Tuesday 17 May 2016

9/11 Commission Report - The Missing Link

It is reported that President Obama intends to block publication of the pages in the 9/11 Commission Report which would implicate the Saudi Government in 9/11 on the basis of 'National Security'.

It appears that in this world few victims are ever able to achieve financial compensation nor reparations for torture, death, suffering, loss and incarceration.

Perhaps I am just now a very hardened cynic when I say 'but what did the victims of 9/11 expect?; where 2 trillion ($2 trillion dollars) of Saudi money is being weighed against each U.S. victims' pound of flesh and this amount, held in reserve in the United States, far outweighs flesh and blood on the scales of justice?
It far outweighs the sufferings of the victims' families, those first and second responders and all U.S. citizens (and the victims from many other countries throughout the world whose citizens worked in the Twin Towers on that fateful morning) and who to this day, suffer in silence and in agony. 
As I would again add with cynicism: money talks - and justice walks.

Other than annual commemorations there will be no reparations from Saudi Arabia for the families of the victims of  9/11.
Perhaps a few hundred years from now, when the case is 'stone cold' the full Report will be published - and by that time, who will care anyway?
The victims' relatives, the responders to 9/11 (many of whom suffered terrible contamination and life-long medical problems and suffering in the aftermath) their families and loved ones, will all be long-faded into to dust and, apart from annual memorial events (if even those) 9/11 will also be a long-faded distant memory as the world moves on to commemorate new and even worse horrors - and money-making opportunities elsewhere.

And what about the millions of innocents?  the unborn who never were because of the impact of 9/11?;those hundreds of thousands of totally innocent men, women, children and babies who perished, were displaced, disfigured or whose families were torn apart directly or indirectly as a result of 9/11?; Who speaks for them?

If there is any lesson to be learned from 9/11, it is that justice is forged at the point of a sword -  and there is no sweeter justice in this world than vengeance and revenge.

The Middle East and North Africa are both in chaos - with little prospect of safety for Europeans nor their 'eyes and ears' (without armed guards) for a very long time.

I said a long time ago the 4 horsemen have now turned their sights to the Caucasuses, to India and to Asia as contagion requires space and freedom to evolve.
If you look and listen very carefully, little and almost unnoticed events will demonstrate to you how the contamination is spreading.

Each turn in the cycle of events creates even more extreme organizations and individual offsprings - all hell-bent on revenge and their form of  'justice'.
The cycle of fear, terror and vengeance is in full and beautiful  swing - as the four horsemen fell all in their path - and where the wheel stops next, who can tell?

So perhaps all the victims of 9/11 can all, after all,  sleep 'The Big Sleep', with some solace?

©Patrick Emek, May 2016

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