Friday 4 March 2016

Organizing for Action

Yesterday, OFA supporters were on the ground making their voices heard in cities all over the country for a fair Supreme Court nomination process. At organizing rallies, media events, and phone banks, they called on Senate leaders to do their jobs and give President Obama's nominee fair consideration.

It's up to all of us to make sure they know that obstructing this process is unprecedented -- and unacceptable.

Here's a quick, simple way you can get involved: Send a tweet to Senator Robert Portman demanding a fair process.

The Senate must do its job and give the President's nominee a fair hearing.

Tweet Now

Senate leaders need to hear it directly from you. They can break with their obstructionist colleagues at any time and call for a fair nomination process, but they need to feel the pressure from the people who matter to them.

Senators and their aides pay attention to the tweets they get from their constituents. This is a moment to make your voice heard.

Join OFA supporters in calling for a fair hearing and a timely up or down vote for President Obama's Supreme Court nominee -- tweet now:



Caleb Gardner
Digital Director
Organizing for Action 

Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 618120 Chicago, IL 60661

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