Friday 1 April 2016

Book Review

The 'establishment' want you to believe that Donald Trump is an ignorant and dangerous megalomaniac with unreal visions of grandeur and world domination.  Unfortunately for them he has the resources to ensure that his message is communicated across all the mediums they control - to the general population.

When the message is received and read, the average person, far from distrusting Trump as a fascist, as a racist and as a bigot see him in a very different light - and also start to question the motives of those who are so obsessed with destroying his public career as a politician and his private life (and that of his family) as a citizen.

They (those who control the Republican Party and the general media) all say that Trump has no domestic nor foreign policy and that it is all being made up ''on the hoof''.  Other than Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz  I doubt if any of the other presidential candidates have read 'Crippled America' where Donald Trump clearly outlines his vision for America. 

Love it or hate it lets just dispel the myth that the man has no vision for America.   His vision is as clear as that of FDRs  (of whom he has expressed a great admiration) for a post-war world after Hitler was defeated.

If however, you were to watch CNN or any other corporate media outlet you would think Trump was a sort of joke or clown - with no vison or policy on anything.

I have no doubt that media editors and their corporate bosses who own the media networks have read Crippled America - and it frightens them.

The European Union was built out of the rubble of a failed Germania - but its ideals and vision are remarkably similar to the post-war world the National Socialist Party had planned for: Hitler also had a 'vision' for a world where the Empire of Germania was triumphant.

''Mein Kampf'' (which just became available for general public free access and useage this January) was widely known about by the intelligensia and corporate Germany - which all attempted, without success, to portray Adolf Hitler as an ignorant and dangerous buffoon - with no vision for Germany.  After this failed, they sought ways to control him so that he would be working in their interests.  The end result, in this instance,  was that those who agreed with his 'vision' he took on board, as Party members, and those who did not, he sent to the concentration camps, executed, they committed suicide or they fled the country - as political refugees and economic migrants and immigrants - to the United States, amongst other countries.

Hitler's failed vision of tyranny was a bonus for a post-war America where freedom and democracy had a different emphasis, where hard work and individuality was respected and where different ideas, ethnic communities,  free enterprise independent of the socialist and communist State planning, were seen as strengths rather than weaknesses, all working in unison to build a great America.

 I discussed this with two people I knew (who happen to be Jewish) about twenty years ago and they were both incredulous and thought that I just might have 'lost the thread' when I said that the European Union was exactly the pre-planned National Socialist vision to dominate Europe which was being worked out as early as 1941, during the war years, in the Reichstag, in Berlin.   We now know (only fairly recently) from declassified U.S. Nazi war documents, that this was, in actual fact, the case.  The only symbolic remanant of the Swastika is the circular outline - this time, however, in pretty yellow stars against a blue background rather than black and white against red.

Then there was Yalta.  During the war Stalin Roosevelt and Churchill all met in this beautiful (but freezing) Crimean setting to plan the future of the world after Hitler was defeated.  (FDR also met Ibn Saud to plan out the future of the oil rich Arabian Gulf with the United States promising to underwrite Arab independence from the British provided the Saudis met their end of the bargain.)

Winston Churchill had a vision for a post war world - but Stalin and Roosevelt (initially, together) had other plans - which left him somewhat angry, puzzled and 'out in the cold' - especially after so much which 'The British Empire' had 'sacrificed' to defeat Nazi Germany.  This, however, was quickly to change, as Britian was, again, dealt, thanks to Stalin's incompetence,  the turn of a friendly card.

Sometimes, as they say, a photo can say a thousand words*.

All three had a vision for their respective countries (and for the world)  after the Second World War.

This 'vision' of Hitler was more in tune with that of Josef Stalin than that of Roosevelt and Churchill.

To the best of my knowledge, Stalin had no Economic Union plan for Europe beyond subjugation to Communism and vassal states to the Soviet Empire. 

Winston Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech at Fulton, Missouri, showed the stark differences in 'visions' between the democratic world, that of defeated National Socialism and triumphant Communism, in post- war Europe, and the world at large.

'Crippled America' is Donald Trump's vision to make America great again.

He certainly has policies on every topic - at home and abroad.

The problem for Trump is, these policies have not been agreed in secret backrooms nor in private clubs nor esteemed 'old money' nor 'new money' settings with the institutional, political and corporate 'Godfathers' but are the results of Trump's own experiences in business, on the streets (yes he has met with ordinary folk) in schools, in hospitals, with law enforcement, his experience in business and his own careful studies through discussions with specialists,  renowned academics,  entrepreneurs and innovators, of why America is failing, both at home and abroad.

