Tuesday 29 March 2016

Donald Trump
Israel and The Arabs
It's not as easy to hide the fact that you are sympathetic to either Israel or The Arab States these days as it was when the general media concealed (successfully) for almost half a century the fact that Jackie Kennedy (JFK's wife) was Jewish.
Does it matter? It matters, in my view, if your finger is on the world's nuclear trigger and you may have to take a decision based on faith or ethnic affinity. [Israel would argue that it doesn't really care, it has it's own nuclear stockpile - as contingency.]
But this is not the case with regard to Donald Trump.
He is not Jewish but the son of German-Scottish immigrants.
One of his children (his daughter Ivanka who is the daughter of Ivana) is married to Jared Kushner, a successful Jewish (Orthodox) real estate developer.  Orthodox Rabbi Lookstein performed the ceremony.

The Kushner Company Group owns and manages commercial real estate.
This was (in my opinion) as much a commercial marriage (similar to Paul McCartney's marriage to Linda Eastman [Kodak-Eastman Company myth] as it was anything else. Such marriages (and divorces!) are not unheard of – either between royalty or the wealthy, worldwide, and, again, in my rather cynical opinion, should be seen for what they really are – either tax (IRS) or inheritance-wealth (IRS) related – rather than the type of marriages most of us (including myself) are more familiar with.

The group (Kushner Company) is highly reputable and well-thought of as an efficient and sound business - the sort of exemplary business model Donald Trump would certainly approve of.
Jared Kushner is also publisher of The New York Observer.

'Nuke The Arabs Daddy!'
The issue here is that it is highly unlikely that Donald Trump would be taking instructions (!) from any of his children with regard to world affairs (!) should he become President.
If you read my previous blog you will gather that this is highly likely - if he can bury his (ethnic?racial?) differences with Ted Cruz as his Vice-Presidential running mate. It's not entirely implausible – but with each trading insult the chasm widens.

The New York Post:
Bury It – Until After the Election (?)
If there is anything interesting here it is the fact that The New York Post initially covered the marriage in 2008 (at Trump National Golf Club, N.J.) but have deleted all references to the matter from their current public search archive.
Again, I am of the view that to avoid conspiracy theories after the Election, they should not have gone down this road but let the public make their own minds up on the basis of policy and what Donald Trump would bring to the Presidency in his own right.
In an information conscious era it's neither practical nor rational in 'open' societies to conceal (or apparently attempt to conceal) public interest details about national figures nor their family – especially related to the Presidency of The United States – which is what The New York Post has attempted to do.
Such actions only fuel conspiracy theories and, in the aftermath, are highly detrimental and damaging to the parties for whom the concealment was (initially) meant to 'protect'.

(If The Republican Convention does not choose 'The Donald' or Ted, my money's still on Hillary and Bernie to win comfortably.)'

(Don't expect to see or hear the above on or in the 'politically correct' U.S. media election coverage staged 'shows')

©Patrick Emek, March 2016

erratum:Linda McCartney


If you want to read about the real Linda McCartney, you will get a better insight from here
than from 'official' politically correct biographies and autobiographies.  Like Linda McCartney, she ruthlessly protected her own (and her husband's)  'image' and the 'aura' of the Kennedy Clan from public scrutiny while alive. Only after her death was the myth of Kennedys shattered - warts and all.
I irritated her somewhat where I once referred to LBJ in one of my books (read and reviewed by very few I might add!) as the real force for social change and racial justice in the United States - and not her deceased husband (!)