Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Agony For The Victims' Relatives Is Prolonged as
The Mystery Continues


Having watched the Dutch Safety Board and the BUK Manufacturers both hold their rival Press Conferences on the same day, you could be forgiven for being totally confused about what was actually being said.
I won't dwell on either conference which I encourage you to view on line by clicking on the references below.

What I would like to do is pick out threads from selected redacted (deleted) internet posts over the past year and, from what the experts (Dutch Safety Board and Buk Manufacturers) are now telling us, in a jigsaw manner, try to fit them all together.
There is at present no foregone conclusion - just a fragile string of leads, explicit and implicit statements on all sides, which may point to a scenario.

The Jigsaw

What was redacted:
The BBC were quick to pull Olga Ivshina's Report from You Tube-only to (much later) reinsert it (after an international outcry) on an alternative BBC website.
What was in her report which caused such concerns?
It would now appear that it was the eye witnesses reports of the presence of a Ukrainian fighter plane which was the main issue. This was at a time, you need to remember, when the Ukrainian Government was categorically denying any of it's military aircraft were in the vicinity of the MH-17 tragedy. So the BBC took a political decision not to embarrass the Ukrainian government and to immediately accept it's version of events as opposed to those of (suspect?) on the ground local eye-witnesses reports.

The second redacted (removed) report was a You Tube interview from a month before the fatal downing of MH17 with an Eastern Region Separatist fighter named 'Elena' from Sloviansk who said on that You Tube Video Report that it was 'routine' for Ukrainian fighter planes to 'hide' alongside/behind civilian airlines knowing that the rebels would not fire on a civilian aircraft and thus give them 'cover' for attacks on rebel positions.
This You Tube interview was also quickly removed by You Tube.
No reasons were given for its removal so you need to draw your own conclusions.
One likely possibility would be a complaint from the Ukrainian government that You Tube was promoting the rebels in a civil a war in Eastern Ukraine by giving a platform to such 'untrue' 'propaganda'.
Such a complaint, in the light of current international politics, would certainly be enough to have the interview removed from You Tube with little to no explanation.

Next are credible independent eye-witness reports of Ukrainian fighter planes in the immediate vicinity of the MH-17 airplane at the time of the tragedy.

I was sent a video of raw footage which I was never able to elicit any further information about so I put it on the site for others to investigate as the implications of a potential War Crime are very serious.

Then there is the BUK surface-to-air missile which DSB experts now confirm brought down Malaysian flight MH-17.
The DSB appeared to give a frank and honest assessment – especially as to what must have been a very traumatic conclusion for the relatives about how the victims on board died 90 seconds after the kill-missile impact.

I would like to stay on the issue of trauma for a moment.
Many ordinary people in the immediate vicinity of the tragedy witnessed carnage persons outside war zones are not usually exposed to.
I recall when I visited Sri Lanka at Easter, after the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004.
I listened to harrowing stories from ordinary folk who pulled the bodies of dead adults and children out of water and entanglements after devastation engulfed parts of this tropical island. Even at the time of listening I could not but help feeling sorry for these ordinary folk who will never have access to bereavement counselling nor other support for the trauma they were clearly re-living as they told me about their personal experiences as part of voluntary relief teams. I listened patiently as they told me their individual stories, never interrupting, as I was aware that this was the only therapy they will ever have to retain their sanity.

There is no doubt that the impact of loss on the victims families of the MH-17 tragedy will continue every day such events are relived in the media and no amount of bereavement counselling nor recompense can prepare anyone for such future flashbacks.

Such facts in themselves should motivate the investigators to attempt to give some immediate closure to this tragic event as quickly as possible.

Then there was the BUK manufacturers conference (on the same day as the DSB Conference) where the technical experts presented their case for the missile not being from current BUK stock but from a batch which was decommissioned and prohibited from use several years ago.
Their Report was so highly technical it could not have been staged-managed as nobody in their right minds would put people on public stage who quite clearly were unused to dealing with the general public and explaining things in a (down-to-earth) language the masses could understand(!)
What was quite evident was they had done little preparation for the (proverbial) 6-year-old trying to interpret their data:
If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.” (Albert Einstein)

So what are we left with?
Lets leave aside the issue of the flight corridor, liability and the criminal investigation, for the time being.

1.MH17 was, more likely than not, brought down by a Russian-made BUK missile.

2.There were Ukrainian fighter plane(s) in the vicinity of the MH17 shooting down at the immediate time of disaster.

3.the Ukrainian government emphatically denies it had fighter planes in the vicinity of the tragedy.

4.No satellite data from the U.S. has been presented to the DSB which refutes the Russian Federation's claim that it was a version of BUK long discontinued for approved use by Russian armed forces and that the BUK missile which brought down MH-17 was not fired from a rebel-controlled location. We only have a Ukrainian government report, based on hearsay, to confirm the rebels are guilty of this crime but we are told (asked to accept by Ukrainian authorities) that 'evidence exists' but is 'too secret' to be given – even to the Dutch Safety Inquiry Board.
[There is of course always the possibility that such satellite evidence may be presented to the criminal investigation for analysis in the near future.]

5.Ukrainian fighter planes regularly used civilian airlines overflying rebel-held territory as 'cover' when attacking rebel positions in Eastern Ukraine.

6.That the Russian Federation had Special Forces in the Eastern region at that time to assist local rebels.

7.That Russia had supplied the Ukrainian rebels with sophisticated surface to air missiles for self-defense purposes – to protect town and villages being attacked and shelled by ground and from the air by Ukrainian government forces.

Was this just a tragic accident or premeditated murder?

The criminal investigation continues.

©Patrick Emek, October 2015

Erratum October 2015:  Boxing Day Tsunami of  2004