For myself, the most poignant comment in his book was when he was seated with Kuwaitis  (citizens from Kuwait) after the Gulf War and they told him that they would NEVER invest in America - the country which had just secured their liberation from Saddam Hussein!   The 'establishment' however does not want you to know such fine details - as such would only 'confuse' your perception of U.S. foreign policy.

As I watched CNN this evening where Trump was being treated (and laughed at) as some sort of joke by commentators being described as 'specialists' and 'experts' in their field, I felt more sad than angry that this is the level of misinformation and disinformation the mainstream media in America has to sink to defeat Mr Trump's candidature for the Office of President of The United States.

I do not want to bore you with history lessons of world leaders with 'visions' (the list could be endless!) but I would just like to finish with one last visionary - Margaret Thatcher.    Her speech at The National Press Club** is strikingly similar (in some ways) to the dilemma facing Donald Trump as he struggles, like King Canute, to relay his independent vision for a great America against that of corrupt (and corrupted) politicians who have all in unison, crippled America.

©Patrick Emek, 2016

Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again Hardcover – November 3, 2015

and the article below is an example of how  one country's fate was to be settled:



Documents on the History of European Integration: Continental plans for European union, 1939-1945 (including 250 documents in their original languages on 6 microfiches)

If you do not believe the European Union is a Nazi conspiracy this reference will please you:

on the other hand ...............................................

 2nd April


+++from any British  'suggestions' or 'pacts' with other regional (Allied) powers such as The Soviet Union, The Ottoman Empire (a former Axis ally) or it's proxy rule in the future by another Arab or Muslim  entity (such as Egypt or Persia)

Saudi Arabia World War II and Its Aftermath

 James Wynbrandt:A Brief history of Saudi Arabia, 2nd Edition

War_Issues_and_US_Relations :


addendum, 4th April:

The following reference is from a  Zionist anti-Arab website.  In the main it is historically accurate and is included solely for reference purposes with regard to the known strong ties between The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia and Germany during the Second World War.  There was considerable apprehension after World War II that Saudi Arabia would be 'sold out' - as had Poland and Eastern Europe.   The re-assurance given from President Roosevelt (The United States) to Ibn Saud (Saudi Arabia) about the integrity (nor would Yemeni or other territorial claims on the Kingdom be recognised by the Allies in the New World Order) of The Kingdom when they met has been a historical bond of mutual financial and regional security interests between both countries since that time.  Donald Trump was, in my opinion, quite right to ask the politically incorrect question of U.S. politicians: ''what the heck is going on?'' with regard to the vetting of all Muslims before entering the United States.  The historical bond of mutual friednship between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. has been violated with the 'export' of anti-Christian and anti-Western sentiment and hate propaganda by Saudi Imams to the Muslim world and to four corners of the earth.  Until 9/11, Saudis had a very special status (equivalent to that of South Koreans) with regard to visa travel worldwide.  Saudi fanatics, with the blessings of the Saudi authorities, used such privileges to spread hatred and terror against 'Kufars' (Infidels) worldwide. The failure to resolve the issue of Palestine, the rise of  armed liberation struggle Palestinian movements in the 1970s, the lanugishing of Palestinians in refugee camps for decades (which all bread new generations of hate and revenge against Israel and against Jews worldwide), 9/11, Muslim Jihadi terrorism in Europe and in America, even the current Muslim refugee crises affecting Europe, can all, in some indirect way, be  traced back to the U.S. policy of 'hands off the Saudis'  since that historical meeting (and pact) between Roosevelt and Ibn Saud.

Do not believe the rubbish which CNN and other major media networks will have you believe about individual crazed Muslim fanatics - as if their 'inspiration' to wage Jihad just came out of thin air or that this clear distortion of Islam originated with Daesh/ISIL/ISIS or Al Qaeda.  It can all be historically traced back to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are now trying to 'cover their tracks' in a 'Night of The Long Knives' - by murdering everyone in the Kingdom ('as terrorists') who can provide any evidence of Saudi complicity in all of the above.  You didn't know this?   You need to be better informed.  Saudi Arabia is the most mediaeval country on this planet so it is perhaps no surprise that  information is scant - except to those politicians in whose interests it is to ensure it gets no further than themselves.  The responsibility for keeping the Arabs tribal and superstitious - all of which are contributing to our problems today - can, however, clearly be laid at the door of the victorious post - Second World War Western Allies.           

You (the reader) need to appreciate that he who controls Mecca, controls the Sunni Muslim world.    (PE)

other references of historical interest: 

In 1941, Turkey signed a Treaty of Friendship with Germany and can be regarded after this time as an Axis Ally: