive action) outside the 'bubble world' of Western Christendom (including Australia and New Zealand) and NATO.

Let me give you just one example of a likely ramification of such rule of 'jungle' law in the case of Africa: America ceases to have any legitimate relevance to all but its 'client' countries in Africa – and will become increasing reliant on tyrannies, intellectual and primitive pygmies, as those countries which should have been its strongest allies on the continent – such as South Africa – gravitate even further into a new economic, political and military structure which denies access to America, at all levels, as an influential leader on the continent. This is an inevitable outcome as it (the United States) relies more and more on the 'law of the jungle' for legitimacy to determine foreign policy and in the conduct of military operations abroad.

Secondly, such extremists (again mainly from within Republican Party circles) have always held the United Nations in contempt and have now decided to use their influence to simply bypass it in favor of direct (unlawful by all international laws the world subscribes to) military action in a part of the world where the danger of global conflagration lurks around every political, religious and tribal imbalance created.

The message such U.S doctrine and policy sends to emerging nations yearning leadership and power is that might is right, to hell with international laws and diplomacy (where diplomacy is now simply a cover for illegal acts of war not sanctioned by any international authority.)

''Rome Was Not Built In A Day''
(Neither Did the Empire Collapse Overnight)
The Unthinkable May Also Be Much Nearer At Hand Than I Had Ever Imagined
When and where the United States fails to provide leadership and uphold the frameworks of international law and diplomacy, for sure, some other superpower will move in to fill the vacuum.
Let me explain to you what I mean.
Many decades ago I said, rather jokingly to the number 2 or number 3 at the Chinese Embassy that perhaps, one day, the United Nations and other international bodies, might 'decamp' from New York and Geneva to China – but I reckoned it would not be for about a thousand or more years – at a future time when China was more 'open' to the world such as is the United States today. (I was very careful and polite not to use the word 'democracy' in my predictive analysis.)

As America squanders its leadership and exceptional destiny in favor of ignorant, bigoted and short-sighted corporate agendas - all developed by individuals who appear oblivious to the fact that the rest of the world can see through their real motives as one can see through clear glass - another nation or superpower, for sure, will step up, and step in, to fill this void.
It will be a genuine tragedy for the world because no nation has been better endowed in the past two thousand years to provide global leadership, than has, through quirks of history, the United States.

Sadly, this is the direction in which events are being inexorably moved.

More and more, there are to be found remarkable parallels between the fall of the Roman Empire and American policy at home and abroad.

The greatest tragedy, in my opinion, is that the ordinary folk are oblivious to the 'Fall of Rome' and will only realise what is happening as the barbarians and 'contractors', with the aid of collaborators and traitors, ransack and pillage the 'Eternal City' - in favor of their own very narrow agendas.

©Patrick Emek, 31st October 2015

addendum: 1st November, 2015